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Object 1 object 2

He ordered the secretary to bring the letters. =

1) He ordered the secretary.

2) He ordered to bring the letters.

8. The Objective with the Infinitive construction is used after some verbs requiring a prepositional object (to count on, to look for, to listen to, to rely on, to wait for)

We counted on you to come and help us. Мы рассчитывали, что ты придешь и поможешь нам.

I rely on you to come in time. Я рассчитываю, что вы придете вовремя.

Не waited for her to overcome her shyness. Он ждал, пока (что) она преодолеет свою застенчивость.

Exercise 113. Underline the Objective with the Infinitive construction. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the type of the verb preceding the construction and the way of rendering the construction in Russian.

Model: a) I thought him to be a first-class teacher. Я считал его первоклассным преподавателем. Я считал, что он первоклассный преподаватель.

b) Will your dad allow the VCR to be taken to my place? Твой отец разрешит отнести ко мне видеомагнитофон?

c) Let them do whatever they want. Пусть они делают, что хотят.

А. 1. We can’t believe him to have robbed the bank. 2. He hated her to wake him up every morning. 3. They reported the train to have arrived. 4. I’ll get you to give the money back. 5. We relied on her to book the tickets. 6. Jill loved her child to recite nursery rhymes at their family parties. 7. I find him to be a very experienced computer engineer. 8. We all know him to be a first-class ballet dancer. 9. I thought him to be the most disagreeable person. 10. She disliked her mother to work till late at night.

B. 1. She wanted the house to be let as soon as possible. 2. Susan ordered the tea to be brought. 3. I wouldn’t allow my cottage to be sold. 4. I didn’t mean her to be invited here. 5. I’d like my book to be published in English. 6. He wished the play to be staged at the local theatre. 7. They couldn’t allow all the money to be given to one person. 8. He preferred the pictures to be exhibited in the central gallery. 9. The manager ordered the contract to be translated into English. 10. We’d like the car to be parked near the office.

C. 1. I can’t make you obey. 2. She saw a little girl approach the house. 3. I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you enter the room. 4. Let her say whatever she wants to. 5. Nobody will have her stay here. 6. Can you make her apply mustard plasters? 7. I saw him play computer games. 8. She usually lets her son stay at home when he feels sick. 9. I’ll never have him give up his job. 10. Did you notice the dean come into the room?

Exercise 114. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Point out the Objective with the Infinitive construction if any after the verbs of order and permission.

Note 1) the word following the predicate and define whether it denotes a lifeless thing or a living being,

2) the voice of the Infinitive.

Model: The film director asked the camera to be changed. Режиссер попросил заменить камеру. The predicate is followed by an Objective with the Infinitive construction. The noun camera denotes a lifeless thing and is followed by the passive Infinitive to be changed. Together they form an Objective with the Infinitive construction.

She never allows your name to pass his lips. Она никогда не разрешает ему произносить Ваше имя. Она никогда не допускает, чтобы он произносил... The predicate is followed by an Objective with the Infinitive construction. The noun name denotes a lifeless thing and is followed by the active Infinitive to pass. Together they form an Objective with the Infinitive construction.

The boss ordered the typist to type the paper immediately. Начальник приказал машинистке немедленно отпечатать документ. The predicate is followed by two objects. The noun typist is an indirect object and it denotes a living being. The direct object is expressed by the Infinitive phrase to type the paper immediately.

1. The old woman asked the young man to carry her bag. 2. The teacher allowed the student to miss her lecture next week. 3. He ordered the fax-machine to be fixed. 4. He never asks tea to be made. He does it himself. 5. His mother didn’t allow irritation to overwhelm her. 6. Felix asked the maid to change the towels. 7. Ann asked Charles to pick her up at the station. 8. Try not to allow the rumours to spread. 9. The doctor told him to stick to the diet and not to work so hard. 10. Nelly asked her luggage to be brought. 11. Please, allow my love to warm your heart and you won’t feel lonely in this world. 12. Ask him to sleep with the window open. 13. Mabel allowed them to give her a call. 14. They asked the bushes to be trimmed, the flowers to be cut and arranged in the vase.

Exercise 115. Complete the sentences using either an Objective with the Infinitive construction or a subordinate clause.

A. Pay attention to the meaning of the predicate verb whether it denotes sense perception or mental perception.

Model: I saw … (Jack, to fix his watch). I saw Jack fix his watch. – complex object, sense perception.

I saw … (Jack, to lie). I saw that Jасk lied. – a subordinate clause, realized.

I heard … (he, to shout). I heard him shout. – complex object, sense perception.

I heard … (she, to leave for Paris). I heard that she had left for Paris. – a subordinate clause, learned.

1. I heard … (the boys, to cry outside). 2. Dick saw … (his pals, to deceive him). 3. Ben heard … (his teacher, to talk with the dean). 4. She has never seen … (her mother, to weep). 5. We hear … (he, to live in Swansea). 6. Nora saw … (her husband, to come to his studio). 7. Alex heard … (the criminal, to sentence to death). 8. Can’t you see … (she, to be in love with him). 9. The girl heard … (the old woman, to moan). 10. The boy saw … (the car, to start at last). 11. He heard … (his best friend, to divorce). 12. Hester saw … (her boy-friend, to betray her).

B. Note the be – Infinitive.

Model: She saw … (he, to mend his car). She saw him mend his car. – complex object

He saw … (he, to be upset). He saw that he was upset. – a subordinate clause

1. We saw … (they, to get into the car). 2. I noticed … (she, to be nervous). 3. Dad saw … (my sister, to be in low spirits). 4. She noticed … (they, to steel the purse). 5. Mother saw … (I, to be irritated with my friend). 6. I saw … (he, to get off a bus). 7. The deputies saw … (the speaker, to be angry with the journalist). 8. We noticed … (the writer, to be shy when talking to the audience). 9. Jacob saw … (Mr. Andrew, to be frightened). 10. Robert noticed … (the stranger, to hide the papers). 11. Steven saw … (William, to sit quietly).

Exercise 116. Point out the Objective with the Infinitive construction. Pay attention to the use of the bare Infinitive. Underline the verbs preceding the construction with a bare Infinitive.

Model: She saw her husband mow the lawn.

1. I heard my neighbour snore. 2. Never let them watch you work or they will disturb you. 3. What made you come so early? 4. I’ve never seen them walk together. 5. Can’t you have him glue the vase he broke yesterday? 6. She felt her hand tremble and realized he was excited. 7. I was very close to the phone box and noticed the man dial the number, and then I heard him say something to a certain Liz. 8. The doctor made the patient take the medicine and persuaded him to keep the bed. 9. How can you let your son go there alone? 10. I can’t have him waste his money. He may need it. 11. We could watch them go out every evening. 12. Did you make her get a new passport? 13. Let me wash your shirt. 14. Have you ever seen your daughter do the cleaning? 15. They borrowed the money, didn’t they? Let them pay it back.

Exercise 117. Paraphrase the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model 1: to see, to hear, to notice, to watch, etc.: I saw that the children ran round the house. – I saw the children run round the house.

1. We heard that the actor sang. 2. Little Bobby watched how his father polished the floor. 3. I noticed that the woman passed him by and gave him a quick and strange look. 4. I heard that he played the guitar. 5. She felt that he touched her on the back and heard that he whispered something tenderly.

Model 2: to want, to wish, to desire, to mean, etc.: His wish was that his family should spend the weekend somewhere in a quiet place. – He wished his family to spend the weekend somewhere in a quiet place.

1. I didn’t mean that you should go there immediately. 2. He wanted an apple pie and asked his wife if she could make it for dinner. 3. Her great desire was that her boy friend should recover and live a long and happy life. 4. His son’s wish was that his father should buy him a new Mini. 5. Do you mean that he should bring his girl-friend to the party? 6. I want another pair of shoes and I would like that you should help me to choose the style and colour matching my yellow suit.

Model 3: to like, to love, to dislike, to hate, cannot bear, etc.: I like (it) when you come to see us. – I like you to come to see us.

1. She hates when people lie. 2. All children love when their parents kiss them before their going to bed. 3. I cannot bear when he says bad words. 4. Do you like when your guests leave your place late? 5. He hates when his wife talks with her friends for hours on the phone. 6. I can’t say that I love when you watch thrillers or soap-operas.

Model 4: to count on, to rely on: I count on your coming in time. – I count on you to come in time.

1. She relied on his helping them in any trouble. 2. We counted on their bringing some wine and didn’t go to the supermarket. 3. You can count on my help. 4. I believe you will make the right decision. 5. Never rely on someone’s phoning you and saying what to do. 6. The nation believed that the king would provide leadership.

Model 5: to order, to allow, to ask, etc.: His request was to post the letter. – He asked the letter to be posted.

1. The chiefs order was to check all the papers. 2. She gave permission to sell the house. 3. He begged to give the money back to him. 4. Mr. Brief asked to bring him a glass of hot milk and a bun. 5. The captain ordered to change the plan and go in a different direction. 6. My request was to buy a new car.

Model 6: to have, to make, to let, to get, to cause: They forced him to go out. – They made him go out.

1. They forced us to sit and wait. 2. Her parents wouldn’t give her permission to go out with boys. 3. She heard some strange sound and stepped aside. 4. Stuart doesn’t want to do it but he will find a good reason for his doing that. 5. I hope you’ll tell her to sell the car. 6. There’s no reason for him to leave his home-town.

Model 7: to report, to declare, to pronounce: They reported that the train had already started. – They reported the train to have already started.

1. The boys reported that the translation had been completed. 2. The surgeon pronounced that the patient had recovered. 3. He reported that the robber had been caught. 4. She declared that he would come again some day. 5. They declared that the general wasn’t guilty. 6. They reported that our wages would be paid on time.

Model 8: to think, to believe, to consider, to expect, to know, to suppose, to find: We expected that they would arrive at 5 p.m. – We expected them to arrive at 5 p.m.

1. I find that her nephew looks much younger. 2. They consider that Charles Simon did it on purpose. 3. We expect that her daughter will manage to enter the University. 4. I thought you’d cheated her. 5. They suppose that dogs love only kind people. 6. I’ve never known that she used to be an actress.

Exercise 118. Match the parts of the sentences choosing the proper complex object.

1. All his co-workers thought 1. your daughter make a slow recovery.

2. She hated 2. my brother cry.

3. Jerry is an experienced designer 3. her neighbour to gossip about her.

and we can’t believe

4. I heard 4. him to have been sacked.

5. I’ve never seen 5. Alan to be a workaholic.

6. Alex had a sweet tooth, 6. him go for a check-up.

and he loved

7. You can’t do anything about it, 7. their children to tie the knot.

so you should let

8. Jack doesn’t want to go 8. her nurse to give her injections.

to the doctor’s but his dad’ll make

9. June’s and Tom’s parents 9. his wife to make delicious cakes from

relied on time to time.

10. Ann was unwell and she 10. your son do whatever he wants.


Exercise 119. Finish the sentences.

Model: You should learn French. – I want you... I want you to learn French. She swept the floor. – I made her... I made her sweep the floor.

1. I had to return home before midnight. Mother had me... 2. He is to pay the bill. Please, have him... 3. We had to wait for hours. The producer made us... 4. David always tells silly jokes, and Debby hates it. Debby can’t bear David... 5. The house shook as the earthquake started. The earthquake made the house... 6. She must come to see us. Get her... 7. They left very early. I didn’t expect them... 8. He will never tell lies. Have you ever known him... 9. I helped my friend translate the text. My friend had me... 10. They ran after the burglar. Did you see them...? 11. Could you lend me your car? I want you... 12. Shall I believe her? She tried to make me … 13. The wind blew her hat down the street. They watched the wind … 14. She wanted to hurt him by her words. She meant her words … 15. Why do you say that? What makes you …? 16. Why do you think that? What makes you …? 17. I was sure he would keep his promise. I expected him … 18. They never come on time. Have you ever known …? 19. They never speak rudely. Have you ever heard …? 20. She seldom dances. Have you ever seen …?

Exercise 120. Write ten sentences that are true for you. You may add more words and situations. Use a complex object.

1. My friend’s jokes     screw up my eyes.
2. Cartoons make me cry.
3. This terror story     laugh.
4. Onions     stroke its back.
5. This delicious soup makes   smile.
6. My dog     walk it.
7. Headaches     my mouth water.
8. The bright sunrays     take all kinds of medicine.
9. My cat always     shiver.

Exercise 121. Answer the following questions. Give a complete answer. Use a complex object.

1. What do you want your friend to do on Saturday? 2. What do you expect your friend to do on Sunday? 3. Where do you want your friend to go with you? 4. Where do you want your friend to invite you? 5. What restaurant would you like your friend to invite you to? 6. What present would you like your friend to give you? 7. Where do you let your dog run? 8. Why do you let your dog run on its own? 9. What do you make your dog do while walking? 10. Who do you let your dog play with? 11. What do you have your dog eat in the morning/evening?

Exercise 122. Translate the sentences into English using the Objective with the Infinitive construction.

1. Никогда не слышал, чтобы он читал стихи. 2. Из-за него она уехала и бросила хорошую работу. 3. Пусть он поступает, куда хочет, и сам поймет, если это неправильный выбор. 4. Я увидела, как он открыл дверь и вошел, когда никого не было в доме. 5. Неужели она не может заставить своего мужа сделать ремонт? 6. Не думала, что он издевается (to mock smb.) над собственным ребенком. 7. Не поверю, что они отказались от новой квартиры. 8. Я считаю, что его доклад — это новое слово в науке. 9. Мне не нравится, когда вы приходите без предупреждения. 10. Не выношу, когда ты бездействуешь вместо того, чтобы чем-то помочь ему. 11. Хочу, чтобы они съездили отдохнуть и немного развлечься. 12. Не позволю, чтобы порочили его честное имя. (to blacken one’s reputation) 13. Как мне заставить их сделать работу вовремя? 14. Я не хочу полагаться на то, что кто-то потратит свои деньги, пытаясь спасти положение. 15. Он никогда не приказывает своим сотрудникам что-то делать, а просто просит их. 16. Люблю, когда ты звонишь мне по вечерам. 17. Я раньше наблюдал, как он идет под руку со своей женой. (to take one’s arm) 18. Полагаю, что этот фильм не для детей.

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