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Exercise 134. Ask a question beginning with Do you happen to know

about when, where, how, what is going to happen or has happened or happens in general, and also about the person who has done something or is doing something or is going to do it.

Answer the questions beginning with I think..., I hope..., I’m sure..., I don’t know..., I’m not sure...

Model 1: Do you happen to know who is looking after the children here? I really don’t know.

Do you happen to know what music is being played? I think it’s Chopin.

Suggested questions: 1. When is the next recital taking place? 2. How many performances is the pianist going to give? 3. Where is the next performance going to take place? 4. When is it planned to take place? 5. How much do the tickets cost? 6. Will Chopin be included in the next recital? 7. Who else will be included in the next recital? 8. Will Tchaikovsky be played too? 9. How often is Chopin played in this concert hall? 10. Who do they like to go to classical-concerts with? 11. Do they ever go to pop concerts?

Model 2: I can’t find my spectacles. (where?) Do you happen to know where they are?

1. I don’t know how to get to the Hermitage from here. (which bus?) 2. June used my dictionary and I don’t see it now. (where, to put?) 3. I’ve run out of sugar. (when, the shop, to close?) 4. Jill is talking to some stranger. (who, to be?) 5. Bill has been summoned to the dean. (what, to do?) 6. Our dean can’t be found anywhere, (when, to receive visitors?) 7. I like Mathew’s jacket. (how much, to cost?) 8. I’m worried about Carina, I never see her nowadays. (what, matter, to be?) 9. I’ve been calling Kate all day long, and nobody answers. (where, to go?) 10. I’ve been calling Kate all day long, and nobody answers. (when, to come home?)

Exercise 135. Express your comment or attitude by using the verb to seem (or appear) + Infinitive.

Model: Did her husband notice the changes in the flat? (he, to see nothing) – Oh, no. He seemed to see nothing

Did you mention the fact to Margaret? I did, but (she, to remember nothing) – I did, but she appears to have remembered nothing.

1. How did you find Maggie? Was she better? – Yes, (to grow better) 2. Why did she look so tired? – I don’t know. But (she, to come) so far away from home. 3. Is Bob as active as ever? – Oh, no. He does nothing nowadays. (he, to lose all his energy) 4. Is there any room for the bag there? – Yes, (there, to be) a space behind the door. 5. Look out! What is that woman doing? – Ah, (she, to try) to get hold of my bag. 6. Why does she look so distressed? – (the news, to upset her) 7. You look young and fit again. Maybe, because you live in the country? – Yes, (country life, to suit me) 8. You don’t know the language very well, do you? – No, but (I, to understand) the greater part of what is being said. 9. Fred is a new man here, isn’t he? – Yes, (nobody, to know) him here well. 10. Your watch tells strange time. – Yes, (it, to race) fast. 11. What’s wrong with Willy? He’s grown so thin. – (He, really to shrink) 12. Look, Janet is listening to our talk with great interest. – (She, to listen) with attention from the very beginning.

Exercise 136. Respond to the following statements or questions. Express your attitude to what you’ve heard. Use to be likely/unlikely + Infinitive. Use either an active or a passive Infinitive according to the meaning of your sentence. Don’t forget that to be likely + Infinitive refers to the present or future.

Model: I hear your friend is coming today. – I really don’t think he … (to come) as he … (not to go) by plane. — I really don’t think he is likely to come as he is unlikely to go by plane.

1. Having four hours of grammar running I can’t but criticize the time-table. – Yes, I fully agree with you but it... (not to change) 2. Is your son going to university this summer? – He hopes to, but I’m afraid; he... (not to enter). He isn’t’ well-read in all the subjects. 3. They say, there’s a new novel by S. Faulks. – Do you think it... (to translate) into Russian? 4. Khvorostowsky is giving a concert in St. Petersburg. – Is he? You... (to get) a ticket? 5. The child is so naughty! – He... (to punish) for his bad behaviour? 6. I think there’s a disco today. – Do you think you... (to invite) there? 7. John is still in hospital. He is being treated with some new medicine. – They say it... (to work) wonders. 8. Everyone is crazy about the coming concert. – Yes, the tickets are hard to get. They... (not to buy) at the box office. 9. I’m so nervous before the operation! – Oh, it’ll be all right! You... (not to feel) anything. 10. I’ve bought two tickets for the ferry. We’ll have a nice voyage. – Oh, no! I’m usually seasick, and I... (not to be) a good sailor. 11. Has he left for good? Never to come back? – Yes, I think he... (not to return) 12. I haven’t got the book the group is reading. – Don’t worry. You... (to get) it in the library.

Exercise 137. Respond to the following statements or questions. Express your attitude to them by using to be sure + Infinitive. Use an active or a passive Infinitive according to the sense. Remember that to be sure + Infinitive may refer to the present and future only.

Model: It’s pouring with rain. And I must go out now. (to get wet through) – Don’t. You’re sure to get wet through.

1. Michael is really very talented! (to get a grant) and (to give) it this autumn. 2. There’s no bus and it’s almost seven o’clock! (to be late) for the performance, (not to admit) into the hall. 3. I’m afraid a thunderstorm is approaching. Yes, it looks like rain, (we to catch) in the storm. 4. I can’t call her. I don’t know her telephone number. Ring up the telephone directory. They (to give) it to you. 5. Do you think he can give up smoking? Yes, he is so ill, that (to give it up). 6. Do you think the taxes will go up or down? (go up next year). 7. The Armenian scientists say they have a new medicine to cure cancer. Oh! Patients (to overjoy) with the news. 8. My friend is going to buy a new flat. Is he? It (to cost) him a lot of money. 9. We’re going to redecorate our flat this summer. Oh, poor you! (to hate the moment you started it) 10. The conference is beginning tomorrow. And George isn’t here yet, and he is to open it. Don’t worry, (to come) tonight. 11. I must call Jack. Do you think he’ll be at home tonight? You (to find him) home. He is always at home at this time. 12. My daughter was robbed on her way home last night. Oh, isn’t that awful! But I think the robbers (to find).

Exercise 138. Translate the sentences into English. Use a Subjective Infinitive construction.

1. Сообщают, что они дошли до самой высокой вершины. 2. Известно, что комиссия проверила все результаты выборов. 3. Оказывается, он сейчас сдает экзамены. 4. Вряд ли она получит стипендию. 5. Наверняка родители повезут его в Крым. 6. Видели, что он закрыл окно и погасил свет. 7. Ей никогда де разрешают ходить на дискотеку. 8. Говорят, что он проиграл все деньги. 9. Ожидается, что этот музыкант даст три концерта. 10. Он сопротивлялся, но его заставили пригласить Джексонов на вечеринку. 11. Предполагается, что переговоры состоятся сразу после приезда делегации. 12. Думали, что он купит новую машину. 13. Слышали, как зазвонил телефон. 14. Нас заставили вложить деньги в строительство дома. 15. Никогда не видели, как он водит машину. 16. Кажется, тебя ищет шеф. 17. Ты, конечно, похудеешь, если сядешь на диету. 18. Маловероятно, что он будет обедать не дома. 19. Слышали, что у него масса друзей. 20. Безусловно, мы придем к вам на свадьбу. 21. Оказалось, что в отпуск он ездил в Грецию. 22. Сообщили, что самолет приземлился вовремя. 23. Нам разрешили фотографировать в соборе. 24. Полагают, что маленькие дети не должны смотреть этот фильм.

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