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Commercial contracts are used to lay down the expectations of the parties from the other party or parties. Thus these documents act as a tool to put forward thoughts and demands in a non forceful way. In fact such contracts are legal mechanisms which encourage coexistence and harmony among different commercial organisations.


commercial contract коммерческий контракт, торговое соглаше­ние (соглашение о поставке продукции или услуг, устанавливаю­щее цену, скидку и другие условия поставки)

legally binding юридически обязательный

obliged обязанный, связанный обязательством

involved parties участвующие стороны

intact Iin'taektl нетронутый

observance of contractual obligations соблюдение договорных обя­зательств

breach of contract нарушение контракта

misconduct [mis'kDndAktj плохое исполнение своих обязанностей

ensure [m'fua| гарантировать, обеспечивать

payment оплата, платёж

third party третье лицо, третья сторона

lawsuit I'b:sju:t| судебный процесс, иск, тяжба

lay down устанавливать, утверждать (условия, правила)

non forceful way ненасильственный способ

|®а Задание 12.2. Прочитайте и переведите текст со сло­варем.


Contract is an agreement between the parties that creates obligations. Contracts may be either oral or written. Certain kinds of contracts must be written and signed. Usually these are contracts of the sale and transfer of real estate, and contracts in export trade. A contract is the basis of a transaction between the Buyers and the Sellers.

Essential clauses of contract

As a rule a contract contains a number of clauses, such as:

Subject of the Contract.

Price of goods.

Quality of goods.

Terms of Payment.




Packing and Marking.



Insurance and other conditions.


Moscow, May 12, 2011

(Name of the firm) hereinafter referred to as the "Sellers", on the one part, and

(Name of the firm) hereinafter referred to as the "Buyers", on the other part, have concluded the present Contract for the following:

1. Subject of the Contract

The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought the following

2. Prices and Total Value

2.1. The total value of the equipment, spare parts, tools,
technical documentation and services in the volume of the present
Contract amounts to_________.

2.2. The prices are firm and subject to no alteration.

3. Terms of Payment

Payments are to be effected within 30 days of the date of receipt by the Buyers of the following documents for collection: Seller's invoice and Complete set of 4clean-on-board >> Bills of Lading.

4. Delivery Dates

4.1. The equipment specified in Clause I of the present Contract is to be delivered complete as follows:.

4.2. The delivery date is understood to be the date of the Bill of Lading issued in the name of the Buyers.

5. Packing and Marking

5.1. The equipment is to be shi pped in export packing.

5.2. The packing is to secure the full safety of the goods from any kind of damage and corrosion during its transportation.

5.3. The cases in which the equipment is packed are to be marked on three sides, on two opposite sides, and on the top of the case.

5.4. The marking shall be clearly made with paint both in English and in Russian languages, stating as follows:

Contract No. Trans No. Case No. Net weight... kg Gross weight... kg Do not turn over! Handle with care!

6. Guarantee

The Sellers guarantee:

6.1. That the equipment to be supplied has been manufactured in full conformity with the description, technical specification and with the conditions of the Contract.

6.2. That the completion of the equipment to be delivered and of the technical documentation supplied is in accordance with the requirements specified in the Contract.

6.3. The guarantee period of the normal and trouble-free operation of the equipment is to be 12 months from the date of putting it into operation.

7. Force Majeure

The Parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete non-fulfillment of their liabilities under the present Contract, if this non-fulfillment was caused by the circumstances of Force-Majeure, namely fire, flood, earthquake, provided the circumstances have directly affected the execution of the present Contract.

8. Sanctions

In the event of the Sellers' delay in the supply against the dates stipulated in the Contract the Sellers are to pay to the Buyers pe­nalty at the rate of 0,5% of the value of goods not delivered in due time for every week of the delay within the first four weeks, and 1 % for every subsequent week, but not more than 10% of the value of the equipment not delivered in due time.

9. Arbitration

All disputes and differences, which may arise out of or in connection with the present Contract will be settled as far as possible by means of negotiations between the Parties.

If the Parties do not come to an agreement, the matter is to be submitted for settlement to Arbitration.


The expenses for insurance are to be charged to the seller's account and deducted from the Sellers' invoices at the time payments are effected.

11. Other Conditions

Neither Party has the right to assign its rights and obligations under the present Contract to any third Party without written con­sent thereto of the other Party.

12. Legal Addresses of the Parties



The present Contract is drawn up in English and Russian languages in 2 copies, one copy for each Party, both texts being equally valid.

The Contract enters into force on the date of its signing.

Sellers: Signature Buyers: Signature


transfer of real estate передача недвижимости


bill of lading сокр. B/L, BOL трансп. коносамент (товарораспо­рядительный документ, выдаваемый перевозчиком грузоотправи­телю в подтверждение факта принятия груза к перевозке и обяза­тельства передать его грузополучателю; содержит условия транс­портировки товара, оговоренные перевозчиком и грузоотправи­телем; удостоверяет право собственности на товар)


Credit cards are in wide use these days. Consumers consider credit cards to be very useful and convenient. They can use their cards to pay for goods and services in many shops and restaurants. They don't need to carry large amounts of cash in their wallets or purses. And if they find themselves unexpectedly in need of money they can use their credit cards to get cash advances from certain banks.

Consumers can have different types of credit cards. One credit card company may send a monthly statement to the customer and require that the total amount be paid immediately. Other companies send a monthly statement, but only require payment of a portion of the total bill right away. Customers can pay a minimum amount shown on the bill or any larger amount they wish to pay. Many people use their credit cards this way so that they can afford to buy items for which they will pay for long period of time. This can be expensive, however, because the credit card companies charge interest on the customers' unpaid balances.

Credit cards can also be very convenient for shopping by mail or telephone. Many catalogs have order forms with a place to fill in a credit card number. By writing down the card number and signing on the appropriate line, a person can charge the purchase to the credit card account. Customers can also use credit cards to make purchase by telephone. They order merchandise and give their credit card number over the phone. The order is mailed to their home address, and the charges appear on their next monthly credit card bill.

Although credit cards can be very convenient, they can also cause problems. If they are stolen or lost, the card owner is responsible for reporting the loss of the card to the credit card company. If the loss isn't reported immediately, the customer may have to pay for any charges made on the card. It is therefore very important for card holders to keep a list of all their credit card numbers in a convenient and reliable place.

Another problem is that many customers use their credit cards to purchase merchandise and services that they can't really afford. As a result, they have difficulty keeping up with their monthly payments. They have to pay high interest on the unpaid balance each month, and they go deeper and deeper into debt. Therefore, financial advisors suggest that consumers not have too many credit cards. They also advise consumers to try to pay the full amount of their credit card bills each month.

above — над across — через around — вокруг at — у, в, возле, рядом
behind — за, позади, сзади between — между down — вниз in — в on — на under — под

There is a lamp above the table. I live across the street. We are sitting around the table. We are sitting at the table. I study at the University. The pupils are at the lesson. There is a garden behind the house. Between the tables. Down the river. He is in the office. The book is on the desk. The book is under the table. in front of — впереди, перед There is a telephone in front of him. near — вблизи, около, She is sitting near the table.

рядом с, возле
over — над, через, сверх There is a bridge over the river
up — вверх Up the river.

Предлоги времени

in — в in April, in 2003

in — через in an hour, in two days

at — в at 5 о 'clock, at midnight

on — в on Monday, on the 10th of February

by — к by the end of the week

from 5 till 6 о 'clock from 5 to 6o 'clock for an hour during the lesson after work /before the lesson ' within a month

Прочие предлоги

walk by foot, go by plane write with a pen eat with a spoon, write with a pen a letter for you

Verb + preposition Глагол + предлог

to — к from — от, из, со

into — в, внутрь out of — из on(to)/onto — на through — через, сквозь

Take this book from the table. I come from Russia. Put the book into the bag. Take the book out of the bag. Snow fell onto the ground. He came in through the door.

Предлоги to и at talk / speak TO somebody

Who was that man you were talking to?

We spent the evening listening to music.

I wrote to the hotel complaining about the poor service we had received.

They apologised to me for what happened.

explain something Can you explain this word to me?
TO somebody

explain / describe... / explained to them why I was

(to somebody) what/ worried. Let me describe to you

how/why what I saw.

Предлог to не употребляется со следующими глаголами: phone / telephone / call somebody Did you phone your father yesterday?

answer somebody/something He refused to answer my question. ask somebody Can I ask you a question? (not ask to you) thank somebody (for something) He thanked me for helping him.

look / stare / glance AT..., have a look / take a look AT...

Why are you looking at me like that?

laugh AT... / look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at mc.

aim / point (something) AT..., shoot / fire (a gun) AT...

Don 7 point that knife at me. We saw someone with a gun shooting at birds, but he didn't hit any.

После некоторых глаголов можно использовать at или to, но будет разный смысл. Например:

shout AT somebody (when you are angry) He got very angry and started shouting at me.

shout TO somebody (so that they can hear you) He shouted to me from the other side of the street.

throw something AT somebody/something (in order to hit them) Somebody threw an egg at the minister.

throw something TO somebody (for somebody to catch) Lisa shouted "Catch!" and threw the keys to me from the window.

Задание 12.2. Вставьте to, где это необходимо.

1. I know who she is, but I've never spoken... her.

2. Why didn't you answer... my letter?

3. I like to listen... the radio while I'm having breakfast.

4. We'd better phone... the restaurant to reserve a table.

5. Did Mike apologise... you? — Yes, he said he was very sorry

6. I explained... everybody the reasons for my decision.

7. I thanked... everybody for all the help they had given me.

8. Ask me what you like, and I'll try and answer your questions.

9. Mike described... me exactly what happened.

10. Karen won't be able to help you, so there's no point in
asking... her. • J

Задание 12.3. Вставьте следующие глаголы (в правиль­ной форме) + нужный предлог:

explain, glance, laugh, listen, point, speak, throw, throw.

I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will... me.

I don't understand this. Can you... it... me?

Sue and Kevin had an argument and now they're not... one


Be careful with those scissors! Don't... them... me!

I... my watch to see what the time was.

Please... me! I've got something important to tell you.

Don't... stones... the birds! It's cruel.

If you don't want that sandwich,... it... the birds. They'll

eat it.

Задание 12.4. Вставьте to или at.

1. I wrote... the hotel complaining about the poor service we had received.

2. Look... these flowers. Aren't they pretty?

3. Please don't shout... me! Try to calm down.

4. I saw Sue as I was cycling along the road. I shouted... her, but she didn't hear me.

5. Don't listen... what he says. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

6. What's so funny? What are you laughing....

7. Do you think I could have a look... your magazine, please?

8. I'm a bit lonely. I need somebody to talk....

9. She was so angry she threw a book... the wall.

10. The woman sitting opposite me on the train kept staring... me.

1 1. Can I speak... you a moment? There's something I want to ask you.

Предлоги about/for/of/after

talk/read/know ABOUT..., tell somebody ABOUT... We

talked about a lot of things at the meeting.

have a discussion ABOUT something, but discuss something (no preposition) We had a discussion about what we should do. We discussed a lot of things at the meeting.

do something ABOUT something = do something to improve a bad situation If you're worried about the problem, you should до something about it.

care ABOUT somebody/something = think that somebody/ something is important He's very selfish. He doesn't care about other people.

We say care what/where/how... etc. without ABOUT You can do what you like. I don't care what you do. care FOR somebody/something

(1)— like something (usually in questions and negative sentences) Would you care for a cup of coffee? = (Would you like...?) I don't care for very hot weather. = (I don't like...)

(2)= look after somebody Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to care for him.

take care OF... = look after Have a nice holiday. Take care of yourself! (= look after yourself)

ask (somebody) FOR... I wrote to the company asking them for more information about the job.

apply (TO a person, a company etc.) FOR a job etc. I think you'd be good at this job. Why don't you apply for it?

wait FOR... Don't wait for me. I'll join you later. I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting for the rain to stop.

search FOR (a person / a place / a bag etc.) I've searched the house for my keys, but I still can't find them.

leave (a place) FOR another place I haven't seen her since she left (home) for the office this morning.

look for and look after

look FOR... = search for, try to find I've lost my keys. Can you help те to look for them?

look AFTER... = take care of Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to look after him. You can borrow this book, but you must promise to look after it.

Задание 12.5. Вставьте нужный предлог, где это необхо­димо.

1. I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting... the rain to stop.

2. I couldn't find the street I was looking for, so I stopped someone to ask... directions.

3. I've applied... a job at the factory. I don't know if I'll get it.

4. I've applied... three colleges. I hope one of them accepts me.

5. I've searched everywhere... John, but I haven't been able to find him.

6. I don't want to talk... what happened last night. Let's forget it.

7. I don't want to discuss... what happened last night. Let's forget it.

8. We had an interesting discussion... the problem, but we didn't reach a decision.

9. We discussed... the problem, but we didn't reach a decision.
10. I don't want to go out yet. I'm waiting... the post to arrive.

11. Ken and Sonia are touring Italy. They're in Rome at the moment, but tomorrow they leave... Venice.

12. The roof of the house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something... it.

13. We waited... Steve for half an hour, but he never came.

14. Tomorrow morning I have to catch a plane. I'm leaving my house... the airport at 7.30.

Задание 12.6. Вставьте следующие глаголы (в правиль­ной форме) + нужный предлог:

apply, ask, do, leave, look, search, talk, wait.

1. Police are... the man who escaped from prison.

2. We're still... a reply to our letter. We haven't heard anything yet.

3. I think Ben likes his job, but he doesn't... it much.

4. When I'd finished my meal, I... the waiter... the bill.

5. Cathy is unemployed. She has... several jobs, but she hasn't had any luck.

6. If something is wrong, why don't you... something... it?

7. Linda's car is very old, but it's in excellent condition. She... it very well.

8. Diane is from Boston, but now she lives in Paris. She... Boston... Paris when she was 19.

Задание 12.7. После care вставьте предлог (где необхо­димо).

1. He's very selfish. He doesn't care... other people.

2. Are you hungry? Would you care... something to eat?

3. She doesn't care... the exam. She doesn't care whether she passes or fails.

4. Please, let me borrow your camera. I promise I'll take good care... it.

5. 'Do you like this coat?' - 'Not really. I don't care... the colour.'

6. Don't worry about the shopping. I'll take care... that.

7. I want to have a good holiday. I don't care... the cost.

8. I want to have a good holiday. I don't care... how much it costs.

I®> Задание 12.8. Вставьте look for или look after в нужной форме (looks/looked/looking).

1. I... my keys, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

2. Kate is... a job. I hope she finds one soon.

3. Who... you when you were ill?

4. I'm... Elizabeth. Have you seen her?

5. The car park was full, scyWe had to... somewhere else to park.

6. A babysitter is somebody who... other people's children.

Предлоги about and of

dream ABOUT... (when you are asleep) I dreamt about you last night.

dream OF/ABOUT being something / doing something = imagine Do you dream of/about being rich and famous?

I wouldn't dream OF doing something = 1 would never do it 'Don't tell anyone what I said.' - 'No, I wouldn't dream of it.' (= I would never do it)

hear ABOUT... = be told about something Did you hear about what happened at the club on Saturday night?

hear OF... = know that somebody/something exists 'Who is Тот Hart?' - 'I have no idea. I've never heard of him'.

hear FROM... = receive a letter, phone call or message from somebody 'Have you heard from Jane recently?' - '"Yes, she phoned a few days ago."

think ABOUT... and think OF...

When you think ABOUT something, you consider it; you concentrate your mind on it: I've thought about what you said and I've decided to take your advice.

'Will you lend me the money?' — 'I'll think about it.'

When you think OF something, the idea comes to your mind: He told me his name but I can't think of it now. That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?

We also use think of when we ask or give an opinion:

'What did you think of the film?' - 'I didn't think much of it.' (= I didn't like it much)

The difference is sometimes very small and you can use of or about: I often think of (or about) you.

You can say think of or think about doing something (for possible future actions): My sister is thinking of (or about) going to Canada. (= she is considering it).

remind somebody ABOUT... = tell somebody not to forget I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting. I'd completely forgotten about it.

remind somebody OF... = cause somebody to remember This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child. Look at this photograph of Richard. Who does he remind you of?

complain (TO somebody) ABOUT... = say that you are not satisfied We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.

complain OF a pain, an illness etc. = say that you have pain etc. We called the doctor because George was complaining of a pain in his stomach.

warn somebody ABOUT a person or thing which is bad, dangerous, unusual etc. I knew he was a strange person. I had been warned about him. Vicky warned me about the traffic. She said it would be bad.

warn somebody ABOUT/OF a danger, something bad which might happen later Scientists have warned us about/of the effects of global warming.

*^=> Задание 12.9. Вставьте нужный предлог (где необходимо).

1. Did you hear... what happened at the party on Saturday?

2. T had a strange dream last night.' — 'Did you? What did you dream... '.

3. Our neighbours complained... us... the noise we made last night.

4. Kevin was complaining... pains in his chest, so he went to the doctor.

5. I love this music. It reminds me... a warm day in spring.

6. He loves his job. He thinks... his job all the time, he dreams... it, he talks... it and I'm fed up with hearing... it.

7. I tried to remember the name of the book, but I couldn't think... it.

8. Jackie warned me... the water. She said it wasn't safe to drink.

9. We warned our children... the dangers of playing in the street. (

И^*3Задание 12.10. Вставьте следующие глаголы (в правиль­ной форме) + нужный предлог:

complain, dream, hear, remind, remind, think, think, warn.

1. That's a good idea. Why didn't I... that?

2. Bill is never satisfied. He is always... something.

3. I can't make a decision yet. I need time to... your proposal.

4. Before you go into the house, I must... you... the dog. He is very aggressive sometimes, so be careful.

5. She's not a well-known singer. Not many people have... her.

6. A: You wouldn't go away without telling me, would you? B: Of course not. I wouldn't... it.

7. I would have forgotten my appointment if Jane hadn't... me... it.

8. Do you see that man over there? Does he... you... anybody you know?

Задание 12.11. Вставьте hear или heard + (about/of/from).

1. I've never... Tom Hart. Who is he?

2. "Did you... the accident last night?" — "Yes, Vicky told me."

3. Jill used to phone quite often, but I haven't... her for a long time now.

4. A: Have you... a writer called William Hudson? — B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?

5. Thank you for your letter. It was good to... you again.

6. "Do you want to... our holiday?" — "Not now. Tell me later."

7. I live in a small town in the north of England. You've probably never... it.

^ Задание 12.12. Вставьте think about or think of (think/ thinking/thought).

1. You look serious. What are you....

2. I like to have time to make decisions. I like to... things carefully.

3. I don't know what to get Sarah for her birthday. Can you... anything?

4. A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.

B: Have you? What did you... it? Did you like it?

5. We're... going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?

6. I don't really want to go out with Tom tonight. I'll have to... an excuse.

7. When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and... it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.

8. I don't... much... this coffee. It's like water.

9. Carol is very homesick. She's always... her family back home.

Глагол + предлоги of/for/from/on

accuse / suspect somebody OF... Sue accused me of being selfish. Some students were suspected of cheating in the exam.

approve / disapprove OF... His parents don't approve of what he does, but they can't stop him.

die OF (or FROM) an illness etc. "What did he die of?" - "A heart attack."

consist OF... We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.

pay (somebody) FOR... I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal. I didn't have enough money to pay the rent.

thank / forgive somebody FOR... I'll never forgive them for what they did.

apologise (to somebody) FOR... When I realised I was wrong, I apologised (to them) for my mistake.

blame somebody/something FOR..., somebody is to blame FOR... Everybody blamed me for the accident. Everybody said that I was to blame for the accident.

blame (a problem etc.) ON... Everybody blamed the accident on me.

suffer FROM an illness etc. The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.

protect somebody/something FROM (or AGAINST)... Sun block protects the skin from the sun. (or... against the sun.)

depend / rely ON... "What time will you be home?" — "I don't know. It depends on the traffic." You can rely on Jill. She always keeps her promises.

depend + when/where/how можно употреблять с on или без on: "Are you going to buy it?" — "It depends how much it is." (or\i depends on how much)

live ON money / food Michael's salary is very low. It isn't enough to live on.

congratulate / compliment somebody ON... I congratulated her ON her success in the exam.

1® Задание 12.13. Вставьте следующие глаголы (в правиль­ной форме) + нужный предлог:

accuse, apologise, approve, congratulate, depend, live, pay.

1. His parents don't... what he does, but they can't stop him.

2. When you went to the theatre with Paul, who... the tickets?

3. It's not very pleasant when you are... something you didn't do.

4. A: Are you going to the beach tomorrow? В: I hope so. It... the weather.

5. Things are very cheap there. You can... very little money.

6. When I saw David, I... him... passing his driving test.

7. You were very rude to Liz. Don't you think you should... her?

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