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Герундий (the Gerund)

Герундий — это неличная форма глагола, совмещающая в себе признаки глагола и существительного. В русском языке такой фор-мы нет, однако по значению герундию близко отглагольное суще-ствительное (например, чтение, рисование, размышление и т. д.).

Герундий образуется путем добавления окончания - ing к основе глагола: making, reading, taking etc.

Формы герундия различаются по залогу (Active/Passive Voice) и по виду (Simple, Perfect).

Aspect Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple writing being written
Perfect having written having been written

Перфектные формы герундия обозначают предшествующее дей-ствие по отношению к действию сказуемого, неперфектные формы герундия обозначают одновременные или последующие действия по отношению к действию сказуемого.


I like inviting people. — Я люблю приглашать людей.

I like being invited.  — Я люблю, кода меня приглашают.

We are proud of having invited him to the party. — Мы гордимся тем, что пригласили его на вечер.

The children were proud of having been invited to the party. — Дети были горды тем, что их пригласили на вечер.

I am sorry for having interrupted you. — Я прошу прощения за то, что прервал Вас.

Не was accused of breaking the law. — Его обвинили в нарушении закона.

Stop making so much noise! — Перестань так шуметь!

В предложении герундий выполняет все функции, кроме просто-го глагольного сказуемого.

Функция Предложение Вариант перевода
в предложении на английском языке на русский язык
Подлежащее Listening to music is my Слушать музыку — мое
  hobby. хобби.
Часть сказуемого My hobby is listening to Мое хобби — слушать
  music. музыку.
Дополнение I like listening to music. Я люблю слушать
Обстоятельство 1 After listening to music После прослушивания
  she went to bed. музыки она пошла спать.
Определение 2 Не has a habit of listening У него привычка слу‑
  to music at night. шать музыку по ночам.


ƒ ƒВ функции обстоятельства герундий всегда употребляется с предлогом.


On coming home I always wash my hands. After finishing his work he will see his friends.

ƒ ƒВ функции определения герундий всегда употребляется с пред-логом, чаще всего это предлог of.


I have an idea of building a house.

Не has no opportunity of going abroad.

Особенности употребления герундия:

а) перед герундием может употребляться существительное в при-тяжательном падеже или притяжательное местоимение.


It will depend on your being here. Mike's being late was not noticed.

б) перед герундием может употребляться отрицательное место-имение no.

Например: No smoking. No whispering.

в) в английском языке существует ряд выражений, требующих после себя употребление только герундия: accuse of, depend on, insist on, prevent from, persist in, thank for, chance of, experience in, opportunity of, give up, go on, avoid, delay, mind, regret, be afraid of, be guilty of, be worth, without, instead of, in spite of etc.


He left the room without saying a word. She gave up smoking last year.

It's no use crying over split milk.


1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите функцию герундия в предложении

1. It's a stark choice: take a pay cut or face losing your job.

2. They have taken pay cuts of approximately $200 a week by reducing the hours they work.

3. By taking a temporary pay cut until the end of March, we reduced the number of redundancies from 510 to 178.

4. Companies which take advantage of workers during this downturn run the risk of seeing them walk out of the door when the economy improves.

5. The Government is looking at compensating employees.

6. The investors spent a lot fretting about the mounting cost of bailing out Irish banks.

7. The Halifax figures showed the worst monthly drop since the group began compiling figures in 1983.

8. There are hopes September's fall will give the market a boost, by tempting buyers back in while interest rates remain at historic lows.

9. Highstar Capital is hoping to raise as much as £200m from selling its stake.

10. There is a risk of deepening divisions between China and the US over influence and oil in the Middle East.

11. Brazil has shown interest in collaborating in non-dollar oil payments, along with India.

12. Relying on one currency only has the advantage of clarity, but it also creates instability.

№ 2. Подберите необходимую форму герундия.

selling paying having invested having been paid
being paid being provided having sold providing

1. ……… people with goods and services is the main task of our agency. 2. He is proud of……… so many houses at that difficult market situation. 3. You can avoid……… inheritance tax.

4. ………… means you have a salary or a fixed payment for your work. 5. The President of the Fund is accused of………….too much money

into this project.

6. Nowdays companies have difficulties in……….their shares. 7. The employee denied…………….for that work.

8. The customer insisted on………….with the service he paid for.

№ 3. Подберите необходимую форму герундия.

throwing monitoring explaining finding
paying avoiding paying revealing
petitioning selling considering  

1. ………… the state's holdings later would be a bigger and even more difficult task.

2. They are on the side of……… the worst.

3. If………… money at the problem averts a slump, it'll have been worth it. 4. The process involves………… the court and…………. a fee of around

£500, before……………… the circumstances to a judge.

5. There are other financial products that are worth………… that may help you during the tough times.

6. The first step is……………. an insolvency practitioner who will act as a supervisor of the arrangement.

7. An insolvency practitioner will help you to make a plan for…………… back your creditors.

8. Hispanic undocumented immigrants may shy away from banks for fear of…………. their illegal status.

9. I hope there will be better coordination in………………. international capital flows on both sides of the Atlantic.

4. Запишите предложения, употребив необходимую форму герундия. Определите функцию герундия в предложении

1. But after (agreeing, having agreed,) to raise its stake from 58 to 70 per cent, (buying out, having bought out) the minority shareholders at the current stock market price would cost a mere Ј2bn.

2. As taxpayers have already invested Ј20bn on a stake that is now worth less than Ј5bn, (purchasing, having purchased) the rest of the equity could be a cheap way of (simplifying, having simplified) the Treasury's holding.

3. The payment could mean (issuing, having issued) more ordinary equity or preference shares.

4. One problem the Treasury faces in (running, having run) two major banks is the conflict of interest.

5. One of the most important elements of (setting up, having set up) an online business is (finding out, having found out) if there is a market for your idea.

6. For many businesses, (raising, having raised) funds may involve several sources.

7. Bank finance in the form of a loan or overdraft is usually cheaper than (selling, having sold) shares or equity in your business.

8. A common error businesses make is to ask for too little financial support in the hope of (getting, having got) at least some of the funding they need.

9.  (Having, having had) a relatively competitive currency is no bad thing in a global downturn.

10. While (starting up, having started up) an internet business can be one of the toughest things you ever do, it can also be the most rewarding.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 481 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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