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1) As an adverbial modifier of exception the Infinitive is used after the prepositions but or except and expresses the only action that is possible in the situation. In this case only a bare Infinitive is used.
She does nothing but grumble. Она только и делает, что ворчит.
There was nothing to do except follow the instruction. He оставалось ничего, кроме как выполнять указание.
What could I do but agree? Что еще мне оставалось, кроме как согласиться.
In this function the Infinitive occurs only in negative and interrogative sentences.
Exercise 97. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as adverbial modifier of exception. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Model: She does nothing but quarrel with her family. Она только и делает, что ссорится со своей семьей.
What could he do but put up with it? Что он мог сделать, кроме как смириться с этим.
There was nothing to do except obey. Больше ничего не оставалось, кроме как подчиниться.
1. They do nothing but work all day long. 2. What can I do but buy another suit? 3. There’s nothing to do except believe her that he is alive. 4. What can we do but agree to take the business in our hands? 5. She does nothing but scold her husband from morning till night for not earning enough money. 6. There was nothing to do except leave them alone and wait till they realized that they needed our help. 7. What could she do but forgive them and forget about what they had done? 8. His parents did nothing but persuade him to go to college and get good education. 9. She does nothing but make noise and disturb him. 10. There’s nothing to do except watch her day and night. 11. After selling their summer cottage what could they do but return to the hustle and bustle of the city life? 12. Gossipy old women do nothing but spread rumours about the private affairs of other people. 13. She is a lazy-bones and does nothing but grumble about having to do any work. 14. He was the most frightful bore and did nothing but tell us about his love affairs.
Exercise 98. Make up your own sentences using an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as adverbial modifier of exception. Make use of the model given in exercise 97.
Exercise 99. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using an; Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as adverbial modifier of exception.
1. Он только и делает, что высмеивает ее. 2. Что я мог сделать, кроме как пожалеть его и взять к себе? 3. Больше ничего не остается, кроме как занять деньги и расплатиться с ним. 4. Что он может сделать, кроме как разрешить им видеться с ребенком? 5. Они только и делали, что играли в казино (casino) целыми днями. 6. Больше ничего не оставалось, кроме как молиться за него. 7. Что преподаватель мог еще сделать, кроме как закрыть глаза (to turn a blind eye to smth.) на все его ошибки и поставить ему тройку. 8. Больше ничего не оставалось, кроме как воспользоваться их приглашением и отправиться к ним поужинать. 9. Они только и делают, что надоедают ему разговорами о своих семейных делах, (to bother smb. with smth.) 10. Что его отец мог сделать, кроме как высказать свою точку зрения и дать ему мудрый совет? 11. Она только и делает, что заставляет его решать свои личные проблемы. 12. Ему больше ничего не остается, кроме как обратиться (to appeal to smb.) к первому незнакомцу и попросить у него помощи.
2) As an adverbial modifier of comparison or manner the Infinitive is introduced by the conjunctions as if, as though or than.
Her lips moved as if to warn him. Она шевелила губами, как будто хотела его предупредить.
Clare touched his shoulder as though to stop him. Клер дотронулась до его плеча, как будто хотела остановить его.
When the adverbial modifier of comparison refers to the predicate group containing adjectives or adverbs in the comparative degree, the Infinitive is introduced by the conjunction than.
Tom knew better than to believe William. Том не настолько был глуп, чтобы поверить Вильяму.
То do well is better than (to) speak well. Хорошие поступки лучше хороших слов.
Exercise 100. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as adverbial modifier of comparison/manner. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. She waved her hand as if to give some sign to him. 2. He shook his hand as though to show that he was dissatisfied. 3. Everyone knows that to tell the truth is better than to tell lies. 4. She paused for half a minute as if to drop a hint that she was tired of talking. 5. To my surprise, Mrs. Philips gave her a look as if to ask her about her wartime romance. 6. To buy a violin is much easier than to rent a piano and it won’t take up much room. 7. It’s a truly happy ending and to see them happy is far better than find them all dead. 8. Marty stretched her hand towards him as if to ask him for help. 9. Ben looked sadly at his mother as though to let her know that he felt sorry for her. 10. Her voice trembled as if to prove her being nervous and excited. 11. He was the first to break the silence and it was wiser on his part at that moment than wait till they uttered a word. 12. He looked at me for a moment and all of a sudden he screamed horribly as though to frighten me. 13. He clutched the papers to his heart as if to show that there was nothing more important for him than to have them with him. 14. To go to Switzerland on business is more important than to stay here and talk things over with our partners.
Exercise 101. Paraphrase the sentences using an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as adverbial modifier of comparison/manner. Make all the necessary changes.
Model: He looked at me in such a way that I felt he wanted to shock me. — He looked at me as if to shock me.
1. The man whistled. It seemed he wanted to attract my attention. 2. They exchanged meaningful glances. The impression was they wanted to show us they were together. 3. When being criticized he usually shrugged his shoulders. Probably he wanted to say that it had nothing to do with him. 4. The lady came up to me and gave me a strange look as if she wanted to say that I was inappropriately dressed. 5. He sounded as a stranger as if he wanted to show that he couldn’t master the local dialect. 6. She exclaimed that she had never done it and burst into tears which might prove that she had told the truth. 7. He wanted to surprise everybody and appeared quite unexpectedly. 8. She gasped and thus showed that she heard it for the first time in her life. 9. She looked at him as if she wanted to comfort him. 10. My sister giggled and it proved that she didn’t take his proposal seriously. 11. The girl kept weeping and thus showed that she was really depressed and miserable. 12. Susan didn’t phone him for a long time which might prove that she didn’t need him. 13. He made an angry gesture with his fist and showed her that he wasn’t going to forgive her.
Exercise 102. Complete the sentences. Use an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as adverbial modifier of comparison/manner after an adjective or an adverb in the comparative degree. Use the words suggested.
Model: She knew … (better – to trust) She knew better than (to) trust Val.
1. He knew … (better – to follow one’s advice) 2. To give him some money is … (more important – to give him advice) 3. To get to Paris by boat was... (more convenient – to go by Euro star) 4. Not to mention his name in her presence will be... (wiser – to talk) 5. To arrange things beforehand is … (more reasonable – to make the last minute’s arrangements) 6. To bother other people is … (more pleasant – to burden yourself) 7. To express your own opinion in that situation was … (more ridiculous – to say nothing) 8. To be laughed at is … (much better – to laugh at someone) 9. To defend a helpless woman was … (nobler – just to comfort her) 10. To betray friends is … (not better – to betray oneself) 11. To have little money is... (better – not to have it at all) 12. To keep your word is … (more necessary – to promise)
Exercise 103. Translate the sentences into English using an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as adverbial modifier of comparison/ manner.
1. Она покраснела (to flush) и прошептала что-то, как будто хотела сказать, что ей стыдно (to be ashamed). 2. Он покачал головой (to shake one’s head), словно показывал, что он осуждает их (to judge smb.). 3. Они поднялись, как будто давая им понять, что разговор окончен. 4. Проводить отпуск на море гораздо лучше, чем сидеть в душном городе все лето. 5. Бродяга (a vagrant) взглянул испуганно (in fright) на полицейского и двинулся прочь, словно подчиняясь его приказу. 6. Это было на нее не похоже (not at all like her), но она разрыдалась, как будто показывая, что его слова оскорбительны для нее. 7. Ей казалось, что беседовать о погоде хуже, чем о современной литературе. 8. Гораздо благороднее уступить (to yield to smb.) даме, чем настаивать на своем (to get one’s way). 9. Глаза ее сияли, словно говорили, что она с нетерпением ждала встречи с ним. 10. Он был так ошарашен (to be dumbfounded) ее визитом, что при виде ее у него округлились глаза (to stare wide-eyed), словно он хотел сказать, что ничего более неожиданного в его жизни не происходило. 11. С ее стороны (on smb’s part), было бы гораздо разумнее смириться (to put up with) с ситуацией, чем переживать и нервничать (to take it to heart; to feel nervous).
Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 2029 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!