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Exercise 107. Match the parts of the sentences choosing the proper adverbial modifier expressed by an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase.
1. John is clever enough 1. to marry for love.
2. He switched off the radio 2. to see there was nobody in the room.
3. We were upset 3. to make a positive impression.
4. Lizzy does nothing but 4. to say he was going to have a sleep.
5. The teacher came in 5. to know that her grandson gets better.
6. His mother would be happy 6. to learn that they drifted away from
each other.
7. Sally is too down-to-earth 7. manipulate her children.
8. He took a quick look at the picture 8. never to find another one.
9. To have too much money seems 9. as if to say he is not interested in
to be better than painting.
10. He gave up his job 10. to have little money.
Exercise 108. Point out the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase. Comment on the function of the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He finds it a lot better to have a strong national defence than a balanced budget. 2. God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. 3. I didn’t move to Miami to live in a Spanish-speaking province. 4. The purpose of education is, at a minimum, to prepare people for work. 5. They think they have to bring in the weapons to protect themselves. 6. After that there will be nothing to distribute. 7. He is rich enough to devote himself to arts. 8. An industry that cannot pay its workers a decent living wage has no right to exist. 9. It is rather hard to be accused of idleness when the accuser closes the avenue of labour to us. 10. In this country there are no rich people to live at the expense of the poor. 11. I’m good enough to shed my blood for the country. 12. Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest things in the nicest way. 13. Sometimes you have to fire a hostile gun to repel the attacks of the enemy. 14. It is not enough just to take this weapon out of the hands of the soldiers. 15. A Congressman’s first duty is to get elected. 16. It is hard to organize a constitutional society of free men; it is easy to impose a reign of terror. 17. The only way to get respect is to respect others. 18. Though I have become Emperor, I have not ceased to be a citizen. 19. To doubt is sometimes to lose. 20. In most my campaigns, I find it best not to mention my opponent by name. 21. The best way to keep one’s word is not to give it. 22. To tell you the truth, we don’t need ministries. What can they give us? Nothing.
Exercise 109. State the functions of the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase.
1. No, I don’t have any favourite opponent. It’s not my duty to select my opposition. 2. When you run a campaign, the idea is to appeal to people. 3. Though he resisted his father got him to read. 4. The common people who marched for the right to vote must now march for the right to breathe. 5. Being literate is to be liberated. 6. It is difficult if not impossible to solve the pollution problem on a state-by-state basis. 7. The only way is to stay here and wait. 8. In order to have economic democracy think of having equal access to property. 9. There’s no belt to tighten anymore. 10. It is a terribly hard job to spend a billion of dollars and get your money worth. 11. Our job is not to be part of your ridiculous plan. 12. I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain the title of an «Honest man». 13. There isn’t any way to keep drugs out of this country. 14. It’s important to understand who the enemy is. 15. Don’t have anything to do with them. They only bring you trouble. 16. It’s not easy to keep up our wasteful economy. 17. It is shocking to smite down trees for more decoration. 18. That didn’t leave them much to prove their abilities. 19. I have no country to fight for. 20. His only concern was to get some food and to find a shelter somewhere. 21. For some people it’s important to be important. 22. I never heard him recite his poems. 23. They turned out to have caused his death. 24. The village is easy to find if you have got a map. 25. They can’t be working now. It’s too late and dark. 26. We shouldn’t think about the government’s problems. 27. Make him do it or he will get ill. 28. The ultimate aim is to liberate them from the peculiar psychological complex. 29. Tom’s wife is interesting to talk to. 30. It is really the danger most to be feared. 31. When he got the post he started to fight for the rights. 32. It’s the best way to make sure a war never starts. 33. The book was impossible to read. 34. They never know what to do but they teach everyone how to do things. 35. The candidate is too famous to be unanimously elected 36. The area is very convenient to live in but he feels so lonely here.
Exercise 110. Make up your own sentences. Use one Infinitive in all possible functions. Comment on the function of the Infinitive in your examples.
Model: To swim is healthy. / It’s healthy to swim. (subject)
1. To keep fit one should swim or do his morning exercises. (part of a compound verbal modal predicate) 2. He seems to swim well. (part of a compound verbal predicate of double orientation) 3. He started to swim rather well. (part of a compound verbal phasal predicate) 4. His wish is to swim nearly every morning. / His problem is where to swim. (predicative) 5. The river is pleasant to swim in. (part of predicative) 6. Jack dislikes to swim in cold weather. (object) 7. To swim well you should go to the swimming pool at least once a week. (adverbial modifier of purpose) 8. He is big enough to swim well. (adverbial modifier of result) 9. The idea to swim in the lake all the year round seems a crazy one. (attribute)
Suggested verbs: to argue; to teach; to persuade; to travel; to live; to go out; to slim; to ski
Exercise 111. Translate into English. Use an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase.
1. He знаю, что посоветовать тебе. 2. Бесполезно лгать. 3. У тебя есть родные, к которым ты можешь поехать летом. 4. Наши дети слишком эгоистичны, чтобы заботиться о нас. 5. Он хочет помочь, но не может. 6. Их невестка только и знает, что жалуется. 7. Эту проблему невозможно обсуждать без него. 8. Мы начали читать «Айвенго» в оригинале. 9. Друзья приехали, чтобы поддержать его. 10. Тратить все деньги на одежду неразумно. 11. У вас столько дел! 12. Он единственный, кто может быть свидетелем всех событий. 13. Она обожает слушать музыку в стиле «Кантри». 14. Мы последними приехали на вокзал. 15. Терпеть не могу притворяться.
Exercise 112. Translate into English.
1. Легко читать эту книгу в оригинале. Нетрудно научиться фотографировать. Невозможно переплыть эту реку. Необходимо посмотреть этот фильм. Важно сказать им об этом.
2. Пора им позвонить. Пора уезжать. Пора собирать вещи. Пора вызвать такси. Пора погулять с собакой.
3. Он всегда выступает последним. У тебя есть что-нибудь попить? Это картина, которую надо повесить на ту стену. У него нет никого, кому он мог бы доверять. Вот деньги, которые можно потратить на еду.
4. Сестра взяла эту книгу, чтобы помочь тебе. Мы позвонили ему, чтобы предупредить его. Вызвали медсестру, чтобы сделать ему укол. Дом продали, чтобы заплатить долг. Я пришел к тебе, чтобы поговорить о нем.
5. Я люблю гулять по вечерам. Терпеть не могу есть плотно по утрам. Он обожает обедать в ресторане. Отец любит читать газету за обедом. Не люблю загорать.
6. Эту деревню невозможно найти без проводника. Такой дом сложно построить. Его легко заметить. В такого парня легко влюбиться. Такое платье очень трудно сшить.
Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 2213 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!