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Порядок слов в предложении

существительное личная форма инфинитив второстепенные
в общем падеже глагола   члены предло-
или     жения

На русский язык начинать переводить данную конструкцию сле-дует с личной формы глагола с помощью вводных слов, конструкций, безличных предложений, а затем в качестве главных членов предло-жения использовать английское существительное в общем падеже или личное местоимение и инфинитив соответственно.

В качестве личной формы глагола могут выступать следующие выражения:

1) to seem — казаться

to appear — казаться, по-видимому to happen — случаться

to prove/to turn out — оказыватьсяНапример:

She seems to know you. — Кажется, она тебя знает.

We seem to have met once. — Кажется, мы встречались однажды. I seem to be waiting in vain. — Кажется, я жду зря.

* Личные местоимения: I, you, she, he, it, we, they.

Last week we happened to find the seller. — На прошлой неделе мы случайно нашли продавца.

2) употребленные в форме пассивного залога:

А) глаголы чувственного восприятия (to see, to hear, to watch, to notice, to feel);

Б) глаголы, обозначающие умственную деятельность (to think, to know, to suppose, to expect etc.);

В) глаголы, обозначающие передачу информации (to inform, to tell, to say, to report etc.).


She was heard to be singing in the hall. — Было слышно, как она поет в холле.

They are said to have left the country. — Говорят, что они покинули страну.

You are supposed to read these novels. — Предполагается, что Вы прочтете эти романы.

3) be likely, be unlikely, be sure (be certain). В составе Complex Subject

с инфинитивом данные выражения рекомендуется переводить как вероятно, вряд ли, наверняка, соответственно, или их синонимами.


He is sure to come.  — Наверняка, он придет.

We are unlikely to go out tonight. — Вряд ли мы пойдем куда-

нибудь сегодня вечером.


№ 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внима-ние на осбенности перевода инфинитивной конструкции Complex Object

1. I expect my sister to be promoted as soon as she graduates from the institute.

2. The manager wanted me to develop the plan of opening a new market.

3. The experts consider the market to have changed after the crises. 4. Consumers supposed the prices to decrease.

5. In order to sell bonds at a profit, the Government needs them to be valued at more than Ј35bn.

6. Mitchell Bank, based in a densely populated Latino community in Milwaukee, adopted immigrant-friendly practices in the late 1990s and saw its business grow.

7. Community activism allows her organization to connect thousands of immigrants with financial education and services.

8. «We can't allow this to happen again», Mackintosh said.

9. «We take 10 students and actually have them run the branch», said James Maloney, president of the 100‑year-old bank.

№ 2. Раскройте скобки, используя инфинитив (обратите вни-мание на необходимость использования частицы to)

1. We expect house prices (to trend down) relatively gradually over the final months of 2010 and in 2011 (to lose) around 10% in value.

2. Men can see their life insurance premiums (to come down), as generally they pay more than women because of shorter life expectancy.

3. China holds approximately $3 trillion in dollar assets, so it cannot afford to see the dollar (to collapse).

4. America needs China (to buy) her Treasury bills; and China needs America (to buy) her exports.

5. Females see their annuity income (to fall) to subsidize the higher pension benefits.

6. The countries want this transition (to take place) gradually over the next decade.

№ 3. Составьте предложения, выбрав соответствующий поря-док слов

1. them, to deliver, ask, we, goods.

2. to have signed, knew, nobody, the Contract, the parties.

3. to solve, the Sales Manager, the General Director, with, wants, the problem, the customer.

4. never, the prices, so, I, rise, quickly, saw.

5. to be delivered, we'd, next, the documents, week, like.

6. of, channels, the agent, let, with, distribution, the problem, deal, the managers.

7. expect, the Company, new, didn't, to open, a market, they.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода инфинитивной конструкции Complex Subject

1. The financial problems being experienced by many are not expected to ease any time soon.

2. We are likely to continue seeing record numbers of people coming closer to the level of insolvency during 2011.

3. The rental market is looking particularly weak and is likely to remain so through next year.

4. Bridges are also likely to be highlighted, as more than a quarter across the US are in a state of serious disrepair.

5. He seemed to promise more responsible government at his inauguration.

6. Make it fast and easy for customers to order, as a site with a difficult sales process is likely to lose customers.

7. More people are expected to face the prospect of going bankrupt over the coming months.

5. Перефразируйте предложения по модели, используя инфинитивные конструкции

Модель: Both Presidents are said to be extremely happy with thedeal. — Both Presidents are said to have been extremely happy with the deal.

1. Rents are likely to be under pressure for some time.

2. The major divergences in regulatory policies are unlikely to disappear.

3. Among immigrants, Mexicans are most likely to be unbanked. 4. China seems to be the most enthusiastic of all the financial powers

involved in the process.

5. A further depreciation of the currency is likely to occur next year. 6. The recent announcement was originally thought to have the

biggest impact on car insurance.

6. Перефразируйте предложения по модели, используя инфинитивную конструкцию Complex Subject

Модель: They say, traces of gas and oil are found in this region. —

Traces of gas and oil are said to be found in this region.

1. According to the estimates, Greenland's icy coastal waters hold as much as 50 billion barrels of oil and gas.

2. Nobody expects that drilling will start for another three years. 3. They expect that three licences will be awarded imminently. 4. As expected the President will outline his strategy.

5. Probably the consumer environment will become much tougher. 6. Everyone knows that Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) should

tackle high inflation and support the economy. 7. Apparently the rates will not rise for many months.

8. According to the newspaper reports, more details on today's rates decision and the Committee voting result will be made public.

9. Evidently the November meeting will be a key event.

10. They think that a low level of mortgages approved for house purchase is consistent with a stable market.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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