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Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

cleaved (vb.): stuck

gnats (n.): small, two-winged insects that can bite or sting.

perpetual embalming (adj. + n.): Something that is perpetual lasts forever. Embalming is the process of preserving a dead body.

vigil (n.): a watch. Jem is waiting and watching for Mr. Nathan to appear.

whittles (vb.): To whittle is to use a knife to cut away thin shavings of wood. Sometimes, a whittler may actually end up carving a recognizable object.

aberrations (n.): an aberration is a deviation, or a moving away from, something that is normal. The fact that winter comes so quickly in Maycomb is abnormal, thus, an aberration.

azaleas (n.): a colorful and decorative kind of flower.

cannas (n.): a beautiful tropical flower.

caricatures (n.): a representation of a person where certain features of that person are exaggerated or distorted.

flue (n.): a channel in a chimney that allows smoke and flames to pass to the outside

near libel (adj. + n.): When you commit libel, you harm someone's reputation. Atticus tells the children that they have committed a near libel; that is, their snowman is almost libelous because it so closely represents one of their neighbors and could harm that neighbor's reputation.

perpetrated (vb.): carried out; committed

plaited (vb.): braided

procured (vb): got

prophets (n.): A prophet is someone able to predict the future.

quelled (vb.): To quell is to overwhelm something until it is powerless. The tin roof of Miss Maudie's house quelled the flames because tin cannot burn so the fire was eventually stopped.

switches (n.): slender twigs or branches

taffeta (n.): a lustrous, stiff fabric, often used for women's dresses, especially formal wear

touchous (adj.) touchy; sensitive

treble (adj.): high

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

crook (v.) aberration (n.)

flunk (v.) libel (n.)

walk on eggs (v.+ n.) unfathomable (adj.)

torso (n.) extinguish (v.)

wedge (v.)

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