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Text 34. Architecture today


Words and word combinations:

historical styles – исторический стиль;

to add ornamentation – добавить орнамент;

horizontal entablature – горизонтальный антабламент;

post-modernist works – работы пост модернизма;

skyscraper- небоскреб;

the building’s heating system – отопительная система здания;

incorporated arches- соединенные арки;

with architectural value – с архитектурной ценностью;

to grant landmark status – предоставлять статус исторического;

may not be destroyed or significantly altered – не может быть разрушен или значительно изменен;

the coauthor of The International Style – соавтор Международного стиля.

Many post-modernists have revived historical styles that had been ignored by earlier modern architects. For example, Venturi has often used traditional styles, borrowing from Italian Renaissance and other revival styles. Venturi became one of the first post-modern architects to add ornamentation to building exteriors. A number of post-modernists have incorporated arches, columns, domes, and pediments into their designs. A pediment is a triangular section between the horizontal entablature and the sloping roof at the front of a classical Greek or Roman building.

This interest in historical styles has been accompanied by concern for preserving old buildings and adapting them to new uses. Many government agencies have been created to preserve buildings with architectural value. These agencies have the power to grant landmark status to such buildings. Buildings with landmark status may not be destroyed or significantly altered.

Most post-modernist works are small buildings, such as houses and stores. In 1978, Philip Johnson, the coauthor of The International Style, unveiled the design he created with John Burgee for the first post-modern skyscraper, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company Headquarters building in New York City. The base of this controversial structure resembles the Pazzi.

Chappel of the Renaissance. Jonson and Burgee topped the design with a pediment that has a round opening at the peak to allow clouds of steam to escape from the building’s heating system


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

the lack of decoration, the attack against the International Style, rough reinforced concrete exteriors, for preserving old buildings, the first post-modern skyscrapers, to escape from the buildings heating system.

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

Массивные здания, отклонения международного стиля, быть значительно изменённым, здание главного управления, первый небоскреб в стиле пост – модерн.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. Many … have revived historical styles that had been ignored by earlier modern architects. 2. For example, … has often used traditional styles, borrowing from Italian Renaissance and other revival styles. 3. A pediment is a triangular section between the horizontal … and the sloping roof at the front of a classical Greek or Roman building.4. This interest in historical styles has been … by concern for preserving old buildings and adapting them to new uses.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1.The brutalists based their designs on the later work of Corbusier. 2.The best-know architectural movement today is post-modernisem. 3. Many post-modernists have revived international style.4. Many governmental agencies have been created to destroy buildings with architectural value.5. Many government agencies have been created to preserve buildings with architectural value.6. These agencies have the power to grant landmark status to such buildings. 7. Buildings with landmark status may not be destroyed or significantly altered.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 481 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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