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Text 35.International Style

Words and word combinations:

To dominate – преобладать;

to review – пересматривать;

shape – форма, очертание;

vivid – яркий;

embed – вставлять;

rod – прут;

reinforced concrete – железобетон;

exterior – экстерьер, внешняя сторона;

shield – прикрывать, защищать;

rectangle – прямоугольник.

The International Style dominated architecture nearly about 1950. The name care from the title of a book known as The International Style (1932). The book was written by two Americans – Philip Johnson, an architect, and Henry Russell Hitchcock, an architectural historian. In their book, authors reviewed architecture of the previous 10 years and stated that a new and distinct “international” style had developed in many countries.

The International Style actually summarized many of the ideas of such pioneer modern architect as Hoffmann, Loos, Wright, and Gropius. Typical buildings in this style have geometric shapes, white walls, and a flat roof with a garden. Most are constructed of reinforced concrete. Such concrete has embedded metal rods for added strength. Typical International Style buildings also have large windows to create a light, airy feeling. Exteriors have little or no ornamentation.

Le Corbusier was probably the greatest architect to work in the International Style. Most of his early works were houses that resembled white boxes. The houses were built of white reinforced concrete and stood above the ground on pillars called pilotis. One of Le Corbusier’s first important houses in this style was the Villa Savoye (1929-1931) in Poissy, France.Le Corbusier’s later works showed more variety than his cube like houses. One of his most famous later projects is the Unite d’Habitation (1947-1952), a 337-unit apartment building in Marseille, France. As in his earlier works, Le Corbusier had this building constructed of reinforced concrete and raised on pilotis. But he honeycombed the exterior with balconies to shield the apartments from the strong sun. The balconies created a lovely pattern of dark and light rectangles in the sunlight. Le Corbusier had the walls at the sides of the balconies painted in bright colors to provide vivid contrasts with the white concrete.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

an architectural historian, architecture of the previous years, metal rod, to create a light, light rectangles.

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

“Международный стиль”, типичные здания, геометрическая фигура, построенный из железобетона, защищать дом от сильного солнца; международный стиль доминировал в архитектуре почти до 50-х годов;

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. Most of the buildings of the International style are constructed of ….. 2. Le Corbusier was the greatest architect to work in …...3. Most of the houses constructed in the International Style resembled ….. 4. The houses constructed in the International style stood above the ground on …... 5.As in his earlier works, … had this building constructed of reinforced concrete and raised on pilotis. 6. But he … the exterior with balconies to shield the apartments from the strong sun.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1.The International Style actually summarized many of ideas of such pioneer modern architect as Wright, and Gropius. 2. Typical buildings of the International Style are constructed of iron. 3. Le Corbusier designed houses with wooden shutters. 4. Typical International Style buildings have large windows to create a light, airy feeling. 5. The book was written by two Americans – Philip Johnson, an architect, and Henry Russell Hitchcock, an architectural historian.6. In their book, authors reviewed architecture of the previous 10 years and stated that a new and distinct “international” style had developed in many countries.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 467 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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