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Text 29. The Industrial Revolution

Words and word combinations:

castle- замок

religious- религиозный

spread- простираться

assemble- монтировать

facilities- возможности

sky - scrapers-небоскреб

cast-iron- чугунный

masonry- каменная кладка

vault- свод

column- колонна

warehouse– товарный склад

prefabricated- изготовленный заводским способом

structure- здание

facade- фасад

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain during the 1700’s and spread to other European countries and to North America by early 1800’s. The Industrial Revolution required such structures as factories, railroad stations, warehouses, and office buildings. Architects used new materials and new methods to design the new structures.

The Industrial Revolution led to the first commercial and industrial world’s fair, the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Tha fair was housed in the Crystal Palace (1850 - 1851), a revolutionary glass and iron structure designed by Sir Joseph Paxton. The building covered almost 19 acres (8 hectares) and looked much like a giant greenhouse. Paxton’s Crystal Palace was also the first important prefabricated structure. The parts were manufactured in a factory and then assembled at the site of the exhibition.

The success of the Great Exhibition brought about simillar fairs in other cities in Europe and in the United States. These exhibitions required special facilities and gave architects an opportunity to test new ideas. The Crystal Palace and later glass and iron exhibition halls influenced the development og the glass and metal sky- scrapers of the 1900’s.

The Crystal Palace did not resemble any earlier style of architecture however, many structures built with the new technology preserved associations with historical styles. For example, the English architectss John Dobson and Philip Hardwick designed a number of railroad stations with neoclassical facades. Hardwick also used cast-iron Doric columns to support his St. Katherine’s Dock warehousees (1845 - 1850) in London. The French architect Henri Labrouste combined new buildings ttechniques with the Renaissance style in the library of Sainte Genevieve (1845 - 1850) in Paris. The library has walls of traditional masonry, but the vaults and columns are made of iron. Labrouste allowed the iron to show, making the library the first major public building to use iron as part of the architectural style.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

religions buildings, country houses, new, methods, first commercial and industrial world’s fair, special facilities, metal sky- scrapers, cast-iron columns, pre-fabricated structure.

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

новые идеи, стеклянные небоскребы, ряд железнодорожных станций, традиционная, каменная кладка, как часть архитектурного стиля.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1.Paxton’s Crystal Palace was the first important… structure. 2.The success of the Great Exhibition brought about smaller… in other cities in Europe. 3. Hardwick used cast – iron Doric… to support his St. Katherine’s Dock warehouses in London. 4. Labrouste allowed the iron to show, making the library the first major public building to use… as part of the architectural style.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1.The Industrial Revolution required such structures as factories railroad stations warehouses and office buildings.2. The first commercial and industrial world’s fair was housed in Cheswick House.3. The Crystal Palace resembled earlier styles of architecture. 4.The French architect Henri Labrouste combined new building techniques with the Renaissance style in the library of Sainte Genevieve in Paris.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 587 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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