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G) operation

1) External doors need a minimum gap of 2 mm for free movement. This gap should be sealed with suitable draught and water excluders to make the door weather-resistant.

2) The security of a door depends on the materials used, the quality of the frame and the ironmongery. Internal doors only need to provide minimum security, for example, a bathroom door might be fitted with a simple lock. External doors need to be constructed to high specifications and fitted with high-security locks.

3) Internal doors that separate spaces are usually made of materials that prevent the rapid spread of fire. They are also heavy enough to be self-closing.

4) Heavier doors provide better sound insulation.

5) Solid doors are most private. If some light is needed while retaining privacy, then obscure glass should be fitted.

6) Doors can swing on hinges fixed to door frames. Spring-loaded latches usually hold doors closed. The doors are normally opened with knobs or levers.

7) Doors are in constant use. Their construction should be strong enough to withstand considerable activity. A door should not fall off the edge fixed to a frame under its own weight. External doors should be able to resist climatic extremes, which can cause the shape to warp.

7 You’ve misheard the information from the previous assignment. Make it more exact, putting questions:

Example: A: The security of a door depends on the materials used, the quality of the frame and the ironmongery.

B: What does the security of a door depend on?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 421 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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