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Text 23. Renaissance . Early Renaissance architecture

Words and word combinations:


influential- влиятельный

to stimulate –побуждать





feature- черта

The word renaissance means rebirth. In European history, it refers to the great rebirth of interest in classical culture, especially that of ancient Rome. Classical culture had been largely ignored during the Middle Ages.

Renaissance architecture started in Italy in the early 1400’s, spread throughout Europe during the 1500’s, and eventually reached the New World. A group of Italian scholars, many of whom were amateur architects, created Renaissance architecture. These scholars knew classical culture of their time. Architects studied Roman ruins and tried to model their designs on classical buildings. They adopted the classical orders as well as Roman and Byzantine vaults, especially domes.

Early Renaissance architecture began during the early 1400’s. One of the most influential architects of the new Renaissance style was Filippo Brunelleschi of Florence. Brunelleschi’s first great project was the dome (1420-1436) for the Cathedral of Florence. The cathedral was begun in 1296 in the Gothic style of the late Middle Ages. Brunelleschi followed this style in designing the octagonal dome, but he also used a vault technique inspired by the Romans. Italians considered the Brunelleschi dome to be the greatest engineering accomplishment of their time.

(to be continued…)


1. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

one of the most influential architects, new Renaissance elements, the basic elements of the Italian Renaissance style, a geometric balance, mathematical proportion and harmony.

2 Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

ведущий архитектор; применение в современных зданиях; клас-сический храм со сводом в центре, особенно как в древнем Риме, создали архитектуру Ренессанс, одним из наиболее влиятельных архитекторов, Брунелеччи следовал этому стилю.

3.Insert the missing words and word combinations:

1. The word … means rebirth.

2. Classical culture had been largely … during the Middle Ages.

3. Brunelleschi’s first great project was…

4. Architects studied … ruins and tried to model their designs on classical buildings.

5. Early Renaissance … began during the early 1400’s.

6. One of the most influential architects of the new Renaissance style was ….

4.Say if the following statements are true or false :

1. Early Renaissance architecture began during early 1600’s.

2. Andrea Palladio designed the façade to resemble a classical temple with a large arch in the center.

3. Alberti decorated the façade in the front of the church of Santa Maria Novella with brick.

4. The word renaissance means redied

5. Classical culture had been largely ignored during the Middle Ages.

6. These scholars did not know classical culture of their time.

7. They adopted the classical orders as well as Roman and Byzantine vaults, especially domes.

8. The cathedral was begun in 1269 in the Gothic style of the late Middle Ages.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 726 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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