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ИНФИНИТИВ (The Infinitive)

Инфинитив — неличная форма глагола, которая называет дей-ствие без указания лица и числа. В русском языке соответствует неопределенной форме глагола и отвечает на вопрос что делать? Формальный признак инфинитива в английском языке — частица to. Однако частица to опускается в следующих случаях:

1) после модальных глаголов (may, should, can, etc.). Например: You must submit the documents to the bank in time.

2) после глаголов let, make see, hear и feel.

Например: They made him pay for the damage.

НО: (Пассивный залог) Нe was made to pay for the damage. 3) после had better и would rather.

Например: You had better sign the Contract. I would rather choose that company to order the stationery.


ƒ ƒПосле help инфинитив может употребляться как с частицей to, так и без нее.

Например: They helped me (to) solve the problem.

ƒ ƒЕсли два инфинитива в предложении связаны одним сказуемым, во втором случае частица to может опускаться.

Например: He went there to see his sister and invite her to the conference.

По категориям вида и залога выделяются следующие формы ин-финитива:

Вид Активный залог Пассивный залог
(Aspect) (Active Voice) (Passive Voice)
Simple to sell to be sold
Continuous to be selling —————
Perfect to have sold to have been sold
Perfect Continuous to have been selling —————


He came to sell the equipment of the company. — Он пришел, чтобы продать оборудование компании.

The equipment to be sold is very expensive. — Оборудование, кото‑ рое нужно продать, очень дорогое.

I am pleased to be working with you. — Я рад, что работаю с Вами. I am sorry to have disturbed you. — Прошу прощения за то, что

побеспокоил Вас.

He was glad to have been invited to the conference. — Он был рад тому, что его пригласили на конференцию.

She was lucky to have been living in this beautiful city for so many years. — Ей повезло жить в этом прекрасном городе в течение столь многих лет.

В предложении инфинитив выполняет все функции, кроме про-стого глагольного сказуемого.

Функция в пред- Предложение на ан- Вариант перевода
ложении глийском языке на русский язык
Подлежащее 1 To sell goods is profitable Продавать товары при-
  in this region. быльно в данном регионе.
Часть сказуемого The duty of a marketer Обязанность маркетолога
  is to serve the selected состоит в обслужива‑
  markets and to open new нии выбранных рынков
  ones. и в открытии новых.
Обстоятельство 2 To become an economist Вы должны долго учить-
  you are to study for a long ся, чтобы стать эконо-
  time. мистом.
  I am calling to order some Я звоню, чтобы заказать
  drinks. напитки.
Определение 3 There are a few problems Есть несколько проблем,
  to settle. которые нужно решить.
Дополнение He wanted to open a new Он хотел открыть новый
  market for the equipment. рынок для оборудования.


 1 На русский язык инфинитив в функции подлежащего может быть переведен с помощью существительного, инфинитива, при-даточного предложения.

 2 В функции обстоятельства цели инфинитив могут вводить соче-тания in order или so as. Например: People work in order to learn a living.

 3 Употребление инфинитива в функции определения в англий-ском языке более распространено по сравнению с русским языком. Инфинитив в функции определения часто имеет модальное значе-ние или предполагает будущее действие. На русский язык инфи-нитив в данной функции может быть переведен с помощью инфи-нитива, придаточного предложения или личной формы глагола.


1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите функцию инфинитива в предложении

1. There were some items to discuss before signing the Contract. 2. Barclays chairman and its chief executive are working behind

the scenes to find ways to reconcile its new and old shareholders in an attempt to get the deal approved.

3. They met with more than 20 shareholders last week to explain the plan in which the two new investors will own around a third of the shares.

4. The Kuwaiti Investment Authority used the low price to snap up a 22 per cent stake in the oil company.

5. As part of the deal, the bank must also pay 300 m in fees and expenses, including commissions of 4 per cent to the new investors.

6. To lend money to states rather than to specific transport schemes was originally planned by the President team.

7. The plan to highlight the bridges was approved, as more than a quarter across the US are in a state of serious disrepair.

8. The task of the local workforces is to improve local infrastructure.

2. Раскройте скобки, используя инфинитив и обращая внимание на использование частицы to

1. Your total debts must not (to be) more than £5,000.

2. She will (to have) enough regular income (to make) weekly or monthly repayments.

3. When too many depositors request payment, the banking system is unable (to respond) because it lacks sufficient liquidity.

4. More than 1.5 million people are in temporary or part-time work because they cannot (to find) a full-time post.

5. In a worse-case scenario, you may be unable (to cover) mortgage costs and be forced (to leave) the family home.

6. Insurance policies can (to run) for the whole of life or for a set term, such as 20 or 25 years.

7. The payout should (to free) your dependents from the burden of current debts and if possible, (to provide) enough (to maintain) their lifestyle.

8. Life insurance can (to be set up) with a longer term than usual in many other types of insurance.

9. It's important that a policy is able (to meet) your needs today and in the future.

3. Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. A pay sacrifice is required in order (to have safeguarded, to safeguard) the employee's job.

2. Companies will cut salaries (to be decreased, to decrease) the level of redundancies (сокращение штата).

3. Another, even more likely option is (to have frozen, to freeze) pay altogether.

4. Gold was expected (to be returned, to return) to the owners on demand.

5. The first bank (to charter, to be chartered) by the new federal government was the Bank of the United States, established in Philadelphia in 1791.

6. The National Bank Act (1864) established the office of the comptroller of the currency (to be chartered, to charter) national banks that could issue national banknotes.

7. The Federal Reserve Act (1913) created a centralized reserve system that would act as a lender of last resort (to forestall, to have forestalled) bank crises and would permit a more elastic currency (to meet, to be met) the needs of the economy.

8. The new WTO provides a Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) (to enable, to be enabled) member countries to resolve trade disputes.

9. The European Economic Community (EEC) was established in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome in order (to remove, to be removed) trade and economic barriers between member countries and (to unify, to have unified) their economic policies.

10. He remarried recently and now has two stepchildren (to support, to be supported).

11. It helped (to push, to have pushed) the jobless rate lower.

12. It makes economic sense for world trade (to be conducted, to conduct) in a variety of currencies.

№ 4. Составьте предложения

1. three, $1.2bn, into, 12, wells, to invest, over, the company, (£755m), plans, next, the years.

2. this, is, commercial, the region, to transform, discovery, going. 3. the area, to explore, is, Cairn, first, the company.

4. in, licences, have, and, ExxonMobil, the region, to drill, Chevron. 5. of, to end, the Board, news, what, can, do, the cycle, bad?

6. the markets, were, bond, the measures, enough, to reassure, not. 7. spending, has, consumer, already, to slump, begun.

8. not, this, a problem, is, to ignore.

9. process, of, the management, production, another, decided, to launch, phase.

10. the Committee, the economy, members, of, to gain, a picture, want, clearer.

11. big, we, projects, afford, infrastructure, not, to spend, can, on? 12. to manage, job, investments, his, was, taxpayers'.

5. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав соответствующий инфинитив

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