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Give a literary translation of the first and the last two paragraphs

9 Match the door-related terms and their definitions. Figures in the text may help you:

1. cill a) the timber framework inserted into an opening in an internal wall
2. frame b) the access point in the doorway where enter or exit are
3. head c) a horizontal member t the base of an external door that separates the internal and external structure. it should slope so that rainwater flows outside rather than inside
4. jamb d) the outer vertical piece of the door frame
5. lining e) the horizontal piece at the top of the frame
6. rebate f) a recess in the door frame that seals the edges of a door
7. stile g) a thin piece of timber fixed to the head and jambs of the lining to form a rebate
8. stop h) a horizontal piece fixed to the external bottom edge of a door to push water away from the cill
9. threshold i) a solid timber or metal structure fixed to a wall. it is constructed so that it forms a seal when the door closes and supports the door’s weight
10. water bar j) a metal bar fitted into the cill of an external door to prevent water flowing inside
11. weatherboard k) the vertical part of the frame that is fixed to the wall

What is your impression of the information given in the text? Express your ideas in 3-4 sentences.

In a paragraph of 70-100 words, and using your own words, as far as possible, summarize what the text tells us about the types of doors.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 432 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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