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EXERCISES. I.Transcribe and translate the words:. I.Transcribe and translate the words:

I.Transcribe and translate the words:

quiet; even-tempered; calm; talkative; sociable; friendly; reserved; shy; thoughtful; considerate;

moody; lively; cheerful; amusing; boring; polite; rude; reliable; dependable; sophisticated; aggressive; ambitious; miserable; thoughtless.

II. Give English equivalents for the following:

Общительный; надежный; скучный; угрюмый, неуравновешенный; вежливый; веселый, жизнерадостный; грубый; спокойный, невозмутимый; уравновешенный; тихий, немногословный; разговорчивый; дружелюбный; застенчивый, стеснительный; светский, утонченный; напористый; забавный, веселый; сдержанный; внимательный, чуткий; энергичный, живой.

III. Match the synonyms:

  1. Quiet a) funny
  2. Thoughtful b) well-mannered
  3. Talkative c) dependable
  4. Cheerful d) even-tempered
  5. Amusing e) considerate
  6. Reliable f) ambitious
  7. Polite g) lively
  8. Aggressive h) sociable

IV. Match the opposites:

  1. Calm a) rude
  2. Considerate b) reserved
  3. Talkative c) nervous
  4. Moody d) boring
  5. Polite e) thoughtless
  6. Amusing f) cheerful

V. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from exercises III and IV.

  1. Tina is very ______. She has made friends with everybody else in the class already.
  2. Jack’s such a ______ little boy. I’ve never seen him in a bad mood. 3. Bruno’s so ______. I don’t think he’s spoken to any of the other students yet. 4. Oh, Laura’s impossible. One minute life is wonderful and the next minute she’s in her room crying. How can she be so ______? 5. Martin can be very ______at times. He’s got a great sense of humour. 6. Mark’s so _______. He keeps getting into fights. 7. Simon’s very ______. He’s always buying me little presents. 8. Tony isn’t very _______. He has bad manners. 9. He isn’t very ______. He promises to do things but half the time he forgets. 10. Kate’s brother is so _______. He’s always making people angry or upset because he just doesn’t consider their feelings.

VI. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. generous a) believing that good things will happen in the future;
  2. easy-going b) always telling the truth, not cheating or stealing;
  3. sensitive c) not easily annoyed, worried or upset by problems;
  4. lazy d) having a desire to be successful, rich or powerful;
  5. ambitious e) able to wait calmly for a long time;
  6. honest f) willing to give money in order to help people;
  7. optimistic g) able to understand other people’s feelings;
  8. patient h) not liking work and physical activity;
  9. arrogant i) reasonable, practical;
  10. sensible j) thinking that they are more important than other people.

VII. Arrange these words in pairs of opposites:

Mean, lazy, sensitive, optimistic, arrogant, silly, honest, hard-working, easy-going, deceitful, generous, sensible, thoughtless, pessimistic, modest, nervous.

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