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Text 28. Colonial architecture

Words and word combinations:

Colony- колония

Dominate- преобладать

Church- церковь

Adobe- необожженный кирпич

Withstand- выдерживать

Shutter- ставень

Wooden -деревянный

Reflect- отражать

Devise - изобретать

Rapid -быстрый

Brick - кирпич

Sloping- наклонный

Roof -крыша


Planter- плантатор

Colonial architecture in America developed mainly from European styles of the Middle ages and the Renaissance. In Latin America, the baroque and Spanish Renaissance styles dominated in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. In the Spanish colonies in what is the Southwestern United States, missionaries built adobe churches that combined American Indian and Spanish architecture styles. In time, however the colonists adapted European influences to suit regional needs.

In the Northern Colonies, the Colonies built wooden houses designed to withstand the cold winters. Most of the houses were small, with one or two rooms that could be heated easily. The houses had sloping roof with shed snow. Architecture in the Middle Colonies had the influence of a number of European styles. In New York, for example, many Dutch colonists followed architectural styles in the Netherlands and build houses of brick with wooden shutters. In the Southern Colonies wealthy planters constructed the largest colonial residences, modeling some of these building on English country houses. Thomas Jefferson designed several buildings in Virginia that reflected neoclassicism at the Palladian Revival

In the early 1800’s the development of architecture directly affected by the rapid growth of industrialization in western Europe and eastern North America. This Industrial Revolution created a demand for architects to design new types of buildings and to devise new construction and techniques. At the same time, many architects revival various styles of the past. The most important revivals were the Greek Revival and the Gothic Revival.


1. Give Russian equivalents for these word combinations:

аrchitectural style; European influence,;many Dutch colonies; the largest colonist residences; new types of building; with wooden shutters; country houses; the Colonies built wooden houses; many Dutch colonists; wealthy planters; several buildings in Virginia.

2. Give English equivalents for these phrases:

быстрый рост индустриализации; многие голландские колонизаторы; состоятельные плантаторы; развитие архитектуры; некоторые из этих зданий; колониальная архитектура в Америке;

3.Insert the missing words:

1. Thomas Gefferson designed several … in Virginia that reflected neoclassicism. 2. At the same time many architects renewed various….of the past. 3. The houses had slopping roofs to shed…. 4. In the Northern Colonies, the Colonies built … houses designed to withstand the cold winters.5. Most of the houses were small, with one or two … that could be heated easily.6. In…, for example, many Dutch colonists followed architectural styles in the Netherlands and build houses of brick with wooden shutters.

4. Say if the following statements are true or false :

1. The exteriors of most basilicas were plain marble. 2. The interiors of the basilicas glowed with brilliant mosaics of small pieces of brick.3. Most of the houses were small, with one or two rooms that couldn’t be heated easily. 4. Thomas Jefferson designed several buildings in Virginia that reflected neoclassicism at the Palladian Reviva.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 550 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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