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Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

boil-prone (adj.): A boil is an inflamed, pus-filled swelling on the skin, like a pimple only usually bigger. To be prone to something is to be inclined to it. If the children had been boil-prone, they would have been inclined to have a lot of boils.

climbers (n.): social climbers; people trying to move into a different social class

crap games (n.): a gambling game played with two dice

forest primeval (n. + adj.): in this instance, a forest that had been primarily untouched or unchanged by man

furtive (adj.): secret

gait (n.): pace, walk

hock (n.): the joint bending backward in the hind leg of an animal like a pig. Scout is dressed as a ham, and a ham is the upper part of a hog's hind leg, Scout's hock would be the part of her costume that resembles the joint of a pig's leg.

irascible (adj.): angry

pinioned (adj.): confined; held down

staccato (adj.): distinct; sharp and crisp

reprimand (vb.): scold

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

shuffle (v.) be entangled (v.)

stagger (v.) tingle (v.)

vicinity (n.) pester (v.)

turmoil (n.) have guts (v. + n.)


I. Translate the sentences in which the words and word combinations for intensive study are used. Reproduce them in the situations from the book.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 221 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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