Kugan Patil,
Services Section,
Gasom Industrial Agency,
47833, Orunda Lane,
Runadi, IU 3484
30th November 2010.
Mr. Arnold Graffer,
Customer Care Officer,
Halla Business Ventures,
3474, Kobe Avenue,
Jenseem, IN 4384
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the management of Gasom Industrial Agency, it is my pleasure to write this letter to you. Without taking too much of your precious time, the main purpose is to make an enquiry about the travelling package product designed by your company. Although a sales representative came from your organization to explain the product to us, he was just not explanatory enough. His explanations raised more questions than answers.
Therefore, I will appreciate it if you can send us a very detailed explanation of the product complete with all the relevant descriptions and images. These will assist us in making our decision in purchasing the product. Thanking you in anticipation of your response.
Yours faithfully,
Kugan Patil,
Services Officer,
Gasom Industrial Agency.
15 May, 2010
Damark International, Inc.
6707 Shingle Greek Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55430
Please send us your new catalogue of Computers and Microprocessors. We also should be grateful if you would enclose free descriptive leaflets with your reply and quote your terms f.o.b. London.
Yours faithfully,
M. Davis
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