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Text 33. Architecture today

Words and word combinations:

Architecture today- архитектура сегодня;

plain - обыкновенный;

massive – массивный;

rough - грубый, грубоватый;

partnership – сотрудничество;

controversial – спорный;

rejection – отклонение;

to borrow – заимствовать;

incorporated – объединённый;

pediment – фронтон;

entablature – антаблемент;

slopping – наклонный;

to be altered - быть изменённым;

steam – пар;

to top - покрывать (сверху).

Architecture today. The International Style remained the most popular style for major architecture projects throughout the world until about 1950. By the time, tounger architects were reacting against it. The architects believed that the style lacked variety in design because of the emphasis on simple geometric shapes and the lack of decoration.

The attack against the International Style was first led by a group of architects often called the brutalists. The brutalists based their designs on the later work of Le Corbusier. They created plain, massive buildings with rough reinforced concrete exteriors. Leading member at this movement included Kenzo Tange of Japan, the partnership of James Stirling and James Gowan of England, and Paul Rudolph of the United States. Like the brutalists, the American architect Louis Kahn made imaginative use of concrete. Kahn s major designs include the Salk institute for Biological Studies (1963-1965) in. La Jolla, Calif., and the British Art Centre (1972-1977).

Perhaps the best-known and most controversial architectural movement today is post-modernism. It began during the 1960s in the United States. The post-modernists have no style or theories in common. They are united only in their rejection of the International Style. One of the leading American post-modern theorists and designers is Robert Venture. Other American architects generally grouped as post-modernists include Peter Elsenman, Michael Graves, Charles Moore, Robert Stem, and Stanley Tigerman.

(to be continued…)


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

the most popular style; the style lacked variety; against the International Style massive buildings with rough reinforced concrete exteriors; the brutalists; at this movement included; made imaginative use of concrete;

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

международный стиль; наиболее популярным стилем для боль-шинства архитекторов; нападение на международный стиль возглавила группа архитекторов часто называемая; архитектурное движение сегодня пост – модернизм.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. The International Style remained the most … style for major architecture projects throughout the world until about 1950.

2. The architects believed that the style lacked variety in design because of the emphasis on simple … shapes and the lack of decoration.

3. Leading member at this … included Kenzo Tange of Japan, the partnership of James Stirling and James Gowan of England, and Paul Rudolph of the

United States.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. The brutalists based their designs on the later work of Le Corbusier.2. They created plain, massive buildings with rough reinforced concrete exteriors.3. Kahn s major designs include the Salk institute for Biological Studies (1963-1965) in. La Jolla, Calif., and the British Art Centre (1972-1977).4. Perhaps the best-known and most controversial architectural movement today is post-modernism.5. It began during the 1960s in the United States. 6.The post-modernists have no style or theories in common.7. They are united only in their rejection of the International Style.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 510 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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