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Introducing the topic I’d like to outline… I’m going to tell you…   Asking for clarification Are you saying that…? I’m not sure I understand. Can you explain it a bit more clearly? I don’t understand what you are driving at, can you say it another way? Would you please clarify your last statement? What exactly do you mean?
Presenting an opinion It seems to me (that…) There is no doubt that… It strikes me that … Clarifying/rephrasing In other words... To put it another way… In particular…
Giving an opinion I really think we need… There is no doubt that… I feel… is the best way to… Shouldn’t we have more information? Making contrasting points However… Nevertheless….
Agreeing I agree entirely. I take your point. I think so too. I have the same opinion about … You are absolutely right. Interrupting Can I just say something here? Hang on.
Disagreeing I can’t accept that. (I’m afraid)I disagree entirely. Point taken, but surely … is an important factor? I really can’t agree with you here. Resisting interruption No, let me finish, please. Can I finish the point? Just a moment, please.
Making general statements In general… On the whole… Giving examples For instance For example In particular
Asking for reaction How do you feel about? What do you think? Speeding up I think we should move on now. Can we come back to that?
Keeping to the point I’m not sure that’s relevant. Perhaps we could get back to the point. Let’s leave that aside for a moment. Slowing down Hold on, we need to look at this in more detail. I think we should discuss this a bit more.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 443 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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