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Text 30. The Greek and the Gothic Revival

Words and word combinations:

appropriate- подходящий, соответствующий

stock exchange-фондовая биржа

advance- продвижение вперед, успех

scholarship- ученость

enable- давать возможность

huge- огромный, громадный

deliberate- обдуманный

urge- побуждать

ambitions- претенциозный

faith- вера

chapel- часовня, церковь

temple- храм

influential- важный

The Greek Revival began in the late 1700’s. It ended as a distinct movement in the mid- 1800’s, though buildings in the Greek style was considered especially appropriate for such buildings as museums, stock exchanges, banks, and government offices. Advances in classical scholarship enabled architects to re- create Greek designs with great authenticity.

A leading Greek Revival architect in England was Sir Robert Strike. He designed the British Museum (1823 - 1847) in London to resemble a huge Greek temple of the lonic order. William Strickland designed the first important Greek Revival building in the United States, The Second Bank of the United States (1819 - 1824) in Philadelphia. The front of the structure resembles a Greek temple of the Doric order.

The Gothic Revival. The Gothic style never went completely out of fashion. In the centuries after the Middle Ages, various architectcts used elements of the Githic style. But the revival of Gothic as a deliberate architectural movement began in the 1700’s, reached its peak during the mid- 1800’s, and declined by the 1880’s.

During the early and mid- 1800’s, the English architect A.W.N. Pugin wrote several influentional books supporting the Gothic style. Pugin urged architects especially to design churches in the Gothic style because it best expressed the Christian faith. The most ambitious project of the Gothic Revival was the Houses of Parliament (1840 - 1860) in London, designed by Pugin and Sir Charles Barry. William Butterfield, another English architect, created a number of highly individual designs in the Gothic style. One of his best- known Gothic building is All Saint’s Church, Margaret Street (1849 - 1859) in London. Among Butterfield’s most important projects was his design for Keble College (1860’s) at Oxford University in Oxford, England. Butterfield designed the entire college, including the library, chapel, and residence halls in the Gothic style.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

distinct movement; classical scholarship; Greek designs; the most ambitions projects; a number of highly individual designs; to design churches in the Gothic style; as a deliberate architectural movement; the best- known Gothic building; the entire college, including the library, chapel, and residence halls in the Gothic style.

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

ведущий греческий архитектор; элементы готического стиля; проектировать церкви; громадный храм; некоторые архитекторы элементы отического стиля, Пуджин написал несколько влиятельных книг, наиболее амбициозным проектом Готического возраждения был Дом Парламента в Лондоне.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1.The front of the structureresembles a Greek… of the Doric order.2.The Gothic style never went completely out of …. 3. Pug in urged architects especially to design …. In the Gothic style. 4. William Butterfield created a number of highly individual ….in the Gothic style.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1.The Greek Revival began in the Early 1700‘s. 2. A leading Greek revival architect in England was Sir William Butterfield.3.During the early and mid 1800’s the English architect A.W.N. Pug in wrote several influential books supporting the Gothic style. 4. The most ambitious projects of the Gothic Revival were the library of Sainte Genevieve in Paris.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 465 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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