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Practice the passages for good reading

A) Read the following questions.

1. How is she?

2. What is she like?

3. What does she like?

4. What does she look like?

Which do we use when we want to ask:

a) about someone’s health?

b) for a physical description?

c) for a more general description of character?

d) about someone’s likes and dislikes?

b) Match the following questions 1-5 with answers a-e. Example: 1b

1. How’s your mother?

2. What does Peter look like?

3. What does Peter like?

4. What is Susan like?

5. Who does Susan like?

a) She is very warm and affectionate.

b) She’s fine, thanks.

c) Pubs, TV, football, that sort of thing.

d) Peter, I think.

e) He’s tall and thin, just like his brother, in fact.

c) In pairs, ask and answer questions about each other’s friends and family.

Write questions about Donna to which the following sentences are the answers.

a) - ___________________________________?

- She is lively and talkative.

b) - ____________________________________?

- She is in her late teens.

c) - ____________________________________?

- She’s tall, with a good figure.

d) - ____________________________________?

- She’s got an attractive, heart-shaped face.

e) - ____________________________________?

- Her nose is small and turned-up.

f) - ____________________________________?

- Her hair is long, black and wavy.

g) - ____________________________________?

- She’s got blue eyes.

h) - ____________________________________?

- She’s got dimples in her cheeks.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer similar questions about Colin, Janet and Robert.

Try to picture each of the characters and describe them.

Listening II


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1488 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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