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Text 22. Gothic architecture

Words and word combinations:

Disapproval- неодобрение

To flourish- процветать

Complicated –сложный

To object- возражать

Cluster- скопление

Vault – свод

Substitution- замена

Stained glass-окрашенное стекло

Doorway-дверной проем

Rib-прутик зонта

Buttress-опора; контрфорс.

Gothic architecture flourished in Western Europe from the mid-1100’s to the 1400’s. the word Gothic originated as a term of disapproval. It was used by artists and writers of the 1400’s and 1500’s who wanted to revive the classical architecture of ancient Greece and Rome in Europe. They associated the Gothic style with the Goths, a Germanic people who had destroyed much classical art during the 400’s. the artists and writers objected to the complicated and irregular Gothic designs, which differed so greatly from the harmonious classical style.

A new system of construction enabled Gothic architects to design churches with thinner walls and lighter piers. Many piers consisted of clusters of columns several stories high. Gothic architects extended the piers into the roof area and then curved out the individual columns like the ribs of an open umbrella. The space between the ribs was filled in with masonry. These ribbed vaults were among the most distinctive characteristics of Gothic architecture. Other common features of the style included pointed arches and the substitution of stained-glass windows for large portions of the walls. Many churches also had flying buttresses, which were brick or stone arched supports built against the outside walls.

Sculptors carved the figures of saints and heroes of Christianity on church doorways. Medieval Christians believed that, in a symbolic sense, these saints and heroes inhabited and strengthened the church building.


1.Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

замена окрашенного стекла; кирпич или камень; статуи святых; здание церкви; христиане средневековья.

2.Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

Gothic architecture, as a term of disapproval, the complicated Gothic designs, the harmonious classical style, with thinner walls, into the roof area, the most distinctive characteristics, on church doorway, to strengthen the church building.

3.Insert the missing words and word combinations:

1. The word Gothic originated as a term of….

2. Many piers consisted of ….

3. Many churches had flying ….,which were…arched supports build against the outside walls. 4. A new system of construction enabled … architects to design churches with thinner walls and lighter piers. 5. Other common features of the style included pointed … and the substitution of stained-glass windows for large … of the walls.

4. Say if the following statements are true or false :

1. The artists and writers of the 1400’s and 1500’s wanted to revive the classical architecture of ancient Greece in Europe.

2. Medieval Christians believed that, in a symbolic sense, the saints and heroes strengthened the church building.

3.The artists of the 1400’s and 1500’s didn’t want to revive the classical architecture of ancient Greece and Rome in Europe.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 687 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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