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Topical Vocabulary. Questions for Discussion

1. Bore/ a bore/ bored (boring – first list)

2. Brave/ bravery

3. Courage/ courageous

4. Cruel

5. Evil

6. Extravagant

7. Greedy

8. Ingenuity

9. Open-handed

10. Petty

11. Strong-willed/ weak-willed

12. Thrifty

13. Unique/uniqueness

14. Waster/waste

15. Well-mannered

16. Wilful

Verbs and Phrases

a. Nothing in common

b. to appear

c. to clash

d. to create an impression

e. to deny

f. to depend on

g. to differ

h. to display

i. to expect

j. to resemble

k. to take after

l. to turn out

Questions for Discussion

1. How do we usually form an opinion about someone we meet for the first time?

2. Are first impressions right or wrong, as a rule? Give reasons.

3. What can your appearance tell other people about you?

4. Can you unmistakably tell a person’s character by looking at them?

5. Which helps to understand other people’s nature better: the way they look or the way they behave? Why?

6. What are the most important qualities for any person to have, in your opinion? Why?

7. What negative features would you never put up with? Why?

8. Do you think a person can improve his character? What is necessary for that?

9. Does changing our appearance (hairstyle, clothes) change our personality as well?

10. Have you ever tried to develop a new character trait or to get rid of some negative quality of yours? Did you succeed? What result did you achieve? Were you satisfied with it?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1411 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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