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Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

alien (adj.): not natural; strange

asafoetida (n.): a strong-smelling (like garlic) substance made from a parsley-like plant; often used in folk medicine to repel illness

austere (adj.): stern and severe

boded (vb.): continued

church (vb.): To church someone is ban that person (usually temporarily) from church for any variety of misdeeds.

clad (vb.): dressed

contentious (adj.) always ready to argue

denunciation (n.): To denounce is to strongly disapprove of or condemn something. The denunciation of sin in the reverend's sermon indicates his strong disapproval of sin.

diligently (adv.): industriously; in a hard-working manner

dispelled (vb.): driven away

garish (adj.) showy, very bright or gaudy

habiliments (n.): outfits; clothing

lilac talcum (adj. + n.): Lilacs are a very fragrant flower. Talcum, often called talcum powder, is a fine talc, or powder, used for the body or face. Lilac talcum is lilac-scented talcum powder.

rotogravure print (n.): Rotogravure is a process of printing pictures; often photographs of pictures. Since rotogravure prints often appeared in newspapers, it is possible that the print in the church had been taken from a newspaper.

snuff (n.): a preparation of powdered tobacco, usually sniffed through the nose

tapeworm (n.): a parasite that can live in a person's intestines.

voile (adj.): a thin, cotton-like fabric.

caste system (adj. + n.): class distinctions based on birth, wealth, etc.

curtness (n.): To be curt is to be brief and short to the point of being rude.

devoid (adj.): completely without

flighty (adj.): foolish; irresponsible

incestuous (adj.): Incest is sexual intercourse between persons too closely related to marry legally. Atticus's comment as to the possibility that the Finches might have an Incestuous streak refers to the fact that so many Finches have married their cousins.

mandrake roots (n.): The roots of the mandrake plant were often thought to have magical powers because it was thought that their shape resembled the human body.

myopic (adj): Myopia is an abnormal eye condition, often called nearsightedness. Someone who is myopic cannot see objects clearly.

sluggish (adj.): lacking energy; lazy

soberly (adv.): seriously

spun (v.): To spin a tale is to tell a story in a creative, fanciful way.

tight (adj.): drunk

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

appalling (adj.) frivolous (adj.)

fret (v.) pester (v.)

fiancé (n.) furnace (n.)

petticoat (n.) sash (n.)

clay (n.) steeple (n.)

pew (n.) refreshment (n.)

giggle (v.) streak(n.)

flighty (adj.) kin (adj.)

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