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IV. Combine the adjectives in A with the nouns in B. Give as many combinations as it is possible

A. B.

1. small a) hair

b) man

2. brown c) features

d) eyes

3. close-set e) complexion

f) eyelashes

4. thin g) teeth

h) eyebrows

V. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1. If you stay in the sun too long, you can get scars on your skin. 2. Dimples are considered unattractive. 3. Eating a lot of sweets causes moles. 4. No one can avoid lines and wrinkles as they get older. 5. Teenagers are usually proud of their spots. 6. Newborn babies have wrinkles on their skin. 7. You can easily get rid of your moles if you wish. 8. Some people are born with tattoos. 9. Girls in heavy make-up look attractive. 10. Oriental eyes are the kind of eyes that are usually narrow, slanted and dark blue. 11. When you say that a person has slanted eyes, you mean that they are cross-eyed.

VI. Use these words to complete the sentences below:

complexion mole scar

make-up cheekbones false teeth

wrinkles beards spots

teeth unshaven

1. Sarah wears a lot of ______. She looks better without it, if you ask me. 2. I’m getting old. I’m starting to get ______ round my eyes. 3. I had terrible ______ when I was a teenager. No wonder I was so shy with girls. 4. Fiona’s got lovely high ______. I find her very attractive. 5. Peter’s got a beautiful smooth _______ - like a baby’s. 6. I don’t like men with ______ but I quite like the ______ look - you know - one or two days without shaving. 7. My mum’s got a small, brown _______ on one of her cheeks. 8. I cut myself climbing a tree when I was ten and I’ve got this _______ just below my ear. 9. My grandfather looks really funny when he smiles because he’s got two ______ missing and he refuses to wear ______.

VII. Match each of the following lines of adjectives with one of the following words:

nose teeth ears eyes hair face

1. round, square, oval, fat, thin, tanned

2. brown, blue, green, big, small, piercing

3. big, long, thin, pointed, flat, broken

4. white, yellow. rotten, false

5. dry, dull, lifeless, shiny, silky

6. small, large, sticking out

VIII. a) Make adjectives from these nouns:

E.g. beard - bearded (= with a beard; having a beard)

wrinkle -

freckle -

line -

plait -

b) Change the sentences below to use the adjectives you’ve made.

1. He was a tall man with a beard. - He was a tall bearded man. 2. The old woman had a lot ofwrinkleson her skin. 3. Peter has freckles on his nose. 4. Mrs Gray had lines on her forehead. 5. The girl’s hair was put in plaits.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1155 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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