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1. As an adverbial modifier of condition the Infinitive is used to explain the condition on which the action of the predicate depends. In this function the Infinitive may either precede or follow the predicate verb. In this function the Infinitive is used but seldom.

To look at his pictures you would have thought that Monet, Manet, and the rest of the Impressionists had never been. (= If you had looked at his pictures...) Если посмотреть на его картины, можно было бы подумать, что Моне, Мане и прочие импрессионисты никогда не существовали.

Не would have done better to jump off the tower. (= if he had jumped off...) Было бы лучше, если бы он спрыгнул с башни.

She would be unhappy to marry for money. (= She would be unhappy if she married for money) Она была бы несчастна, если бы вышла замуж из-за денег.

2. As an adverbial modifier of time the Infinitive indicates the time of the action or state of the predicate verb.

He was surprised to learn how much he’d spent. (= when he learned...) Он удивился, когда узнал, сколько истратил.

She was upset to hear that her sister was ill. (= She was upset when she heard...) Она расстроилась, когда услышала, что ее сестра больна.

Mrs. Brown lived to be 88. (= till she was 88) Миссис Браун дожила до 88 лет.

I’m terrified to see him. (= when I see him)

It will probably surprise you to know that I prefer to work anonymously. (= when you know...) Вы, вероятно, удивитесь, когда узнаете, что я предпочитаю работать анонимно.

In this case the Infinitive always follows the predicate.

Exercise 94. Underline the Infinitive or the Infinitive phrase used as adverbial modifier of time. Paraphrase the sentences using an adverbial clause of time. Translate the sentences.

Model: I was pleased to see you yesterday. I was pleased when I saw you yesterday. Я был рад вчера встретиться с Вами. Я обрадовался, когда встретился с Вами вчера.

1. My grandma lived to be 83. 2. Erik was scared to see you as it was very dark. 3. I was surprised to learn that Ellen had got that job. 4. She was displeased to be told that she was a troublemaker. 5. They were happy to be asked for help. 6. Charles was upset to be woken up so early. 7. Derek was frightened to learn that Emmy had been caught. 8. They expressed relief to be told she had given birth to a child. 9. Justin was shocked to learn about their having gone abroad. 10. He kept worrying about the trip to be told it was quite safe. 11. The officer was indignant to find out that his soldiers had disobeyed him. 12. His father was furious to learn that he had done a dishonourable thing. 13. We could hardly believe our eyes to see that the room was full of nice presents and flowers. 14. She felt miserable to be eventually exposed.

Exercise 95. Paraphrase the sentences using an Infinitive or an Infinitive phrase as adverbial modifier of time. Pay attention to the voice of the Infinitive.

Model: She was unhappy when she was told that her son had been dismissed from his job. – She was unhappy to be told that her son had been dismissed from his job.

When I heard that they had moved in I was happy. – I was happy to hear that they had moved in.

1. When Sarah learnt that the boy was an orphan she felt sorry for him. 2. When she saw that the little girl was in tears she burst into tears herself. 3. When he heard Mr. Jack talk like that he trembled with rage. 4. There was joy in Mrs. Ford’s eyes when she knew that her daughter was going to marry. 5. He spread his arms wide and felt joyous when he heard that Kay was coming back. 6. Sharon was excited when she heard from her son. 7. She shouted with joy when they told her she was free. 8. He embraced me with exclamations of joy when I told him that he had been elected President. 9. He stormed out of the room in a rage when he found his papers stolen. 10. She felt sad when she heard those rumours. 11. The man clenched his fists in fury when he learned that his wife had been deeply insulted. 12. He flew into a fury and threatened to kick them out of the room when he heard that his best friend had betrayed him. 13. His face showed his joy the moment he saw me. 14. She looked up at us with jealousy when she heard that we had bought a new car.

Exercise 96. Translate into English using an Infinitive as adverbial modifier of time.

1. Марк разгневался, когда узнал, что сын без разрешения взял его машину. 2. Джоан обрадовалась, когда ей сообщили, что дом построен и они могут переехать туда. 3. Брайан и Лили были удивлены, когда увидели в ресторане свою дочь с молодым человеком, совершенно им незнакомым. 4. Он расстроился, когда узнал, что цены поднялись. 5. Мы были недовольны, когда нам сообщили, что дом продали дешево. 6. Он был счастлив узнать, что его картина будет выставлена в одной из знаменитых галерей. 7. Фред был расстроен, когда его прервали. 8. Девочка испугалась, когда увидела незнакомца. 9. Он был ошеломлен, когда ему сказали, что Лидия будет играть главную роль. 10. Она перестала волноваться за него, когда ей стало известно, что он получит хорошую работу. 11. Стив был в ярости, когда увидел, что от его дома не осталось и следа. (to find no trace) 12. Она была счастлива, когда ей сказали, что им предстоит интересное путешествие.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-06; Прочитано: 2010 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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