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New York is one of the leading manufacturing cities in the world. The most important branches of industry are those producing paper products, vehicles, glass, chemicals, and machinery. The city traffic is very busy.

Ш СЛОВАРЬ mouth устье

Stock Exchange Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа majority [ma'dpntil большинство numerous ['njumarasl многочисленный to link соединять

to inhabit Im'haebitl проживать, населять Babylon Вавилон

vehicle I'vukl] средства передвижения (автомобили и т.д.)

opposite напротив, противоположный

gateway ворота

skyscrapers небоскребы

branches of industry отрасли промышленности

city traffic движение городского транспорта

Ч®3 Задание 6.3. Напишите рассказ о Нью-Йорке используя следующие вопросы.

1. When was New York founded?

2. What was the price of the Manhattan Island in 1626?

3. What is Manhattan today?

4. Do many people live in Manhattan?

5. What is Broadway famous for?

6. Why is New York called "Modern Babylon"?

7. What are the most important branches of industry in New York?



— л ОТ/


Restaurants do not include a service charge in the bill, so you should tip the waiter 15% of the total bill. If service was slow some Americans will tip only 10%. Likewise, if service was good, it is appropriate to tip 20%. If service was so bad that you would never eat in the restaurant again, leave two cents. This is a deliberate insult, because it tells the waiter that you didn't forget to leave a tip. Tipping is only appropriate in restaurants that offer table service. You do not tip the cashier in a fast food restaurant.

Taxi drivers expect to get a tip equal to 15% of the total fare. If the driver was especially helpful or got you to your destination more quickly than you expected, give a 20% tip.

Hotel bell-hops (bell-boys) expect a $1 tip for helping you with your bags. If you order room service, the gratuity is included in the bill. Coat checkroom attendants expect $1 per coat. Hairdressers and barbers expect a tip of 15% of the bill. Valet parking attendants expect a $ 1 ti p.


Smoking has become socially/dnafcceptabht in the US, in part due to the health risks. Smoking is prohibited in government and public buildings, and many businesses, especially restaurants, will not permit smoking. Those restaurants that permit smoking will usually have a separate section for customers who smoke. Tobacco pro4ucts may not be sold to anyone under 18 years old.

Smoking on airplane flights within tjie US is prohibited. Smoking is also prohibited on intestate trains and buses. Smoking is prohibited on public transportation, including buses and trolleys.


To wave goodbye or hello to someone, raise your hand and wave it from side to side. Wave the whole hand, not just the fingers.

If you want to point at an object, extend the index finger and use it to point at the object. It is not polite to point at people.

If you want the waiter to bring the check, make a writing gesture with one hand as the pen and the other hand as the paper. If you just want the waiter to come, make eye contact and raise your hand.


The most important phrase you should learn is "Where can I
find a toilet?". You can use the following words: men's room
(women's room), restroom, lavatory, toilet, bathroom, and water
closet. There are no public toilets on the streets in the US. Public
toilets can be found in hotels, bars, restaurants, museums,
department stones, gas stations, airports, train stations, and bus
stations. In many airports, toilets do not have a flush handle, but
instead flush automatically when an infrared sensor determines that
you have left. If you don't see anything that looks like a flush
handle, step away from the toilet and see if it flushes after a few
seconds. • *


In the United States, the number 13 is symbolic of bad luck. Tall office buildings sometimes skip the number 13 when numbering the floors.

The number 7 is symbolic of good luck.

The word trillion means a 1 followed by 12 zeros, a British billion. The word billion means a 1 followed by 9 zeros, a British milliard. eMA*^^"§

A period is used to indicate a decimal point, not a comma. A comma is used to separate grfups of three digjts in large numbers, thus "$1,232.52".

Calendar Dates

In the United States, dates are written as month/day/year. This is the opposite of the British me^fiod, in which dates are written day/month/year. So while 4/3/67 would be March 4, 1967 in Europe, it is April 3, 1967 in the United States. It is best to write out dates using the month name in order to avoid confusion.

Time and Temperature

Temperatures are most often given in Fahrenheit, and occasionally also in Celsius. To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius,

subtract 32 and multiply the result by 5/9. The following table lists a few common temperatures:

-■'........ °F °C Description
    Boiling point of water
98.6   Normal body temperature
    Very hot summer day
    Room temperature
    Mild spring day
    Warm winter day
    Freezing point of water
  -7 Very cold winter day

American Holidays

The American calendar is filled with numerous holidays. The following table shows some of the more popular holidays. Important national holidays have been indicated in bold. Most non-essential government offices will be closed on these days. (Fire, Ambulance and Polict are always open.) Banks and post offices also tend to be closed on these days, and many businesses will give their employees the day off.

Holiday Date
New Year's Day January 1
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Third Monday in January
Valentine's Day February 14
President's Day Third Monday in February
St. Patrick's Day i--------------------------- 1----- ——----------------------------- '------ March 17
Holiday Date
All Fool's Day April 1
i Patriots Day Third Monday in April
• Mother's Day Second Sunday in May
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Flag Day June 14
Father's Day Third Sunday in June
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day First Monday in September
Columbus Day Second Monday in October
Halloween October 31
Election Day Tuesday after the first Monday in November Federal holiday in years divisible by 4
Veterans Day November 11
Thanksgiving Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas December 25



1. Общий вопрос.

Общий вопрос относится ко всему предложению в целом, и ответом на него будут слова yes или по: Do you like ice-cream? — Yes, I do. Can you speak English? — Yes, I can.

Are you a schoolboy? — No, I am not. Have you bought a text book? — Yes, I have.

Порядок слов в общем вопросе:

1) вспомогательный (модальный, глагол-связка) глагол;

2) подлежащее (существительное или местоимение);

3) смысловой глагол (или дополнение).

2. Специальный вопрос.

Специальный вопрос относится к какому-нибудь члену предложения или их группе и требует конкретного ответа: What is your name? — My name is Peter. Where do you live? — I live in Rostov.

Специальный вопрос всегда начинается со специального вопросительного слова:

who (кто?) where (где?)

whom (кого?) why (почему? зачем?)

what (что?) how (как?)

which (который?) how many (сколько?)

whose (чей?) how much (сколько?)

when (когда?) how long (как долго?)

Порядок слов в специальном вопросе:

1) вопросительное слово (what, where, who, when, how и т.д.);

2) вспомогательный (модальный, глагол-связка) глагол;

3) подлежащее;

4) смысловой глагол;

5) дополнения;

6) обстоятельства (места, времени, образа действия и т.д.). В специальных вопросах, обращенных к подлежащему в

формах Present и Past Indefinite, не употребляется вспо­могательный глагол to do (did) и сохраняется прямой порядок слов:

Who wants to go to the cinema? Whose pen is it? Who lives here?

Если вопрос начинается со слов Do you know where...?/ I don't know why... / Could you tell me what...?и т.д., то поря­док слов меняется.

Например, сравните два вопроса:
What time is it? Do you know what time it is?

Who are those people? I don't know who those people are. Where can I find you? Can you tell me where I can And you? How much will it cost? Do you know how much it will cost?

В вопросах с do/does/did: What time does the film begin? Do you know what time

the film begins?

What do you mean?. J Please explain what you mean.

Why did she leave early? * % I wonder why she left early.

3. Альтернативный вопрос.

Альтернативный вопрос предполагает выбор из двух возмож­ностей:

Do you like coffee or tea? — Вы любите кофе или чай? Альтернативный вопрос начинается как общий вопрос, за­тем следует разделительный союз or и вторая часть вопроса.

4. Разделительный вопрос.

Разделительный вопрос состоит из двух частей. Первая часть — это повествовательное предложение (утвердительное или отрицательное), вторая, отделенная запятой от первой, — краткий вопрос, который на русский переводится не правда ли? не так ли?

You are a student, aren't you? — Вы студент, не правда ли?

You aren't a student, are you? - Вы не студент, не так ли?

В кратком вопросе повторяется вспомогательный, модаль­ный или связочный глагол предложения, содержащего заяв­ление. Если сказуемое предложения выражено глаголами to be или to have, то повторяются эти глаголы.

Не is reading, isn V he? Он читает, не так ли? (Повторяется вспомогательный глагол.)

Не can read, can't he?Он умеет читать, не так ли? (Повто­ряется модальный глагол сап.)

Не is a good specialist, isn 'the? Он хороший специалист, не так ли? (Повторяется связочный глагол to be.)

Не has a book, hasn't he? У него есть книга, не так ли? (Повторяется глагол to have, употребляемый как смысловой глагол.)

Если в повествовательной части разделительного вопроса содержится утверждение, то во второй — отрицание.

Если в повествовательной части — отрицание, то во вто­рой части, как правило, — утверждение:

Не is there, isn't he?Он там, не так ли?

Не isn't there, is he? Он не там, не так ли?

5. Вопрос-отрицание.

Вопрос-отрицание используется, когда хотят показать удив­ление, или ожидают, что слушатель согласится с высказыва­нием.


Didn't you hear the doorbell? I rang it three times. Разве ты не слышал дверной звонок? Я звонил три раза.

Don 'tyou want to go to the cinema? Разве ты не хочешь пойти в кино?

Ответ Yes означает Yes, 1 want to go. Ответ No означает No, I don't want to go.

Задание 6.4. Составьте вопросы к следующим отве­там. Начните со слов who или what.

Образец: I'm worried about something. - What are you worried about?

1. Somebody hit me.

2. I hit somebody.

3. Somebody paid the bill.

4. Something happened.

5. Diane said something.

6. This book belongs to somebody.

7. Somebody lives in that house.

8. I fell over something.

9. Something fell on the floor.
10. This word means something.

11.1 borrowed the money from somebody.

Задание 6.5. Составьте вопросы из следующих слов.

1. when / was / built / this house

2. how / cheese / is / made

3. when / invented / the computer / was

4. why / Sue / working / isn't / today

5. what time / coming / your friends / are

6. why / was / cancelled / the concert

7. where / your mother / was / born

8. why / you / to the party / didn't / come

9. how / the accident / did / happen

10. why / this machine / doesn't / work

1® Задание 6.6. Поставьте общий вопрос к предложению и дайте краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы.

А) Образец: The guests are at the restaurant. Are the guests at the restaurant? Yes, they are.

Mary is a good cook. Is she a good cook? Yes, she is.

1. The cooks are in the kitchen.

2. The waiters are in the dining hall.

3. The tables are set for dinner.

4. The watermelon is juicy.

5. The menu card is on the table.

6. He is a good waiter.

7. Our dinner was very good.

8. Our table is in the corner.

В) Образец: The guests are not at the restaurant. Are the guests at the restaurant? No, they are not.

He is not a waiter. Is he a waiter? No, he is not.

1. The dining hall is not small.

2. The waiters are not in the dining hall now.

3. The tablecloths are not on the tables now.

4. Menu-cards are not on the table.

5. Steak is not on the menu today.

6. Mary is not a headwaiter.

7. Cigarettes are not on sale.

8. There are no flowers on the table.

Задание 6.7. Поставьте к каждому предложению раз­делительный вопрос.

1. She is a student.

2. Не speaks English well.

3. They have many books.

4. The weather was fine yesterday.

5. We saw a new film yesterday.

6. You can read well.

Задание 6.8. Составьте вопросы-отрицания, раскрыв


1. A: We won't see Liz this evening.

B: Why not? (she / not / come / to the party?)

2. A: I hope we don't meet David tonight. B: Why? (you / not / like / him?)

3. A: Don't go and see that film. B: Why not? (it / not / good?)

4. A: I'll have to borrow some money. B: Why? (you / not / have / any?)

Задание 6.9. Составьте письменно вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. Общие. 2. Специальные. 3. Разделительные.

1. There is a picture on the wall.

2. The lecture begins at nine o'clock.

3. They will go to the University on Monday.

4. Our teacher knows several foreign languages.

5. He has already bought a ticket.

6. They visited many countries.

7. They are working in the kitchen.

8. Dinner is the largest meal during the day.

9. He likes oysters.

10. I heard about this film from my friend.

Задание 6.10. Сделайте новое предложение из вопросов в скобках.


(Where has Тот gone?) — Do you know where Tom has gone? (Did Liz get my letter?) — Do you know if Liz got my letter?

1. (Where is the post office?) Could you tell me where_____________.

2. (What's the time?) I wonder__________.

3. (What does this word mean?) I want to know____________.

4. (What time did they leave?) Do you know____________.

5. (Is Sue going out tonight?) I don't know____________.

6. (Where does Caroline live?) Do you have any idea______________.

7. (Where did I park the car?) I can't remember______________.

8. (Is there a bank near here?) Can you tell me______________.

9. (What do you want?) Tell me__________.

10. (Why didn't Kate come to the party?) I don't know______________.

11. (How much does it cost to park here?) Do you know_____________.

12. (Who is that woman?) I have no idea____________.

13. (How far is it to the airport?) Can you tell me_____________.

^ Задание 6.11. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Он живет в Ростове или в Москве?

2. Она врач или медсестра?

3. Вы уже сделали заказ или нет?

4. Вы хотите чай или кофе?

5. Ваш друг работает в магазине или в кафе?


В английском языке существуют следующие способы сло­вообразования: словосложение, словопроизводство с помощью суффиксов и префиксов, и конверсия — переход слов из од­ной части речи в другую без изменения формы слова.

1. Словосложение — это соединение двух слов в одно с об­разованием нового слова.

Примеры сложных существительных: schoolchildren школьники postman почтальон newspaper газета

Примеры сложных прилагательных: waterproof водонепроницаемый red-hot накаленный докрасна first-class первоклассный

Примеры сложных местоимений: something что-нибудь anywhere везде somehow как-нибудь

2. Словопроизводство — это образование нового слова с помощью суффиксов и префиксов.

Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы существительных


-er/or teacher— преподаватель, writer — писатель,

actor — актер, doctor — доктор
-ist scientist — ученый, artist — художник

-ment movement — движение, development — развитие,

government — правительство
-ance distance — расстояние, importance — важность,

appearance — внешность -(t)ion revolution — революция, translation — перевод,

operation — действие -ity/-ty popularity — популярность, honesty — честность,

ability — способность
-hood childhood — детство, neighbourhood — окрестность

-ship friendship — дружба, leadership — лидерство

-age passage — проход, breakage — поломка

-ence conference — концЪеренция, difference — различие

-dom freedom — свобода, wisdom — мудрость

-sion/ssion revision — пересмотр, discussion — обсуждение -ness - happiness — счастье, illness — болезнь, darkness —



re- reconstruction — реконструкция, со- cooperation — сотрудничество, coexistence — сосу­ществование

dis- dislike — нелюбовь, discomfort — дискомфорт in- inaccuracy — неточность, independence — независи­мость

mis- misunderstanding — недоразумение, misinformation —


im- impossibility — невозможность, impatience — нетер­пение

un- unemployment — безработица, unreality — недействи­тельность

il- illegality — незаконность, illiteracy — неграмотность.

Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы глаголов


-en deepen — углубить, lighten — осветить, strengthen — усилить

-fy classify — классифицировать, electrify — электризо­вать, specify — определить

-ize organize — организовать, characterize — характеризо­вать

-ate indicate — указать, activate — активизировать


со- cooperate - сотрудничать,

de- decode — расшифровать, decompose — разложиться dis- disappear — исчезнуть in- input — вводить

inter- interact — взаимодействовать, interchange — взаимо-заменять

over- overheat — перегревать, overhear — подслушивать re- reconstruct — восстановить, rewrite — переписать

Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы прилагательных

Суффиксы -able comfortable — удобный

-al natural — естественный, cultural — культурный, territorial — территориальный

-ant distant — отдаленный, resistant — стойкий -ent dependent — зависимый, different — различный -ful careful — осторожный, useful — полезный, powerful — мощный

-ible possible — возможный, visible — видимый -ic atomic — атомный, historic — исторический -ive inventive — изобретательный, effective — эффектив­ный

-less hopeless — безнадежный, useless — бесполезный,

homeless — бездомный -ous famous — известный, dangerous — опасный, various —

различный. J
-y rainy — дождливьгй, sunny — солнечный, dirty —



un- unhappy — несчастный, unable — неспособный, uncomfortable — неудобный

in- independent — независимый, indirect — косвенный, invisible — невидимый

im- impossible — невозможный, imperfect — несовершен­ный

ir- irregular — нерегулярный, irresponsible — безответ­ственный

il- illegal — незаконный, illiterate — неграмотный non- non-alcoholic — безалкогольный

3. Конверсия

Конверсией называется совпадение формы и произноше­ния слов, относящихся к различным частям речи: water — вода (существительное) to water — поливать (глагол) limit — предел (существительное) to limit — ограничивать (глагол) hand — рука (существительное) to hand — вручать (глагол) и т.д.

Задание 6.12. Образуйте сложные существительные и переведите их.

Образец: English, a man — Englishman — англичанин

1) a school, a girl

2) a week, an end

3) a bed, a room

4) a birth, a day

5) news, paper

6) a class, a room

7) a tape, a recorder

8) a chair, a man

9) an air, a craft

10) a text, a book

11) a house, a wife

12) rain, a coat

13) a rail, a way

14) a sea, a man

15) a post, a man

16) a class, a mate

Задание 6.13. Образуйте новые слова с помощью суф­фиксов и префиксов переведите их.


to teach обучать — teacher учитель to write — to weld —


to produce производить — production производство to discuss — to include —


to move двигать(ся)— movement движение to develop — to replace —


to build строить — building здание to meet — to write —


happy счастливый — happiness счастье ill — dark —

l®> Задание 6.14. Прочитайте следующие существитель­ные, укажите, от каких слов они образованы, определите суф­фиксы.

pressure, construction, direction, concentration, collection, necessity, agreement, difference, drawing

Задание 6.15. Используя известные вам суффиксы и префиксы, образуйте существительные от следующих слов и переведите их на русский язык.

1) to sail, to connect, to educate, to build, to create

2) friend, leader, child

3) dark, weak, cold, bright, free

Задание 6.16. Образуйте прилагательные от следую­щих слов, используя суффиксы и префиксы, и переведите их на русский язык.

hope, truth, beauty, rain, peace, help, colour, power, joy, care, use


Задание 6.17. Найдите определения следующих пре­фиксов:

1) inter- 2) post- 3) bi- 4) pre- 5) multi- 6) ex-

a) more than one; many

b) later than; after

c) before; in preparation

d) former and still living

e) between; among a group

f) two; twice; double

Задание 6.18. Образуйте новые слова. 1) inter- 2) post- 3) bi- 4) pre- 5) multi- 6) ex-

a). . lingual
b). .. date
c) • . arranged
d) • .. national
e) • . director
0 •• . graduate
g) • .. personal
h). .. husband
i) • . annual
J) •• . date

^ TEXT 1

When you are on holiday and intend to go to the seaside or travel abroad as a tourist, you should first of all decide what means of travelling to choose. You can travel by train, by ship, bycarand of course, by plane.

Travelling by plane is more comfortable, more convenient and much quicker than any other method. But not everybody likes it. Some people say they do not see very much of the country they go to.Trains are good enough for them. Some holiday-makers like travelling by sea. Of course, one can watch the sun rise and set, which is an unforgettable sight. For people who get seasick, aseavoyage is out the question. If you go by car, you may spend part of your holiday moving from place to place. You can stop wherever you like.

Whatever means of travelling you choose, it is advisable tobook tickets in advance. You can book tickets yourself or do that through telephone.



Booking tickets is a basic part of travel. In this dialogue we are going to learn useful phrases and language for making airplane arrangements.

Michael Kemp wants to book a round trip ticket from London to Las Vegas. So he calls a travel agent in "Jupiter Travel" agency. Here is their conversation:


Travel agent: Hallo, "Jupiter Travel", Tom speaking. What can I do for you?

Michael: Hallo, there. I'd like to book a round trip ticket from London to Las Vegas.

Travel agent: And how do you plan your travelling?

Michael: I'd like to get to Las Vegas on the 8lh of March.

Travel agent: And return on?

Michael: I'd like to leave the following Sunday, thel4,h of March. Travel agent: All right. Will that be first class, business or economy?

Michael: Economy.

Travel agent: Let's see. There is "US Airways" flight leaving London Heathrow at 10:30 AM on March the 8,h. Connecting in Los Angeles and arriving in Las Vegas at 5:05 PM.

Michael: You don't have anything that gets in a little earlier, do you?

Travel agent: Actually, most of the flights are like that, unless you want to connect in New York or maybe Denver, but then you are going to have a long layover.

Michael: No, no, the flight to Los Angeles sounds fine.

Travel agent: All right.

Michael: How about the return?

Travel agent: Let's see. Departing Las Vegas at 11:30 AM and arriving the next day to London Heathrow at 8:30 in the morning. How's that?

Michael: That'll be fine.

Travel agent: OK.

Michael: How much will it all come to? Travel agent: Seven hundred and twenty five pounds per person including tax.

Michael: All right, sounds good. And how long can you hold it for me?

Travel agent: You need to make payment within 24 hours to guarantee this fare.

Michael: I see. That's ok. I'll just pay for it now.

Travel agent: Ok. Any seating preferences?

Michael: Can you book an aisle, please?

Travel agent: Yes, that should be no problem. Ok. Now I just need your name and passport number, please.

Michael: Ok. Michael Kemp.

Travel agent: Ok, Mr Kemp. Everything is confirmed. I'll e-mail you your itinerary, and these are e-tickets, save and just pick them up when you get to the airport.

Michael: Great.

Travel agent: If you have any questions, please, call me at any time.

Michael: Thanks, Tom.

Travel agent: You are welcome. And thank you for using "Jupiter Travel".

Notes to the dialogue:

To hold the fare means to reserve the tickets at this price. An itinerary is a list of your departure and arrival times and places.


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