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Text 32. Early modern architecture in Europe


Words and word combinations:

medieval – искусство средних веков

destroy - разрушать

rebuilt - восстанавливать

frame - строение

insurance - страхование

downtown – деловая часть города

hung = hang – особенности

curtain - занавеска

fame – слава, известность

emerge - появляться

store – запас

Otto Wagner founded modern architecture in Austria during the 1890’s. Wagner was a teacher and theorist as well as an architect. His most important designs were houses with horizontal lines and little ornamentation.

The structures had flat, slab like roofs that project yond the walls. These features characterized more architecture of the 1900’s.

Josef Olbrich and Josef Hoffman, two of Wagner students, joined with other Austrian artists and architects to found a group known as the Vienna Success. The group was united by its rebellion against the old styles. Olbrich designed the Secession Building (1890) of an exhibition gallery in Vienna for the group. He took the Renaissance and neoclassical style of the dome and redesigned it in modern terms. Wagner’s emergence appears in the buildings projecting slab roof and undecorated walls. Hoffman designed a house called the Palais Stoclet (1905-1911) in Brussels, Belgium.The thin white walls and cube like geometric outlines of the house made it one of the most advanced architectural arts of the early 1900’s.

Adolf Loos, another Austrian, fiercely opposed decoration in architecture. He believed that the decorative --- naturally from the nature’s materials and form. Loos designed Steiner house.(1910) in Vienna and other buildings with cube like shapes and no ornamentation.

Germany, Peter Behrens designed some of the first factories to reflect modern architectural ideas. His most significant design was the AEG Turbine Factory (1909) a glass, a steel, and concrete building in Berlin. Behrens was influenced the theories of Mies van der Rohe, Ground Le Corbusier, all of whom worked in his office in the early 1900 s.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

medieval styles, simplified geometric forms, a metal frame skyscraper, various office buildings, to encowage a new freedom, unusual red brick design, slablike roofs.

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

недостаток декорации, с горизонтальными линиями, сопротивление против стиля, неоклассический стиль, новый подход, отражать современные архитектурные идеи.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. Young architects tried to find fresh … that would reflect their time. 2.Hendrick Petrus Berlage used …for his masterpiece. 3. The building’s simple design marked …from the highly decorative revival structures. 4.AEC Tur-bine Factory was … building. 5. The thin … walls and cube like geometric outlines of the house made it one of the most advanced architectural arts of the early 1900’s. 6. Behrens was influenced the theories of Mies van der Rohe, Ground Le Corbusier, all of whom worked in his office in the early 1900 s.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Hendrick Berlage used white reinforced concrete for his masterpiece, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. 2. Wagner was a teacher and theorist as well as an architect.3. Loos designed Steiner in 1910.4.Peter Behrens designed Crystal Palace in 1909. 5. Josef Olbrich and Josef Hoffman, two of Wagner students, joined with other Austrian artists and architects to found a group known as the Vienna Success. 6. Wagner’s emergence appears in the buildings projecting slab roof and undecorated walls. 7. Germany, Peter Behrens designed some of the first factories to reflect modern architectural ideas.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 448 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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