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The Infinitive as parenthesis

As parenthesis the Infinitive is used as part of some set expressions, such as:

to begin with; to be more precise; to be quite frank; to be sure; to crown it all; to make the matters (things) worse; to make/cut a long story short; needless to say; to put it in a nutshell; to put it mildly; to put it more plainly; to say the least; to say nothing of; so to speak; strange to say; to sum it up; to tell the truth

Needless to say, a people without history is like wind on the buffalo grass.

As a rule a parenthesis refers to the whole sentence or clause and is placed at the beginning of the sentence though sometimes it may be placed in the middle of the sentence.

To tell the truth(to be quite frank), I don’t really like her. По правде говоря(честно говоря), мне она не нравится.

То sum it up, I completely lost control of the situation. В общем, я полностью потерял контроль над ситуацией.

Needless to say, it rained when I left my car windows open. He нужно и говорить, что пошел дождь, когда я не закрыл окна в машине.

That was, so to speak, another gift for you. Это был, так сказать, еще один подарок для тебя.

His house burned down, his car was stolen and, to crown it all, he lost his job. Дом его сгорел, машину украли и, ко всему прочему, он потерял работу.

Exercise 104. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as parenthesis. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: To cut it short, she failed to do it. Короче говоря, ей не удалось это сделать.

1. A good teacher should try, so to speak, to breathe life into his or her subject. 2. To be frank, she realized that she had no claims on him. 3. To tell the truth, I cherish a hope that one day we will be reunited. 4. To crown it all, the magazine was forced to close down. 5. To put it mildly, the doctor was either a charlatan or a shrewd old rougue. 6. To be more precise, I wouldn’t call it awful, but it wasn’t very well written. 7. To begin with, you need to brush up your French. 8. To speak the truth, I’ll have another breakdown if I stay any longer in this house. 9. Needless to say, it is my earnest wish that you use this money to further your research. 10. To say the least, she lacked tact in expressing her views. 11. To make a long story short, they acquired a reputation of being a formidable opponent. 12. To put it more plainly, if there’s anything you want to see, just drop by. 13. To put it in a nutshell, he tried to give a sympathetic ear at all times. 14. He was terribly slow, to be sure, and spoke as if he was half asleep or dragged. 15. To be quite frank, it’s early yet to say whether it works.

Exercise 105. Complete the sentences. Use an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as parenthesis.

Model: The effort required was immense,... the cost. The effort required was immense, to say nothing of the cost.

1. …, people want a much greater say in how the country should be governed. 2. …, less talented artists were totally eclipsed. 3. The Romans left Britain in 410 A.D. – …, England was under Roman rule for nearly 500 years. 4. …, I was thinking of going in for school teaching. 5. …, he scolded his daughter for keeping them waiting. 6. Just imagine! When he climbed to the top of the mountain the sun scorched his face, he broke his leg and …, he lagged behind the group. 7. …, it was a terrible laugh, very quiet and intense. 8. …, he gave him the wrong phone number just for a laugh. 9. …, after her marriage it was as if she’d got a new lease of life. 10. …, he had somehow got the bone lodged in his throat. 11. …, he named a price he thought would scare me off. 12. …, our neighbours like to nose about. So we always keep our door locked.

Exercise 106. Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of the Infinitive as parenthesis.

1. Точнее сказать, он не хочет, чтобы мы вмешивались в его дела. 2. Откровенно говоря, я сыт по горло ее жалобами. 3. Как ни странно, но она никогда нам не звонит. 4. Мягко говоря, он редко сочувствует ей. 5. Короче говоря, оставим все разговоры и приступим к делу. 6. В общем, это стоило нам дорого: дом, мебель, не говоря уже о гараже. 7. По меньшей мере, она поступила неразумно. 8. Проще говоря, если хотите присоединиться к нам, приезжайте утром рано и мы вас отвезем туда. 9. Излишне говорить, что она любит Вас и – ждет. 10. Короче говоря, мы не собираемся навязываться им (to intrude on someone). 11. Если честно, мне хотелось бы съездить туда. 12. Он, так сказать, слишком молод для такой карьеры. 13. Я понял, а точнее, почувствовал, почему они отказались сотрудничать с нами. 14. Твой поклонник, т. е. твой будущий муж, обещает помочь вам? 15. Мягко выражаясь, она была невежлива. 16. Сказать по правде, я не люблю бокс. 17. Начнем с того, что я занят. 18. Короче говоря, он не сдал экзамен. 19. Мы все были рады, не говоря уже о маме: она сказала, что это самый счастливый день в ее жизни. 20. Это очень странно, по меньшей мере. 21. Для начала, она открыла все окна. 22. По правде говоря, я очень устал. 23. Мягко выражаясь, вы меня удивили. 24. Короче говоря, они поженились. 25. Самая известная книга Джерома – «Трое в лодке, не считая собаки.» 26. По меньшей мере, мы были удивлены.

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