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Give a literary translation of §§ 9, 10

8 You’ve misheard the information. Make it more exact, putting questions:

Example: A: Blue was obtained by the addition of cobalt, whilst copper produced blue or red and iron or chromium produced green.

B: How can the green colour be produced?

1. Sheet products are manufactured in the form of float glass.

2. By the late twentieth century, with the advent of fully glazed facades the construction industry had become a major consumer of new glass, and a proactive force in the development of new products.

3. Glass made from sand, lime and soda ash has been known in Egypt for 5000 years, although it probably originated in Assyria and Phoenicia.

4. Blocks with solar reflective glass or incorporating white glass fibres offer additional solar control.

5. Self-cleaning glass has a slightly greater mirror effect than ordinary float glass, with a faint blue tint.

What is your impression of the information given in the text? Express your ideas in 3-4 sentences.

In a paragraph of 70-100 words, and using your own words, as far as possible, summarize what the text tells us about the staircases.

Find and present additional information on one of the given type of glass: screen-printed glass, decorative coloured glass, Georgian wired glass, toughened glass, heat-strengthened glass, laminated glass, fire-resistant glass and solar control glasses.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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