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Text 24. Early Renaissance architecture


Words and word combinations:

the Italian Renaissance style – итальянский стиль Ренессанса;

Corinthian columns - Коринфские колонны;

chapel – часовня;

a geometric balance – геометрический баланс;

harmony typical – типичная гармония;

the facade – фасад;

mathematical proportion and harmony – математическая пропорция и гармония.

notable structures in Florence- выдающиеся строения во Флоренции;

the architect revived the classical forms – архитектор возрадил классические формы;

an influential book – влиятельная книга;

completed only a few designs – завершил только несколько разработок.

Brunelleschi also designed other notable structures in Florence. They include the Church of San Lorenzo (begun in 1421), the Pazzi Chapel (begun in 1436). The three buildings were not completed until the 1400’s, after Brunelleschi’s death. In all of these buildings, the architect revived the classical forms that became basic elements of the Italian Renaissance style. For example, he used Corinthian columns in the Pazzi Chapel. The chapel has a geometric balance and harmony typical of Renaissance architecture.

Leon Battista Alberti was another leading Italian Renaissance architect. Alberti also wrote an influential book about classical architecture titled On Architecture (begun in the 1400’s). the book stimulated scholars to discuss architectural theory for its own sake apart from is application in actual buildings.

Alberti completed only a few designs, but they had great impact on later architects. He designed the façade (front) of the Church of Santa Maria Novella (about 1456-1470) in Florence. He decorated the facade with black and white marble, arranging a pattern of circles, squares, and rectangles in the upper stories. These patterns were taken from classical decorations and gave a feeling of mathematical proportion and harmony. He also designed the Church of Sant’ Andrea (begun in the 1470) in Mantua. Its exterior has none of the sculptured Christian figures and other features typical of Gothic architecture. Alberti designed the facade to resemble a classical temple with a large arch in the center.


1.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

Brunelleschi also designed; other notable structures; the architect revived the classical forms; was another leading Italian Renaissance architect; black and white marble; a pattern of circles, squares, and rectangles.

2.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

они включают; три здания не были завершены; он использовал Коринфские колонны; часовня была геометрически сбалансированна; он написал важную книгу; он украшал фасад черным и белым мрамором.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1.The three … were not completed until the 1400’s, after Brunelleschi’s death. 2.The chapel has a … balance and harmony typical of Renaissance architecture. 3. Alberti … only a few designs, but they had great impact on later architects.4. Its exterior has none of the … Christian figures and other features typical of Gothic architecture.5. Leon Battista Alberti was another leading … Renaissance architect.

4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Brunelleschi also designed other notable structures in Florence.2. They include the Church of San Lorenzo (begun in 1421), the Pazzi Chapel (begun in 1436).3. The three buildings were not completed until the 1400’s, after Brunelleschi’s death. In all of these buildings, the architect revived the classical forms that became basic elements of the Italian Renaissance style. 5.For example, he used Corinthian columns in the Pazzi Chapel. The chapel has a geometric balance and harmony typical of Renaissance architecture.6. Alberti designed the facade to resemble a classical temple with a large arch in the center.

5. Retell the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 498 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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