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Present phonetic reading of §§ 5 – 8

Explain the expressions in bold from the text and make up sentences of your own. Use English-English dictionaries to help you.

3 Give the English equivalents:

строительный раствор; состоять из; обычные материалы; гасить; болотистая местность; с помощью кельмы; свойство; зависеть от содержания цемента; разнообразные цели; заменитель песка; строительство плотин; Портленд цемент; предотвращать трансмиссию.

4 Read the text again and answer the questions that follow (1-9):

1. What is the definition of mortar?

2. What are the functions of mortar?

3. What does mortar consist of?

4. What material can be used instead of sand?

5. How can mortars be classified?

6. What are the types of lime mortar?

7. What are the peculiarities of cement mortar? Compo mortar?

8. What mortar is the strongest one? The weakest one?

5 Say whether these sentences are true or false:

1. Old bricks can be used instead of sand.

2. One of the functions of mortar is to prevent porosity of mortars.

3. Non-hydraulic mortar is the weakest one.

4. Compo mortar is the mixture of lime, brick and water.

5. The usual cementing materials used for constructional work are hydraulic limes or Portland cement.

6. The strength of compo mortars doesn’t depend upon the cement content.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 413 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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