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The Objective with the Infinitive construction

The Objective with the Infinitive construction forms a complex object, thus it follows the predicate of the sentence.

The construction consists of 1) a nominal element (a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the Objective case) and 2) an Infinitive which is in predicate relation to the noun in the common case or the pronoun in the nominative case.

Subject Predicate The Objective with the Infinitive construction
  Noun in the common case Pronoun in the Objective case     + Infinitive
We want John her son him to come. to visit us. to study well.

1. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after verbs denoting sense perception (to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to observe, to notice, etc.) With these verbs only a bare non-perfect, non-continuous, active Infinitive is used.

I saw the man __ break the window. (I saw the complete act.) Я видел, как этот человек разбил окно.

I heard the dog __ bark. (I heard a dog give one bark.) Я услышал, как собака залаяла.

I didn’t notice you __ raise your hand. (a complete act.) Я не заметил, что вы подняли руку.

Did you feel the earth __ move? Вы почувствовали, как (что) земля дрогнула?

After these verbs the Infinitive indicates that we heard or saw the whole of the action or event, that’s why it is often translated into Russian by a verb in the past tense (разбил, залаяла, подняли, дрогнула).

If the meaning is passive, Participle II is used.

She watched the work completed. Она смотрела (наблюдала), как закончили работу.

If a process is expressed, Participle I is used.

She watched them completing the work. Она наблюдала, как они заканчивали работу.

Note: When the verb to see is used in the meaning to realize, to understand or the verb to hear is used in the meaning to learn, the Objective with the Infinitive construction cannot be used. In such cases a subordinate clause is used.

I saw that he didn’t understand me. Я видел (понял), что он меня не понимает.

I hear that he lives in St. Petersburg again. Я слышал (узнал), что он снова живет в Санкт-Петербурге.

Note: After the verbs to see, to notice when they denote sense perception the Infinitive of the verb to be is not used. Instead a subordinate clause is used.

I noticed that he was unwell. Я заметил, что ему нехорошо;

We saw that he was in. Я увидел, что он дома.

2. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after verbs of mental activity (to think, to believe, to consider, to expect, to understand, to suppose, to find etc.). After these verbs the Infinitive may be used in any form though non-perfect forms are more frequent.

I’ ve never known him to read so much. Я не знал, что он так много читает.

I thought him to be an excellent choice. Я считал его прекрасным вариантом/что он прекрасный вариант.

I believed/thought her to be watching TV in the drawing room. Я считал/думал, что она смотрит телевизор в гостиной.

After these verbs, however, the Objective with the Infinitive construction is rather literary and not very common. These verbs are more often used with a that-clause (an object clause).

I thought that he was an excellent choice.

The Infinitive may be omitted when followed by an adjective (or sometimes a noun).

I think him __ very clever and talented.

I found the lecture __ dull and uninteresting.

I believe her __ a true friend.

3. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after verbs of feeling and emotion (to like, to love, to hate, to dislike, cannot bear, etc.)

She hated him to speak like that. Она ненавидит, когда он так говорит.

The child loved his mother to sing to him. Ребенок любил, чтобы мать пела ему.

I саn’t bear him to be separated from me. Терпеть не могу, когда его разлучают со мной.

4. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after verbs of wish and intention (to want, to wish, to desire, to mean, to intend, etc.).

I wanted the fax to be sent today. Я хотел, чтобы факс послали сегодня.

I didn’t mean you to come so early. Я не хотела, чтобы вы приходили так рано.

5. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after verbs of declaring (to declare, to report, to pronounce, etc.).

They reported the plane to have landed. Сообщили, что самолет приземлился.

She declared the prisoner to have been seen outside the prison. Она заявила, что заключенного видели за пределами тюрьмы.

6. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after verbs of inducement (to have, to make, to force, to get, to cause, etc.), when to have is used in the meaning of заставить, сказать, чтобы;

to make in the meaning of заставить;

to cause in the meaning of заставить, распорядиться.

The verbs to have and to make are followed in this construction only by a bare Infinitive.

I hope you’ll have him __ sign the papers. Надеюсь, ты добьешься (сделаешь так), чтобы он подписал документы.

Beauty makes the world __ go round. Красота движет миром. (Заставляет мир двигаться).

How should I get him to take the money? Как мне заставить его взять деньги?

She caused a telegram to be sent to him. Она распорядилась, чтобы ему послали телеграмму.

7. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after verbs of order or permission (to order, to allow, to suffer, to ask, to let, to tell, etc.)

Poor old thing, let her __ enjoy her little illusion. Бедняга, пусть она потешится своими маленькими иллюзиями.

Mr. Domby suffered Florence to play with Paul. Мистер Домби с большой неохотой разрешил Флоренс поиграть с Полем.

With these verbs except to suffer, to tell and to let we find the Objective with the Infinitive construction only if its first part denotes a lifeless thing (expressed by a noun or pronoun) or when the Infinitive is passive.

I didn’t allow the name to pass my lips. Я не позволяла себе произносить это имя.

The boss asked the letter to be delivered at once. Начальник попросил, чтобы письмо доставили сразу.

Не ordered the picture to be carried away. Он приказал, чтобы картину унесли.

If the object is expressed by a noun or a pronoun denoting a living being and the Infinitive is active, there are two objects and there is no Infinitive construction:

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 14895 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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