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The Subjective Infinitive construction

The Subjective Infinitive construction consists of

1) a nominal element – a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case, and

2) a verbal element – an Infinitive which denotes a state or an action performed by a person or non-person expressed by the nominal element.

He is said to have been sent to New York. Говорят, что его послали в Нью-Йорк.

Не seemed to be a nice man. Он казался милым человеком. (Казалось, что он милый человек.)

Dinny is likely to come today. Вероятно, Динни приедет сегодня.

The priest was seen to enter the church. Видели, как священник вошел в церковь.

But unlike other Infinitive constructions this one does not form one part of the sentence and does not make one whole as it is split into two parts by a finite verb which is placed between them. The first part of the construction (the nominal one) forms the subject of the sentence and the Infinitive makes part of a compound verbal predicate.

The Subjective Infinitive Construction
Noun in the common case or pronoun in the nominative case a finite verb Infinitive
The painter He seemed is said to see nothing. to have gone.

The Subjective Infinitive construction is used with a number of finite verbs which can be either active or passive. They all have the general meaning of attitude or comment when used with this construction.

I. The verbs used in the passive voice fall into four groups:

1. Verbs of sense perception (to hear, to see, to observe, to watch). When in the passive form these verbs are followed by a to-Infinitive. With this construction they express the idea of evidence of some fact. Here also belong some other verbs which in the passive voice express the idea of evidence (to find, to discover, etc.).

He was seen to cross the river. (Somebody was a witness of this fact.) Видели, как он пересек реку.

They were heard to enter the house. (Somebody heard it happen.) Слышали, как они вошли в дом.

Note: If a process is meant, non-perfect Participle I active is used: They were seen swimming across the river.

2. Verbs of mental perception (to think, to know, to consider, to believe, to suppose, to expect, etc.). All of them express some kind of expectation, of opinion or of attitude to the action expressed by the Infinitive. With the verb to expect the Infinitive in this construction can refer to a future action.

He was supposed to marry her. (Somebody was of the opinion that he should marry her. or Somebody expected him to marry her.) Предполагалось, что он на ней женится.

Everyone was thought/believed to have drowned. Считалось, что все утонули.

Не was known to run faster than anyone else. Было известно, что он бегает быстрее всех.

The soldiers were expected to do their duty in the coming battle. Ожидалось, что солдаты выполнят свой долг в предстоящем сражении.

3. Verbs of saying and reporting (to say, to report). They denote different kinds of judgement or comment of the action (state) expressed by the Infinitive.

A new star was reported to have appeared in the East. Сообщили, что на Востоке появилась новая звезда.

The treaty is said to have been signed yesterday. Говорят, что соглашение было подписано вчера.

The government delegation is said to be arriving at the moment. Говорят, что в данный момент прибывает правительственная делегация.

4. Verbs of inducement, compulsion and permission (to make, to allow, to let, etc.). When used in the passive voice the verbs to make and to let are followed by a to-Infinitive.

She was made to take pony-riding, or piano-exercise. Ее заставили заняться верховой ездой или игрой на фортепьяно.

He had learned to keep his thoughts to himself. To do so, he had been forced to divest himself of all personality. Он привык молчать о том, что думает. Чтобы этого достичь, он должен был отрешиться от себя.

She was allowed to enter the room. Ей разрешили войти.

II. The verbs used in the active voice are: t o seem, to appear – кажется, по-видимому, похоже; to happen, to chance (the latter is literary) – случаться, случайно произойти; to prove, to turn out – оказаться.

His illness seemed to have made his eyes larger. Казалось, что из-за болезни глаза у него стали больше.

She had mentioned the fact to Rebecca, but this young lady didn’t appear to have remembered it. Она говорила об этом факте Ребекке, но молодая леди, похоже, забыла об этом.

If Tom was merely sullen, Don appeared not to notice it. Если Том просто дулся, Дон, казалось, не замечал этого.

No longer struggling he appeared not to be breathing at all. Он больше не боролся и, казалось, не дышал вовсе.

The young people happened to meet the famous musician in the street. Молодые люди случайно встретились со знаменитым музыкантом на улице.

On the long journey he proved himself to be an amusing companion. Во время длинного путешествия он оказался забавным спутником.

As it happened my advice proved to be wrong. Случилось так, что мой совет оказался неправильным.

Не turned out to live in Hastings. Оказалось, что он живет в Гастингсе.

His statement turned out to be false. Его заявление оказалось ложным.

III. The Subjective Infinitive construction is used with sоme modal phrases (to be likely, to be unlikely, to be sure, to be certain). Sentences of this kind are rendered in Russian by a simple sentence with a modal word (обязательно, наверняка, несомненно – to be certain, to be sure; вероятно – to be likely; вряд ли – to be unlikely).

The children of divided parents in an unhappy home are likely to suffer in character. У детей разведенных родителей, живущих в безрадостном доме, вероятно (по всей вероятности), может испортиться характер.

I suspected that he was unlikely to require my presence. Я предполагал, что он вряд ли попросит, чтобы я присутствовал.

I ll be sure to do that. Я обязательно это сделаю.

The secret is certain to come out. Этот секрет, наверняка, станет известным.

With all these modal phrases the Infinitive denotes an action referring to the future, so they cannot be followed by a perfect Infinitive with reference to the past.

Exercise 123. Underline the Subjective Infinitive construction. State the syntactical status of its elements (the nominal element and the Infinitive). Note the meaning of the finite verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: He was seen to unlock the door. Видели, как он открыл дверь.

The nominal element He is used as the subject of the sentence. The Infinitive to unlock is used as part of the compound verbal predicate of double orientation was seen to unlock. The finite verb is a verb of sense perception.

1. The problems never really seemed to affect his mode of life. 2. The criminal is unlikely to rob the bank. 3. He happened to do a dishonourable act against his conscience. 4. He was seen to be developing the film. 5. If you throw mud you are sure to slip in it. 6. They were discussing where they should go on Sunday and she happened to overhear them. 7. She was heard to phone her friend. 8. In democracies the people seem to act as they please. 9. They proved to have very little sense of freedom and independence. 10. The headmaster is supposed to take care of the staff. 11. She was seen to be trying on a new dress. 12. Until now we were of the impression that he was sure to get his scholarship. 13. His activities seem to serve noble purposes. 14. They are expected to solve all the family problems. 15. We sent them our comments on their work but they appear to take no interest. 16. The man was seen to get into the house. 17. Her ex-husband is believed to be living in Rome. 18. The children are never allowed to stay at home alone. 19. The team is likely to win the game. 20. The novel is known to have been published abroad. 21. She was let to park the car near the bank. 22. All the banks were reported to have been closed.

Exercise 124. Match the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrases with the other parts suggested to make up a sentence with Subjective Infinitive constructions.

1. The students are likely 1. to be emotionally fragile.

2. My co-workers are supposed 2. to be a messy child.

3. Julia’s little son seems 3. to be very monotonous and


4. My job appeared 4. to be a close-knit family.

5. The Browns proved 5. to be doing well.

6. All my classmates are said 6. to have arrived.

7. The American delegation is reported 7. to be sent to Boston University.

8. Robert applied for a job but happened 8. to consult our foreign partners.

9. Our friends are unlikely 9. to make a negative impression

at the interview.

10. Little children are supposed 10. to visit us this year.

Exercise 125. Join the elements of a Subjective Infinitive construction. Use the proper form of a finite verb.

Model: He – to fall in love with her. (to be sure) He is sure to fall in love with her.

1. They – to enjoy the film much. (to appear) 2. Tom – to catch the train. (to happen) 3. Ann – to be married. (to prove) 4. She – to have lost her money. (to turn out) 5. Her classmates – to be having a test. (to seem) 6. Jill – to have been badly injured in a car accident. (to say) 7. The concert – to begin at 8. (to report) 8. Her husband – to get a pay increase next month. (to expect) 9. The man – to have told the police about the accident. (to believe) 10. We – to phone him at work. (to suppose) 11. Your sister – to have behaved foolishly. (to think) 12. His father – to be in hospital now. (to know) 13. She – to take sleeping tablets. (to allow) 14. I – to miss the lecture. (to let) 15. He – to leave his job. (to force) 16. My boss – to sign the contract. (to make) 17. He – to paint the door. (to see) 18. The boys – to swear. (to hear) 19. The two men – to have broken the window. (to discover) 20. His visa – to be no longer valid. (to find) 21. They – to find a job at the moment. (to be unlikely) 22. All my group mates – to pass the exams. (to be likely) 23. George – to recognize you. (to be sure) 24. The secretary – to type your letters on time. (to be certain)

Exercise 126. Look up the list of finite verbs used in a compound verbal predicate of double orientation. Use the most appropriate verb in the following sentences:

Model: The Prime Minister __ to have addressed the nation. The Prime Minister is reported to have addressed the nation.

1. The commander-in-chief __ to have been awarded an order. 2. The Prime Minister__ to have visited Siberia. 3. Bessie’s husband __ to have been travelling around the United States for a month. 4. A hotel receptionist __ to register the visitors at the hotel. 5. The Beatles __ to have been the most popular group in their day. 6. The storm __ to be approaching and __ to have been causing much damage. 7. The eruption of Vesuvius __ to have destroyed Pompeii. 8. Boston Tea Party __ to have taken place as a protest against the British heavy duty on tea imported by the American colonies. 9. The balloon __ to be launched into the air. 10. The horn __ to play a plaintive melody every night.

Exercise 127. Paraphrase the sentences. Use a Subjective Infinitive construction. Note the underlined verb or verbal, the suggested verb or modal phrase and use it as a finite verb.

Model: It is expected that the committee will help the refugees. The committee is expected to help the refugees.

1. It is reported that the police caught the criminal. 2. It is be1ieved that Mr. Kelly will have an operation next week. 3. It is said that Willie is in prison for robbery. 4. It is supposed that St. James’s park is one of the nicest parks in London. 5. It is known that this football team have lost all their matches this season. 6. It is thought that the Council is still discussing the unemployment problem. 7. Probably he will lose a lot of money gambling. (to be likely) 8. I am not sure that the candidate will win the election. (to be unlikely) 9. It is certain that all of them will come to the party. (to be certain) 10. I am absolutely sure that they will solve the problems facing the company. (to be sure) 11. Nothing can make him emigrate to Australia. 12. Nobody will allow her to change her job. 13. They didn’t want to stop the noise but their neighbours required that they should do it. (to force) 14. The girl’s mother let her use the washing machine. 15. They saw that the fire brigade arrived. 16. Everyone heard that he shouted at his wife. 17. They discovered that the bicycle had been stolen. 18. It’s certain that they will adopt the resolution. 19. The detective made the criminal confess. 20. It’s known that the new tourist agency is the best. 21. They reported that the Prime Minister had left for the UN session.

Exercise 128. Use the appropriate form of the Infinitive as part of a compound verbal predicate.

Model: The boy is sure (to punish) for what he’s done. The boy is sure to be punished for what he’s done.

1. I happened (to pass) by your house when I heard the noise. 2. Where’s Jim? He seems (to leave). 3. You look so flushed. You seem (to run) a high temperature. 4. It’s so nice here. Everybody appears (to enjoy) the party. 5. The storm is reported (to cause) much damage and (to kill) many people. 6. The public was reported (to give) a warm reception to the pop group. 7. Our yachtsman Konyukhov is said (to visit) many countries on his way round the world. 8. He is also known (to conquer) Mount Everest, the highest in the world. 9. He is known (to set) some world records. 10. Look, it’s raining again. It seems (to rain) for ages. 11. The weather isn’t likely (to change) for the better today. 12. Why are you here? You seem (to forget) about you appointment with the dentist who is certain (to wait) for you now. 13. This was the moment that seemed (to mark) the start of the interview. 14. She seemed (to listen) carefully to what he said. 15. Such idle talk was little likely (to reach) the ears of Mr. Dombey.

Exercise 129. Paraphrase the following sentences. Use to be supposed to... for what we expect to happen because it is a normal way of doing things or because someone arranged it.

Model: Before dialing the number at the public phone put the money in the slot. – You are supposed to put the money first, then dial the number. (It is a normal way of using a public phone.)

1. In England people waiting for a bus queue up. 2. Visitors to Moscow must register at the police station as soon as they arrive. 3. The film is not to be watched by children under sixteen. 4. The doctor prescribed this medicine to me and I must take it. 5. You should not leave your things in public places. You may lose them. 6. If you see a parcel in a public place, you should not try and open it. 7. The grass is fresh and green. Don’t walk on it. 8. I’ve bought this soup powder. But how can I cook it? 9. When you get on the bus you must pay the conductor at once. 10. Before entering a Metro station you must show your season ticket to the guard. 11. I must speak to your boss. Where can I find him? 12. People who are staying at a hotel must first get registered by the receptionist. 13. What sort of uniform must I wear at this job? 14. In case you want to send an urgent message you must send it by fax or e-mail.

Exercise 130. Imagine you are a teacher talking to your student who plays truant a lot. Tell him what he is supposed/expected to do.

Use: to attend classes and lectures regularly; not to miss classes without good excuse; to do one’s home assignment; to have tests; to speak at one’s seminars; to take/pass all the exams, etc.

Let him react to what you are saying and use: not/to have enough time; to have a temporary part-time job; to have some family problems; not/to be the teacher’s pet; to be madly in love; to adore English; to be a bundle of nerves; to keep one’s word.

Try to use the Infinitive phrases given above in a Subjective Infinitive construction.

Use different kinds of finite verbs are said, are sure, are likely, etc.

Exercise 131. You are planning a trip to Paris or London. As you have only a few days off, you decide to fly there. What are you expected to do? Use suggested words and phrases and add something of your own.

Model: to choose a flight – First of all I’m expected to choose a most suitable flight.

to choose an airline; to get a visa; to look up the time-table; to make a reservation; to book the ticket beforehand; to pack the luggage; to take a taxi to go to the airport; to go through the customs; to submit the passport at the passport control; to check (by the security service); to go to the departure lounge and wait there till the flight is announced; to have a good book to read on the plane

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