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Text 27 Rococo.

Words and word combinations:

to envolve – происходить, возникать;

current – течение;

robust – крепкий, сильный, грубый;

to replace – заменять;

to flood – литься потоком;

flowing – текущий;

ethereal – легкий, воздушный;

to retain – сохранять, поддерживать;

to entertain – занимать, извлекать;

to capture – захватывать, увлекать;

intricacy – запутанность, сложность;

subtlety – тонкость, нежность;

discrete – раздельный, состоящи из разрозненных частей;

to obtain – получать, приобретать;

to reduce – сокращать, уменьшать.

During the period of the Enlightenment (about 1700 to 1780), various currents of post – Baroque art and architecture evolved. A principal current, generally known as Rococo, refined the robust architecture of the 17th century to suit elegant 18th – century tastes. Vivid colours were replaced by pastel shades; diffuse light flooded the building volume; violent surface relief was replaced by smooth flowing masses with emphasis only at isolated points. Churches and palaces still exhibited an integration of the three arts, but the building structure was lightened to render interiors graceful and ethereal. Interior and exterior space retained none of the bravado and dominance of the Baroque but entertained and captured the imagination by intricacy and subtlety.

By progressively modifying the Renaissance – Baroque horizontal separation into discrete parts, Rococo architects obtained unified spaces, emphasized structural elements, created continious decorative schemes, and were raised column sizes to a minimum. In churches, the ceilings of side aisles were raised to the height of the nave ceiling to unify the space from wall to wall (Church of the Carmine, Turin, Italy, 1732, by Filippo Juvarra; Pilgrimage Church, Steinhausen, near Biberach, Germany, 1728, by Dominikus Zimmermann; Saint – Jacques, Luneville, France, 1730, by Germain Boffrand.)


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

the period of the Enlightenment; refined the robust architecture; were replaced by pastel shades; interior and exterior space retained; Rococo architects obtained unified spaces;, the ceilings of side aisles were raised to the height.

2. Give English equivalents for these phrases:

различные течения пост – Барокко, основное течение известно как Рококо, грубая архитектура 17 столетия, церкви и дворцы все еще представлены, унифицируя пространство от стены к стене.

3.Insert the missing words:

1. A principal current, generally known as…, refined the robust architecture of the 17th century to suit elegant 18th – century tastes.2. Vivid colours were replaced by … shades; diffuse light flooded the building volume; violent surface relief was replaced by smooth flowing masses with emphasis only at isolated points.3. In churches, the … of side aisles were raised to the height of the nave ceiling to unify the space from wall to wall.

4. Say if the following statements are true or false :

1. Vivid colours weren’t replaced by pastel shades.

2. Interior and exterior space retained of the bravado and dominance of the Baroque but entertained and captured the imagination by intricacy and subtlety.

3. By progressively modifying the Renaissance – Baroque horizontal separation into discrete parts.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 636 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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