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Text 31. Early modern architecture in Europe

Words and word combinations:

medieval – искусство средних веков;

destroy – разрушать;

rebuilt – восстанавливать;

frame – строение;

insurance – страхование;

downtown – деловая часть города;

hung = hang – особенности;

curtain – занавеска;

fame – слава, известность;

emerge – появляться;

store – запас.

Early modern architecture in Europe. Modern architecture in Europe originated as a reaction against the historical revivals and combined styles of the 1800’s. Young architects tried to find fresh approaches that would reflect their time.

One of the first important influences on modern architecture was the Arts and Crafts Movement, founded in the mid – 1800 s by William Morris in England. Morris had studied to be an architect, but he gave up the profession to concentrate on interior design. Morris criticized the poor artistic quality that he saw in the machine-made products of the industrial Revolution. With other artists in the Arts and Crafts Movement, Morris created original and high quality designs for furniture, stained glass, textiles, and wallpapers. Although Morris did not design buildings, his influence encouraged a new freedom and spirit of experimentation that played an important part in architecture.

Most of the first modern architects worked in the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany. In the Netherlands, Hendrik Petrus Berlage used an unusual red brick design for his masterpiece, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (1898-1903). The building’s simple design and lack of ornamentation marked a departure from the highly decorative revival structures and pointed toward more modern styles.

(to be continued…)


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

modern architecture; the historical revivals; tried to find fresh approaches; Morris criticized the poor artistic quality; the machine-made products; stained glass; a new freedom and spirit; the building’s simple design and lack; the highly decorative revival structures; more modern styles.

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

образовалась, как реакция на историческое возрождение; одно из первых важных влияний, Моррис критиковал плохое художественное качество; большинство из первоклассных архитекторов работали в Нидерландах; Моррис создавал оригинальные и высоко классные разработки.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. Young architects tried to find fresh … that would reflect their time.

2. Morris had studied to be …, but he gave up the profession to concentrate on interior design.

3. With other artists in the … and … Movement, Morris created original and high quality designs for furniture, stained glass, textiles, and wallpapers.

4. Most of the first … architects worked in the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany.

5. The building’s simple design and lack of ornamentation marked a departure from the highly decorative revival structures and pointed toward more modern styles.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Modern architecture in Europe originated as a reaction against the historical revivals and combined styles of the 1800’s. 2. One of the first important influences on modern architecture was the Arts and Crafts Movement, founded in the mid – 1800 s by William Morris in England. 3. Although Morris did not design buildings, his influence encouraged a new freedom and spirit of experimentation that played an important part in architecture.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 502 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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