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IX. What prefix forms the opposite of each of these words?
Sensitive, ambitious, patient, reliable, honest, kind, modest, reasonable, sociable, polite, friendly, considerate.
X. What nouns can be formed from these adjectives? Use a dictionary to help you.
Quiet, calm, talkative, sociable, friendly, shy, thoughtful, considerate, moody, lively, cheerful, polite, rude, reliable, sophisticated, aggressive, ambitious, generous, honest, kind, lazy, mean, modest, nervous, optimistic, patient, pessimistic, sensitive, silly, untidy.
XI. Use the words given in brackets at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space in the same sentence.
XIII. Arrange all the adjectives from both personality word lists in three groups: a) adjectives describing positive qualities; b) adjectives describing negative ones; c) adjectives describing both.
XIV. a) Do the personality quiz to discover what type of person you are. Write Yes, No, or Sometimes.
b) Describe your own character. Point out three good and three bad things about you. Explain what makes you think you are like that. Follow the scheme:
On the plus side, I think I’m _______. For example, I usually______.
I’m not only_______ but also _______. That means I ______.
And I can definitely say that I’m _______, because ________.
But nobody is perfect. Unfortunately, I can be ______. That is _______.
Besides, I’m sometimes _______. You see _______.
Also, I’m often _______, I’m sorry to say.
To be honest, I _______.
XV. a) Work with a partner. Ask your partner to do the quiz about you. Compare your ideas and your partner’s ideas about you. Are they the same or different?
d) Say what you and your partner agree/ disagree about. Follow the scheme:
Both my partner and I think that _______.
We are both of the opinion ________.
We agree that _______.
Both of us believe _______.
I think that _____ but my partner doesn’t agree. He/she believes_____.
In my opinion, I’m ____. However, my partner isn’t sure about that.
I consider myself to be ____ while my partner is of the opinion that __.
XVI. Describe someone in the group, but don’t say their name. Can your group mates guess who it is?
XVII. Translate these sentences into English:
1.Борис очень внимателен и никогда не забывает дни рождения своих друзей и знакомых. 2. Роб был молчаливым и застенчивым мальчиком. Он почти не общался с другими детьми в школе. 3. С Эллен трудно иметь дело. У нее ужасный характер. Она часто выглядит угрюмой и недовольной и постоянно жалуется.
4.Наш начальник может показаться высокомерным из-за того, что сдержан и немногословен. Однако это ошибочное впечатление. На самом деле он спокоен и дружелюбен. С ним приятно иметь дело. 5. Мэри была так весела и жизнерадостна, что ее часто принимали за легкомысленную девушку. 6. По-моему, он слишком честолюбив, чтобы быть надежным другом.
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