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Страдательный залог 1 страница


Формы страдательного залога английских глаголов обра­зуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответ­ствующем времени, лице и числе + Причастия II (Participle II) смыслового глагола:

Present Simple: The letter is written.
Past Simple: The letter was written.
Future Simple: The letter will be written.
Present Continuous: The letter is being written.
Past Continuous: The letter was being written.
Future Continuous: The letter will be being written.
Present Perfect: The letter has been written.
Past Perfect: The letter had been written.
Future Perfect: The letter will have been written.

Страдательный залог часто используется в тех случаях, когда не важно или неизвестно, кто (или что) произвел, произво­дит или будет производить действие. Например:

A lot of money was stolen. (Somebody stole it, but we don 4 know who.)

Is this room cleaned every day? (Does somebody clean it? — it's not important who.)

В страдательном залоге дополнение становится подле­жащим.

/ bought a book. Я купил книгу.

The book was bought (by me). Книга была куплена (мной).

Глагол-сказуемое в страдательном залоге показывает, что подлежащее предложения является объектом действия со сто­роны другого лица или предмета.

Сравните: Somebody built this house in 2000 (active).

This house was built in 2000 (passive).

Глаголы в страдательном залоге на русский язык перево­дятся:

1) глаголом быть + краткая форма причастия страдатель-
ного залога:

The letter was sent yesterday. Письмо было послано вчера;

2) глаголом с частицей -ся (-сь):

This problem was discussed last week. Эта проблема обсужда­лась на прошлой неделе;

3) неопределенно-личным оборотом, т.е. глаголом в дей-
ствительном залоге 3 лица множественного числа, типа «го-
ворят», «сказали»:

English is spoken in many countries. На английском языке го­ворят во многих странах;

4) глаголом в действительном залоге (при наличии испол-
нителя действия):

Pupils are taught at school by the teachers. Учеников учат в школе учителя.

Задание 8.11. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные формы страдательного залога.

1. Those books (return) to the library yesterday.

2. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month.

3. Why your home task (not / do)?

4. The patient (take) to the hospital today, and (operate) tomorrow morning.

5. This room (use) only on special occasions.

6. We (tell) about it already.

7. This newspaper (not read) because the pages (not / cut).

8. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination.

9. Usually the experiments (carry out) every day, but they (not / carry out) yesterday.

10. The book (return) to the library yesterday.

11. Thousands of new houses (build) every year.

12. This room (not use) for a long time.

Задание 8.12. Перепишите предложения в страдатель­ном залоге, сделав выделенное слово подлежащим.

l.They offered William a promotion.

2. They are testing the new system.

3. The authorities reported that the economic situation was under


4. They may see the film.

5. We haven't used the car for ages.

6. Employers must pay all travel expenses for this training course.

7. All visitors must wear identity badges.

8. The news about the exam results distressed Sidney.

9. Nobody informed the college that there had been a mistake.
10. The company has cut all salaries.

Задание 8.13. Закончите предложения. Вставьте гла­голы в нужной форме (present or past).

invite, cause, damage, hold, make, overtake, show, surround, translate, write

1. You can't see the house from the road. It____________ by trees.

2. Cheese______ from milk.

3. The roof of the building_________ in a storm a few days ago.

4. You_____ to the wedding. Why didn't you go?

5. A cinema is a place where films___________.

6. In the United States.elections for president_____________ every four


7. Originally the book________ in Russian, and a few years ago it

___ into English.

8. Although we were driving quite fast, we_____________ by a lot of

other cars.

9. Many accidents_______ by dangerous driving.

^ Задание 8.14. Раскройте скобки (present simple or past simple, active or passive).

1. It's a big factory. Five hundred people (employ) there.

2. Somebody (clean) this room yesterday?

3. Water (cover) most of the earth's surface.

4. How much of the earth's surface (cover) by water?

5. The shop (close) at 9.30 p.m. every evening.

6. The letter (post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday.

7. The boat hit a rock and (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody (rescue).

8. I was born in Moscow, but I (grow up) in Rostov.

9. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room.

10. While I was on holiday, my camera (disappear) from my hotel room.

11. Why Sue (resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it?

Why Bill (sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?

13. Where these photographs (take)? In London? You (take) them, or somebody else?

14. Nobody (injure) in the road accident last night so the ambulance (not / need).

®* Задание 8.15. Перепишите предложения в страдатель­ном залоге.

Образец: Somebody cleans the room every day. — The room is cleaned every day.

1. They cancelled all flights because of fog.

2. People didn't use this road much.

3. She has sent me an e-mail yesterday.

4. How do people learn languages?

5. Somebody warned us not to go out alone.

6. Somebody will clean the room later.

7. They are selling fresh fruit here.

^ Задание 8.16. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные формы страдательного залога.

1. The situation is serious. Something must (do) before it's too late.

2. The music was very loud and could (hear) from a long way away.

3. A new supermarket is going (build) next year.

4. The room should (clean).

5. I haven't received the letter vet. It might (send) to the wrong address.

6. There were some problems at first, but they seem (solve).

7. "Are you going to the party?" - "No, I (not/ invite)."

8. The car was three years old but (not/ use) very much.

9. The room (clean) at the moment.

10. The room (clean) when I arrived.

11. Many guests (be) invited to my birthday-party next Sunday.

12. These flowers (water) every day.

13. The children, (take) to the milk bar tomorrow.

14. Many new restaurants (open) in Moscow every year.

^ Задание 8.17. Перепишите предложения в страдатель­ном залоге, сделав выделенные слова подлежащими.

Образец: Somebody has cleaned the room. — The room has been cleaned.

1. They have postponed the meeting.

2. Somebody is using the computer at the moment.

3. I didn't realise that somebody was recording our conversation.

4. When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game.

5. They are building a new ring road round the city.

6. They have built a new hospital near the airport.

7. Somebody gave the information to the police.

8. They offered me the job, but I refused it.

9. We knew very little about him.

10. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.

11. Nobody told me about the meeting.

12. They didn't give me the information I needed.

13. Has anybody shown you what to do?

•®* Задание 8.18. Закончите предложения. Вставьте being + + глаголы (в нужной форме).

give, invite, keep, knock down, stick, treat

1. Steve hates_____ waiting.

2. We went to the party without_________.

3. I like giving presents and I also like__________ them.

4. It's a busy road and I don't like crossing it. I'm afraid of

5. I'm an adult. I don't like__________ like a child.

6. You can't do anything about_________ in a traffic jam.

Задание 8.19. Закончите предложения. Вставьте get/got + глаголы (в нужной форме).

ask, damage, hurt, pay, steal, sting, stop, use

1. There was a road accident, but nobody____________.

2. Alex____ by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

3. These tennis courts don't________ very often. Not many people

want to play.

4. I used to have a bicycle, but it__________ a few months ago.

5. Rachel works hard but doesn't_________ very much.

6. Last night I______ by the police as I was driving home.

7. Please pack these things very carefully. I don't want them to

8. People often want to know what my job is. I often____________ that


1® Задание 8.20. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Эта книга была прочитана всеми. 2. Письмо будет от­правлено завтра. 3. Ее часто спрашивают? 4. На ваш вопрос ответят завтра. 5. Текст переводился вчера с двух до трех. 6. Работа только что закончена нами. 7. Эти книги будут ис­пользоваться до конца года. 8. Телеграмма уже получена? 9. Мне предложили очень интересную работу. 10. В нашем городе сейчас строится много новых зданий. 11. Ключи были утеряны вчера. 12. Делегацию нужно встретить завтра в 9 ча­сов утра в аэропорту. 13. Вам сказали об этом? 14. Сотни новых домов будут построены к концу этого года. 15. Этот текст будет переведен к 10 часам завтра.



^ TEXT 1


People do shopping almost every day. When people want to buy something, they go to shops where various goods are sold. Through the shop-window we can see what is sold in this or that shop. Big supermarkets are self-service shop. Customers can buy all the necessary foodstuffs there: bread, milk, meat, fish, grocery, sausages, sweets, vegetables and fruit. When customers come into the shop, they take a food basket and choose the products they want to buy. When they put everything they want into the basket they come up to the cashier's desk. There is a computer with a laser scanner that reads and sums up the prices on packed goods at the cashier's desk. The saleswoman tells how much to pay. The customers pay the money and leave the shop.

At the grocer's you can buy sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, sausages, frankfurters and so on. Bread is sold at the baker's, meat at the butcher's. We go to the greengrocer's for vegetables and fruit. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner's. When we want to buy clothes, we go to men's and ladies' clothes shop. We buy boots and shoes at the footwear shop. We buy jewel­ry at the jeweler's. We buy books at the bookseller's.

Some shops may have many departments. These shops are called department stores or supermarkets. Supermarkets are self-service stores with departments for different food products. Supermarkets sell thousands of food products: meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, canned groceries, bakery items, delicatessen items, and frozen foods. Some supermarkets also have seafood and alcohol. The supermarkets are located in shopping centres or malls and along main roads. Supermarkets are popular because they save time.


have low prices and variety of products in one place. There you can buy almost everything you need. These shops are called self-service shops because there are no salespersons there but only cashiers at the cash desks. The customers choose the goods they want to buy and pay for them at the cash desk.


cannot do without не могут без

to buy [bai] купить, покупать

various ['veanasl различный

goods товары

the grocer's бакалея

the baker's булочная

the butcher's мясной магазин

the greengrocer's овощной и фруктовый магазин

the confectioner's кондитерский магазин

footwear shop обувной магазин

the jeweler's ювелирный магазин

cashier [каз'/гэ] кассир

bookseller's книжный магазин

salesgirl ['seilzga:l| продавщица

saleswoman продавщица

salesman = shop assistant продавец

to weigh [weij взвешивать

scales [skeilz] весы

self-service [,self'sa:vis] самообслуживание

mall [ma:l] ам. торговый центр

department store универмаг

canned консервированный

supermarket супермаркет, универсам

sugar f'Juga] сахар

coffee [кэп] кофе

frankfurter ('frArjkfataJ сосиска

ham [пагт] ветчина

sausage ['sasidj] колбаса

meat [mi:t] мясо

dairy ['deanj молочные продукты

bakery items {'aitamzl хлебные изделия, выпечка

Задание 9.1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are shops for?

2. Where do people go when they want to buy something?

3. What can see through the shop-window?

4. What can we buy at the grocer's?

5. What can we buy at the baker's?

6. What can we buy at the greengrocer's?

7. What can we buy at the butcher's?

8. What can we buy at the confectioner's?

9. What can we buy at the footwear shop?

10. What can we buy at the bookseller's?

11. Where do the customers pay for the goods at the self-service



12. What is a supermarket?


Napoleon called the British "a nation of shopkeepers", but they are also a country of byers. Englishmen love to shop! It is their number one leisure activity and around 37% of all money spent in England is spent while shopping.

The main shopping street in many towns is called the High Street, where you should head for if you want to go shopping. A few small shops are owned by local people. Most are owned by national "chains" of stores. This makes many town centres look the same. Some towns also have street markets where fresh food and cheap goods can be bought. Away from the town centre, small "corner" shops provide groceries to local customers.

Peak shopping days are Saturdays and Sundays. In England, most retail shops are generally open 6 or 7 days a week.

Typical opening times are: Mondays — Saturdays 9am to 5:30pm, though some shopping centres stay open until 8 pm or later. Sunday — 10am to 4pm (or 1 lam to 5pm). Sunday shopping

has become popular in recent years and most large shops in towns are open for business. Shops are only allowed to trade for 6 hours on Sundays.

Large supermarkets are open for 24 hours except for Sundays. Many supermarkets and superstores otherwise open from 8am until 10pm from Mondays to Saturdays and 10am to 4pm (or 1 lam to 5pm) on Sundays.

In Villages

Some rural shops still follow the tradition of an early closing day (usually on Wednesday) when the shops close at 1.00pm.

Largest Shopping Centres

Bluewater is the largest out of town shopping development in Europe, located in Dartford in Kent. With more than 300 shops and parking for 13,000 cars, it attracts around 30 million visitors each year.

House of Fraser is a British department store group with over 60 stores across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Designer clothes, home appliances, electricals and beauty goods are on sale there.

British Home Stores (BHS Limited) is a British department store chain with branches mainly located in high street locations, primarily selling clothing and household items such as bed linen, cutlery, crockery and lighting. The company has 186 stores throughout the United Kingdom.

A shopping development is usually situated outside a town or city and typically contains a number of large chain stores.

Types of Shops in England

Department Stores

• Marks & Spencer (clothes and food)

• Debenhams and John Lewis and British Home Stores (clothing, shoes, beauty, furniture, electricals & gifts)

• WHSmith (household appliances, Cds and DVDs).

• Allders Department Store (gifts, bathroom, electrical, china, furniture, household goods and linens, kitchen, nursery)

• Boots (beauty products, make up, cosmetics and skin care products)

• House of Fraser (designer clothes, electricals and beauty)

• Argos (beds, sofas, mattresses, bedding, lighting)

• Harrod's — the famous department store that every tourist wants to visit. You can find anything from the cheapest to the most expensive things.


Supermarkets are usually open 7 days a week with longer opening hours — usually until 8pm or 10pm most evenings, with reduced hours of 10am — 4pm on a Sunday.

Some in larger town stores now open 24 hours

Here are the main supermarkets in the UK:


§H4dyt "r%£ Asda supermarket

Budgens Supermarket

The co-operative

CO-OP supermarket Iceland

J SamSbUry pIC J Sainsburys

Somerfield grocery supermarket

i F- S CC^ Tesco supermarket

*mr<mr*mrwrjem (Britain's largest supermarket chain)

Waitrose Waitrose supermarket


shopper fjbps] покупатель to head for направляться

shopping development крупный торговый центр за городом

bedding fbedin] = bed linen постельные принадлежности

household appliances бытовая техника

household goods хозяйственные товары

stationers магазин канцтоваров

cutlery столовые приборы

crockery посуда

lighting осветительная аппаратура

beauty (product) косметический товар (средства по уходу за ко­жей, декоративная косметика и т.д.) electricals электротехнические изделия china фарфор, фарфоровые изделия

nursery магазин, продающий семена, рассаду, саженцы дере­вьев и кустарников, удобрения, Ъочву, инсектициды и садово-огородный инструмент



Probably every visitor is going to do shopping in London.

You can see the most fashionable goods from all over the world in stores on Knightsbridge and Bromton Cross, Bond Street and Sloane Street. You can buy nice clothes at reasonable prices on Oxford Street and on King Rd.

The department stores that are most popular are: Harrods, Harley Nichols, Selfbridge, Fortnum & Mason, Marks & Spencer.

You might want to visit some of the following Flea markets: Portobello Rd market, Petticoat Lane Market, New Caledonian market, and Camden Market. Shopping in London is very interesting, especially for tourists from other countries.


fashionable модный, стильный intersection пересечение Rd сокр. от road дорога reasonable prices приемлемые цены

follow in«следующий

Flea market «блошиный рынок», барахолка especially |is'pejali] особенно

®* Задание 9.2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the most popular department stores in London?

2. Where you can buy nice clothes if you're in London?

3. Name some of the biggest department stores and supermarkets.

Задание 9.3. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. AT THE GREENGROCER'S

Salesman: Morning Harry, how's it going? Harry: Things are going fine Bob, how's business? Salesman: Oh, the usual. So what'll it be for today? There's some fine eggplant, and there's some great zucchini. Harry: What's that?

Salesman: What... this? This here is a tomato, Harry. Harry: No, not that! That yellow thing, there. Salesman: Oh this, these are yellow peppers. They are sweet. They're good in salad. Harry: I'll take three.

Salesman: Okay, do you want this big one?

Harry: Yes, I want the three biggest ones.

Salesman: Okay, here you are.

Harry: Thanks.

Salesman: That's two twenty.

Harry: Two twenty for three peppers!

Salesman: That's the price.

Harry: Okay, but it's expensive. Here's the money. Salesman: Thanks. Prices are high for me too. Here's your change. See you later. Harry: Good-bye.


How's it going? Как дела? eggplant баклажан zucchini Izu'kmi] кабачок цуккини here you are вот, пожалуйста change сдача



Nowadays more and more supermarkets appear in our cities. They are called self-service shop. Why do people like shopping in this self-service shop? There are three main reasons for this: it doesn't take them much time, there is a wide choice of all possible products in this shop and the prices are not very high.

There are several aisles in the shop: fruit and vegetables, meat and fish counters and others.

The green grocery and fruit aisles offer a great variety of fresh and canned vegetables and fruit. There you can buy spring onions, brown onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbages and lettuce. There are also radishes, cauliflower and green peas on the counters. The customers can put the vegetables into plastic bags.

The fruit are always very fresh. You can buy bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, tangerines and pineapples, pears, apples and plums. In season the shop has a great variety of berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries and cranberries. In summer they sell water melons and melons. Fruit and berry jams are sold all year round. There is also a wide choice of fruit and vegetable juices to any taste. You can buy bottles and packs of juice of any size.

All kinds of cereals you can buy at the grocery aisle: oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat and pearl barley. They also sell macaroni, vermicelli and noodles. There you can also buy vegetable oil, spices, flour, potato flour, peas and some other products.


At the meat counter the customers can buy pork, beef, mutton, veal and poultry. The meat products are ready packed and some of them can be cooked in microwave oven. There are also delicatessen and smoked meats and sausages here. They offer you all kinds of sausages, liver pâté, ham, canned beef and pork.

There is a wide choice offish at the supermarket. You can buy live carp, pike, bream and sheat-fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some other. You can buy pike-perch and sturgeon, lobsters, shrimps, scallops, fillet of sword-fish, tuna fish, live craw-fish, herring and kipper here. There is also much canned fish.

Dairy department has a wide choice of milk products. There you can buy milk, butter, cream, yogurts, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, pot cheese, and cream cheese. At this department you can also buy eggs, mayonnaise and margarine.

You go for white and brown bread to the bread section. There are a lot of baked items in this section. You can also buy rolls, buns, muffins, and croissants there.

There is a rich choice of items in the confectionery: lump sugar, granulated sugar, sweets, chocolates, chocolate bars and biscuits. A lot of other tasty things are on sale here: pastry, jam-puffs, tarts, wafers, marmalade and also tea, coffee and cocoa.


to do shopping делать покупки

main главный

reason причина

counter ['kaunta] прилавок

wide choice [waid tjbis] широкий выбор

attractive [a'trasktiv] привлекательный

all year round круглый год

sales staff продавцы

to offer I'ofal предлагать

croissant ['kwassonl булочка круассан, рогалик polite вежливый

necessary ['nesisan] необходимый

tasty I'teisti) вкусный

microwave oven | maikrauweiv Avn| микроволновая печь foodstuffs [fu:dstAfs| пищевые продукты

What we can buy at the grocer's? grocery ('grauseri] бакалея

cereals [sianalzj крупа, амер. блюдо из круп, злаков (напр., каша, хлопья)

oatmeal |'outmi:l] овсянка rice [rais] рис

buckwheat l'bAkwi:t] гречневая крупа millet I'milit] пшено

pearl-barley Грэ:ГЬа:Ь| перловая крупа

flour I'flaua] мука

potato flour картофельный крахмал

peas |pi:z| горох

salt [solt| соль

vegetable oil растительное масло vermicelli |,v3:mi'seli] вермишель macaroni [,тгекэ'гоиш| макароны spaghetti |spa'geti] спагетти noodles |nu:dlz| лапша

What we can buy at the greengrocer's?

greengrocer's I'gri:n'grousazl = greengrocery овощной магазин

vegetables ('vechutsblz] овощи

carrots |'kaer3ts| морковь

beets = beetroot свекла

marinated beets маринованная свекла

onion I'Anjan] лук

brown onion лук репчатый

spring onion лук зеленый

cabbage ['kajbidj] капуста

greens зелень

lettuce f Metis) салат

cauliflower I'kohflaua] цветная капуста

radish ['raedijl редис horse-radish хрен egg-plant ['egplcunt] баклажан red cabbage красная капуста

Brussels sprouts J'brAslz sprauts) брюссельская капуста

cucumber |'kju:kAmba] огурец

turnip |'ta:nip] репа, турнепс

swede [swi:d| брюква

salted cabbage квашеная капуста

pickled Ipikld) соленый, маринованный

dills маринованные огурцы

tomatoes |ta'ma:t3uz] помидоры

pumpkin I 'punpkinI тыква

green peas зеленый горошек

sauerkraut |'sauakraut| квашеная капуста

Greens / Зелень

dill укроп

parsley |'pa:sli] петрушка celery I'selanl сельдерей

Spices / Пряности

pepper Грера) перец

ground pepper молотый перец

allspice I '.i.lspaisI душистый перец

cayenne |kei'en] красный перец

vinegar I'vinigaj уксус

cinnamon I'sinaman] корица

clove [klouv] гвоздика

basil I'baezl] базилик

caraway |'kasraweij тмин

bay leaf ('baei'lirf| лавровый лист

garlic ['gcr.hk] лавровый лист

What we can buy at the fruit shop?

fruit(s) [fru:tj фрукты pomegranate ['рэтдгазпп) фанат melon I mel.iи I дыня water-melon I'watamelanl арбуз apricot ['eipnkot] абрикос peach |pi:t[| персик grape-fruit фейпфрут pear [pea] фуша apple |агр1| яблоко plum I pi ми I слива grapes IgreipsJ винофад orange ГэппсЫ апельсин tangerine rtaendseri:n| мандарин banana [Ьэ'псгпэ) банан lemon |'leman| лимон pineapple I'рашгер! I ананас ', berry I ben I ягода cranberry [кггепЬэп] клюква strawberry |'stra:bdn| клубника blueberry |'blu:ben| черника

raspberrie | ra:zb] малина

red bilberries брусника

gooseberries |'guzbon| крыжовник

cherry I'tferiJ вишня

sweet cherries черешня

kiwi киви

avocado |,xvou'ka:dou| авокадо mango 1'тгепдои| манго papaya (pa'paja| папайя persimmon |p3:'siman| хурма fig |fig| инжир

What we can buy at the Fish shop (Fishmonger's)?

fishmonger's | 'lij'm \ri;.i| рыбный магазин carp |ka:p| карп cod |kod| феска bream |bri:m| леш craw-fish |'kra:fij| рак

fillet of sword-fish ['fiht] ['sa:dfif] филе рыбы-меч fresn-frozen fish |'frouzn| свежезамороженная рыба herring I'lienrjl селедка

kipper Г kips| копченая селедка

live fish |laiv| живая рыба

lobster l'bbsta| омар

perch (partfl окунь

pike (paik] шука

pike-perch судак

plaice I pi с is] камбала

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