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Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

affirmed (vb.): firmly declared or stated

circuit solicitor (n.): a lawyer who travels to different locations to prosecute in trials

dispel (vb.): drive away

eccentricities (n.): oddities; unconventionalities

elucidate (vb.): explain

fey (adj.): strange; eccentric

Mennonites (n.): members of an Anabaptist Christian sect. Mennonites favor plain dress and plain living.

ruddy (adj.): reddish

Scripture (n.): The Bible

a written legal order directing a person to appear in court to give testimony

subtle (adj.): not openly obvious; quiet

sundry (adj.): various

acrimonious (adj.): sarcastic; bitter; nasty

amber (adj.): dark orange yellow

ambidextrous (adj.): able to use both hands with equal ease

amiably (adv.): good-naturedly

benignly (adv.): kindly; gently

congenital (adj.): a congenital condition is one that is in existence at birth. For example, if a child is born with a weak heart, that weakness in congenital; as opposed to someone who may acquire the condition later in life.

contempt charges (adj. + n.) Contempt, in this case, is open disrespect of a court or judge. A person who acts in such a manner may face a contempt charge from a judge.

corrugated (adj.): formed by a series of alternating ridges and grooves

counsel (n.): lawyers

dictum (n.): official pronouncement

economic fluctuations (adj. + n.): Economics, in this case, has to do with the economy; the financial state of the country and its people. To fluctuate means to change. As far as the Ewells are concerned, no matter how the economy of the country might change, their situation was always the same. They were always poor.

edge (n.): sharpness

gardenia (n.): a large, fragrant flower.

genially (adv.): in a friendly manner

gullet (n.): throat; neck

load o'kindlin' (n.): "load of kindling." Kindling is generally made up of dry twigs, branches, etc.; materials useful for starting a fire

quelling (vb.): quieting; calming

sullen (adj.): in this case, gloomy and threatening

tenet (n.) a principle or belief generally held to be true

title dispute (n.): a legal fight over the ownership of a particular piece of property

varmints (n.): in this case, flies and other flying insects that would be found in and around a garbage dump

warranted (vb.): gave a reason for; indicated the need for.

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

formidable (adj) profane (adj.)

subpoena (n.) to have a cast in one's eye

complacently (adv.) corroborating evidence (adj. + n.)

kindling (n.) refuse (n)

sulky (adj.) coast (v.)

bear a grudge (v.+ n.) mob (n.)

droop (v.) munch (v.)

to be banged up to have a black eye

overrule (v.) relief check (n.+ n.)

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