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Номер Инфинитив Герундий Причастие I Причастие II  

1. The President's administration is looking to establish a $60bn infrastructure bank based on the European Investment Bank (EIB), which is bailing out small UK businesses hit by the financial crisis.

2. The President's transition team has met at least one City figure close to the EIB to discuss how to set up a bank dedicated to rebuilding America's creaking transportation infrastructure.

3. We are a dinosaur economy trying to compete in a space-age global environment.

4. Jon Moulton has added his voice to the calls, arguing that nationalisation is the only way to remove the uncertainty hanging over the banks.

5. Buying the outstanding 57 per cent of Lloyds Banking Group, the business created by last week's merger of Lloyds TSB and HBOS, would cost another Ј2bn.

6. With Alliance & Leicester bought by Santander of Spain, only HSBC and Barclays remain independent, and the latter is largely owned by Qatar and Abu Dhabi investors following its own recapitalisation.

7. Alistair Darling has established a company, UK FinancialInvestments, to hold the nationalised bank stakes and prepare them for privatisation.

8. Sainsbury's chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, was named last month as chairman of UKFI, with Treasury civil servant John Kingman as its chief executive.

9. Ministers will be unwilling to sell until they can recoup the huge losses incurred on the quoted investments, and with bank shares still falling, no sale is expected.

10. With both banks, the Government suffered by agreeing to buy shares at a fixed price in a falling market, and there are fears it could lose again when it sells the shares if the banks remain listed.

11. Taking RBS or Lloyds into full ownership would allow those banks to be sold more easily too.

12. State banks survived by expanding their deposit-transfer function, continuing to this day a unique dual banking system, whereby a bank may obtain either a national or a state charter.

13. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created after World War II by a group of nations meeting in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

2. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующую неличную форму глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. Business angels are wealthy individuals who look (invest) in (grow) companies (want) (raise) between Ј10,000 and Ј250,00.

2. Short-time (work) is a lot better than lost jobs because it means there are more people still in work — not (take) benefits — and still (pay) taxes.

3. The conflicts in (own) so many banks that are meant (compete) with each other makes a speedy realisation sensible, but few expect this (happen).

4. He will have (decide) which bank (sell) first but not let that sale (damage) the market and (make) it harder (sell) the other.

5. The (start) point for any new venture is (create) a business plan. 6. Jeffrey Macklin says the objective of the business plan is (tell) a simple story that leaves the reader (want) (meet) the management team

and (find out) more about the proposition.

7. Equity investment is ideal for those businesses that do not want (increase) their level of (borrow), or are unable (provide) the necessary security.

8. Websites should (be) easy (navigate) so users don't get (frustrate) and leave without (make) a purchase.

9. Interest rates on its (exist) (fix) rate mortgage range were also (reduce) for the fifth time this year.

10. More borrowers are (start) (take) action (protect) themselves from possible interest rate rises and this is (reflect) in the (increase) number of remortgages.

11. The first bank to be (charter) by the new federal government was the Bank of the United States, (establish) in Philadelphia in 1791.

12. In the next three decades the number of banks grew rapidly in response to the (flourish) economy and to the system of «free banking», that is, the granting of a bank charter to any group that fulfilled (state) statutory conditions.

13. The Bretton Woods conference also set up the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) (facilitate) the lending of money by capital surplus countries — such as the United States — to countries (need) economic help and (want) foreign investments after World War II.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода неличных форм глагола

1. In the past few months, Nando's has taken advantage of the cheaper property market and expanded aggressively in London, opening in Westfield shopping centre, on the South Bank, in King's Cross.

2. The President will be responsible for deciding which assets can be kept and what needs to be sold off to repay the debt.

3. Of course there are ways for people to prevent repeating their mistakes and getting into future problems, according to Justin Modray at CandidMoney.com, who points out that the best way to avoid problems is not to spend more than you earn.

4. The financial problems being experienced by many are not expected to ease any time soon.

5. The UK's debt culture built up over the last decade has intensified the effects of the financial crisis and people need to understand the consequences of taking on debt and be given incentives to rebuild their savings.

6. Building credit is crucial to individuals in a consumption economy, and banks need to educate individuals in making responsible financial decisions to maximize their earnings potential.

7. Having made a fortune, he moved into publishing in 1981 with the purchase of the Atlantic and Atlantic Monthly Press.

8. Well, for those people who find themselves completely unable to meet their repayments, there are three main options for them to consider:

striking a deal; entering an Individual Voluntary Arrangement; or declaring themselves bankrupt.

9. The first — and easily the most preferable — is to reach a compromise with creditors and this usually involves explaining the situation to them in a letter.

10. Government fiscal operations were handled initially by private bankers and later (after 1846) by the Independent Treasury System, a network of government collecting and disbursing offices.

11. Since 1947 and the end of the World War II era, the goal of the GATT has been to liberalize world trade and make it secure for furthering economic growth and human development.

12. Special preferences are also granted to developing countries. 13. If a GATT agreement violation is found and not removed by the

offending country, trade sanctions authorized by a panel may be imposed on that country in an amount equal to the economic injury caused by the violation.

14. The European Economic Community (EEC) was established in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome in order to remove trade and economic barriers between member countries and to unify their economic policies.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 191 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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