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Причастие I (participle I)

Причастие I — это неличная форма глагола, совмещающая в себепризнаки глагола, прилагательного и наречия. Причастие I обра-зуется путем добавления окончания - ing к основе глагола. Формы причастия I различаются по залогу (Active/Passive Voice) и по виду (Simple, Perfect).

Aspect Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple writing being written
Perfect having written having been written

Перфектные формы причастия I обозначают предшествующее действие по отношению к действию сказуемого, неперфектные формы причастия I обозначают одновременные или последующие действия по отношению к действию сказуемого.


When reading difficult texts we use dictionaries. — Когда мы читаем сложные тексты, мы используем словари (одновременностьдействий).

Having read a book I always discuss it with my friend. — Прочитав книгу, я всегда обсуждаю ее с моим другом (предшествование действий).

Having been told about his arrival I went to see him. — Узнав о егоприбытии, я пошел повидаться с ним (предшествование действий).

В предложении причастие I выполняет функции определения, обстоятельства и входит в состав сказуемого.

Функция Предложение Вариант перевода  
в предло- предложения  
на английском языке  
жении на русский язык  
Часть We arelearning foreign Мы изучаем иностранные  
сказуемого languages. языки.  
Определение Barking dogs seldom bite. Лающие собаки редко кусают.  
  The woman standing by Женщина, стоящая у окна,  
  the window is our teacher. наш учитель.  
Обстоятель- Having received the Получив результаты, она  
ство results she could evaluate могла оценить терапию.  
  the treatment. Читая тексты на английском  
  While reading English языке, мы узнаем новые  
  texts we learn new words. слова.  

Причастие I может быть употреблено в конструкции Complex Object with Participle I (сложное дополнение с причастием I) *. Данная конструкция состоит из существительного (неопределенного местоимения) в общем падеже или личного местоимения в объектном падеже и причастия I. По сравнению с конструкцией Complex Object with Infinitive, в конструкции с причастием I подчеркивается процесс протекания действия, одновременный с действием глагола-сказуемого.

Ср.: I saw you cross the street. — Я видел, что ты переходишь улицу. I saw you crossing the street. — Я видел, как ты переходишь улицу. Данная конструкция используется в качестве сложного дополнения после глаголов to hear, to feel, to listen, to notice, to observe, to see,

to look (at), to keep (с причастием waiting), to find.


We heard Helen talking to the doctor. — Мы слышали, как Хелен разговаривала с врачом.

I found him reading my letter. — Я застал его за чтением моего письма.

При абсолютной идентичности форм герундия и причастия I их необходимо четко различать в предложении с целью правильной передачи информации.

Особенности Наличие признака  
употребления Герундий Причастие I  
Части речи совме- Глагол, существительное Глагол, прилагатель-  
щаемых признаков ное, наречие  
Употребление Да Нет  
с предлогом Например: Например:  
  Coming home he  
  On coming home he always  
  always washes his  
  washes his hands.  
Употребление Да    
с притяжательным    
существительным Нет  
в притяжательном Helen's answering the  
падеже questions disappointed me.    
  Your writing business letters    
  leaves much to be improved.    

* Другое название для данной конструкции — Объектный падеж с причастием I.

Особенности Наличие признака  
употребления Герундий Причастие I  
Употребление Да    
с отрицательным    
No trespassing.    
  Функции в предложении    
Подлежащее Да    
  Например: Нет  
  Meeting new people was the  
  main advantage of her job.    
Часть сказуемого Да (Simple) Да (Continuous)  
  Например: Например:  
  His hobby is listening to He is listening to music  
  music. now.  
Дополнение Да    
  Например: Нет  
  I avoid speaking to strangers.    
Обстоятельство Да(с предлогом) Да1  
  Например: Например:  
  Running the  
  After making his speech he  
  sportsman tried to  
  was exhausted.  
  breathe regularly.  
Определение Да(с предлогом) Да  
  Например: Например:  
  The boy reading  
  He offered an easy way of  
  a book is the best  
  solving this problem.  
  student of our college.  

1 Причастие в функции обстоятельства не употребляется с пред-логами, но с ним могут употребляться такие союзы, как when, while.


1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите функцию причастия I в предложении.

1. Ministerial sources insisted last night that a scheme to help compensate workers was «not imminent» but said it was an option being discussed.

2. Although the crisis ended with a pay deal on 19 February, the miners repeated their industrial action less than two years later, provoking another three-day week and, ultimately, the removal of the Heath government in February 1974.

3. Ailing infrastructure is one of the big problems facing the President. 4. According to a survey by KPMG, 75 per cent of US executives claim that their companies will face an operating cost rise as a result of

poor infrastructure.

5. Other parts of the world, while being dragged down this year, manage rather better than Western Europe or North America.

6. Thus, they could temporarily lend out some of this gold to others, obtaining a promissory note for principal and interest.

2. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующую форму причастия I

1. It also introduced a new range of mortgages for people (borrow) 85% of their home's value.

2. (advance) £1 billion during 2009, the Post Office got a market share of between 3% and 5%.

3. The trouble is most of those (buy) now and (pay) later have little idea of just how crippling debt can be.

4. Apart from mortgages, we also owe an (increase) amount on plastic and loans.

5. (use) their experiences and material from Money Smart, a government financial literacy program, the student employees managed to provide financial education to their peers, to elementary school students and to their parents.

6. There are now 220 Nando's in the UK, in every large town from Edinburgh to Exeter, (serve) 800,000 customers every week.

7. When (buy) a policy, it's important you plan ahead.

8. (buy) an insurance policy, people could no longer get worried about coming difficulties.

9. If your main priority is to cover (exist) debts such as your mortgage, taking out a policy for your total debt should be sufficient.

10. A Treasury spokesman said the (grow) number of people (pay) higher-rate tax was merely a sign of Britain s economic success.

3. Перефразируйте предложения, заменив выделенную часть предложения соответствующей формой причастия

Модель: When you start your own business, think of all the sectorsyou can serve. — Starting your own business, think of all the sectors you can serve.

After he started his own business, he began giving money in charity. — Having started his own business, he began giving money in charity.

1.  When he knew about the economic slump, he put his money into real estate.

2.  When the managers were working under the new project, they didn't realize how important it could be for the Company.

3.  Now that the President has signed the Contract, he began building. 4.  People were frightened by the increasing prices, so they started buying

essential commodities in advance.

5.  After the staff implemented some urgent measures, the financial situation in the company improved.

6. She declined the offer of a credit because she didn't have a permanent job.

4. Определите функцию причастия I или герундия

в предложении. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. State banks survived by expanding their deposit-transfer function, continuing to this day a unique dual banking system, whereby a bank may obtain either a national or a state charter.

2. Banks were also prohibited from offering money market accounts. 3. Funding for the program comes from the premiums paid by member


4. When you start getting into debt it is not hard to fall into a vicious downward spiral.

5. We are encouraged by the increasing numbers who are using their repayment savings to erode their credit card and loan debts.

6. Insurance industry observers described the response of firms as «disappointing», and criticised them for being slow to act.

7. Well, for those people who find themselves completely unable to meet their repayments, there are three main options for them to consider: striking a deal; entering an Individual Voluntary Arrangement; or declaring themselves bankrupt.

5. Определите функцию причастия I или герундия

в предложении. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. The first is to reach a compromise with creditors and this usually involves explaining the situation to them in a letter.

2.  Having made a fortune nurturing real estate, he moved into publishing in 1981 with the purchase of the Atlantic and AtlanticMonthly Press.

3. I like working with the customers, even when it's very busy, like when there is football.

4. It turned out they've been having problems with people faking the cards, or passing the cards between each other.

5. Due to the high number of bankruptcies taking place across the country, there might be a waiting list of several weeks.

6. And the debt problem is getting worse.

7. As thinking is changing — particularly in the United States, where policymakers are shifting away from the belief that markets can regulate themselves — U. S. and EU regulatory approaches become somewhat more similar.

8. National regulators in each jurisdiction insist on regulating its banking industry.


Причастие II — это неличная форма глагола, совмещающая в себепризнаки глагола, прилагательного и наречия. Причастие образуется путем добавления окончания - ed к основе глагола, если глагол правильный; если глагол неправильный, см. таблицу неправильных глаголов (третья колонка). В отличие от других неличных форм глагола причастие II имеет одну форму со значением страдательного залога.

* Другое название Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени).


Informed of the arrival of the participants, they sent a car to meetthem. — Получив информацию о прибытии участников, они выслали машину, чтобы встретить их.

The houses built many years ago make up the architecture of the town. — Дома, построенные много лет назад, составляют архитек-туру города.

В предложении причастие II выполняет функции определения, обстоятельства и входит в состав сказуемого.

Функции Предложение Вариант перевода пред-  
в предложении на английском языке  
на русский язык  
Часть сказуемого The article called Статья под названием  
  «The Crime and the «Преступление и наказа-  
  Punishment» was ние» была опубликована  
  published yesterday. вчера.  
  They hadclosed the Они закрыли магазин  
  shop by the time he came к тому времени, как он  
  yesterday. пришел вчера.  
Определение I received a letter written Я получил письмо, на‑  
  by my mother. писанное моей мамой.  
  The book discussed Книга, обсуждаемая  
  yesterday impressed me. вчера, произвела на меня  
Обстоятельство When given time to think Когда ему дают время  
  he always answers well. подумать, он всегда от-  
    вечает хорошо.  

Причастие II может быть употреблено в конструкции Complex Object with Participle II (Сложное дополнение с причастием II), которая состоит из существительного (неопределенного местоимения) в общем падеже или личного местоимения в объектном падеже и причастия II. Данная конструкция в функции сложного дополнения используется в основном после глаголов to have, to get, to want, to wish. В случае использования сложного дополнения с причастием IIпосле глаголов to have, to get конструкция обозначает действие, выполняемое каким-либо лицом для лица, выраженного подлежащим.

Ср.: I will have the letter corrected.  — Мне исправят письмо (оно будет исправлено кем-то).

I will correct the letter. — Я исправлю письмо (сам).

Подобные обороты с причастием II в английском языке очень рас-пространены. Например, to have one»s hair cut/trimmed ( постричься), to have one's hair done/set ( сделать прическу), to have one's shoes mended ( отдать туфли в починку), to have one's photo taken ( сфото-графироваться), to have one's clothes cleaned (отдать одежду в чистку), to have one's chest X‑rayed (сделать рентген грудной клетки), to have one's tooth filled (запломбировать зуб) и т. д.


1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите функцию причастия II в предложении

1. Employees at JCB, the construction-equipment manufacturer, were one of the first groups forced to make this choice in the light of the credit crunch.

2. According to a recent survey of employees, carried out by the Char­ tered­ Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), 9 per cent of construction staff, 6 per cent working in finance and 5 per cent in the hospi­ tality field have either had their hours reduced or their pay cut, or both.

3. So what are your rights as a worker if faced with the prospect of a pay cut?

4. It would match measures introduced by the German government. 5. The Thatcher government brought in a short-time working directive

in the 1980s to cover earnings lost through shorter hours.

6. Even at today's depleted prices, the two banks are valued by the stock market at about Ј10bn.

7. After a marketing campaign aimed at small investors, the Government announced a fixed offer price, but then, between pricing and closure, came the «Black Monday» stock market collapse and underwriters pleaded to cancel the sale.

8. Indeed anyone associated with this Government's financial management carries a taint.

9. Figures released on Friday showed that the economy is contracting faster than at any time since 1980.

№ 2. Раскройте скобки, используя форму причастия II

1. Deposit banking was (separate) from investment banking; the monetary controls of the Federal Reserve were (expand), and its

powers were (centralize) in its Board of Governors; and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was (create).

2. Until the early 1980»s interest rates on bank accounts were (regulate) and (control) by the national government.

3. Funding for the program comes from the premiums (pay) by member institutions.

4. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT 1994) is a multilateral treaty (subscribe) to by 125 member governments.

5. The decline of American economic power (link) to the current global recession was implicitly acknowledged by the World Bank president Robert Zoellick.

6. The financial crisis has left the USA economy (hobble) with significant government and household debts and sharply (reduce) prospects for growth.

7. The increase in the number of higher-rate taxpayers is a sign of economic success and (increase) national prosperity.

8. What should a (retire) person do?

9. In an industry with billions of transactions (handle) every year, there will inevitably be some instances where something will go wrong, but the vast majority of customers experience no problems at all.

3. Выберите соответствующую форму причастия. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите функцию причастия II в предложении

1. Every year more than 100,000people find themselves so (overwhelming, overwhelmed) by financial distress that they become insolvent.

2. There are 9,500 new debt problems (dealing, dealt) with by Citizens Advice each day.

3. Meanwhile a property is (repossessing, repossessed) every 11.4 minutes and someone will be declared insolvent or bankrupt every 3.69 minutes.

4. Compared to native-born Americans, immigrants like Gama are not only poor, but also disproportionately («unbanked», «unbanking») meaning they do not have bank accounts.

5. Some might be («under-banked», «under-banking») making minimal use of banks.

6. The average interest (paying, paid) by each household on their total debt is approximately £2,692 each year.

7. The goldsmiths soon discovered that the amount of gold actually (removing, removed) by owners was only a fraction of the total stored.

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