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Text 25. Later Renaissance architecture

Words and word combinations:

Later Renaissance architecture – архитектура позднего Ренессанса;

to demolish – разрушать, сносить (здание);

St. Peter’s Basilica – базилика Святого Петра;

rebuilding – перестроение;

villas and palaces – виллы и дворцы;

distinct national styles – отчетливый национальный стиль;

magnificent chateaux (castles) – величественные замки, дворцы;

the great ribbed dome – большой укрепленный купол;

architecture spread to – архитектура распростронилась;

rapidly developed – быстро развилась.

Later Renaissance architecture. The greatest building project of the later Renaissance was the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The project began in 1506, when Pope Julius II decided to demolish Old St. Peter’s Church and build a new church on the site. The rebuilding was completed in the late 1600’s. Altogether, 10 Italian architects worked on the church during that time. The project’s leading architects included Donato Bramante and Michelangelo.

Bramante was the original architect of St. Peter’s he designed the structure as a combination of square, circular, and Greek cross forms. A Greek cross has four arms of equal length. Michelangelo designed the great ribbed dome (1588-1591) as a Renaissance version of Brunelleschi’s Gothic-style dome on the Cathedral of Florence.

Another great Italian Renaissance architect was Andrea Palladio. During the middle and late 1500’s, Palladio designed Roman-inspired villas and palaces that made him one of the most influential architects in history. His Villa Rotonda (begun about 1567) near Vicenza particularly influenced English and American architects of the 1700’s.

From Italy, Renaissance architecture spread to France in the early 1500’s and then to other European countries. At first, architects in these countries followed Italian models. However, they rapidly developed distinct national styles.

The finest French Renaissance buildings are magnificent chateaux (castles), such as those built at Fontainebleau, Chambord, and Azay-le-Rideau during the early 1500’s.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome; when Pope Julius II; the rebuilding was completed; the original architect of St. Peter’s; Greek cross forms; followed Italian models; they rapidly developed.

2.Say if the following sentences are true or false:

1. The project began in 1500, when Pope Julius II decided to demolish Old St. Peter’s Church.

2. Altogether, 20 Italian architects worked on the church during that time.

3. Bramante was the original architect of St. Peter’s he designed the structure as a combination of square, circular, and Greek crosses forms.

4. His Villa Rotonda (begun about 1567) near Vicenza particularly influenced English and American architects of the 1700’s.

5. However, they rapidly developed distinct national styles.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. The greatest building project of the later Renaissance was the construction of … in Rome.2. The rebuilding was completed in the late 1600’s.

3. A … cross has four arms of equal length. 4.Michelangelo designed the great ribbed dome (1588-1591) as a Renaissance version of … Gothic-style dome on the Cathedral of Florence. 5. From Italy, Renaissance architecture spread to France in the early … and then to other European countries.

4.Translate these sentences into Russian:

1.The greatest building project of the later Renaissance was the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. 2.The project began in 1506, when Pope Julius II decided to demolish Old St. Peter’s Church and build a new church on the site. 3. The rebuilding was completed in the late 1600’s. Altogether, 10 Italian architects worked on the church during that time. 4. At first, architects in these countries followed Italian models.5. However, they rapidly developed distinct national styles.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 569 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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