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Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

arid (adj.): dry; without expression

chiffarobe (n.): a large cabinet with drawers and a place for hanging clothes.

constructionalist (n.): a person who interprets aspects of the law in a specified way

ground-itch (n.): Ground-itch is caused by hookworms. The parasites usually enter the body through bare feet, causing an itchy, allergic reaction.

grudging (adj.): hostile

lavations (n.): washings

mollified (adj.): soothed; calmed

perpetual (adj.): everlasting; continuous

pilgrimage (n.): in this instance, a long walk

riled (adj.): angry

strenuous (adj.): work or labor that is strenuous requires a lot of energy and stamina.

tedious (adj.): boring; tiresome

wrathfully (adv.): angrily

candid (adj.): open and honest

ex cathdra remarks (adj. + n.): remarks made with the authority that comes from one's official position

expunge (vb.): remove completely

grimly (adv.): sternly; without humor

impudent (adj.): disrespectful; bold; sassy

thin-hided (adj.): thin-skinned; sensitive

unimpaired (adj.): unhurt; undamaged

volition (n.): will. Scout is saying that someone like Tom would never go into somebody's yard on his own or unless he had been invited to do so, and would never do so of his own will or volition.

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

strenuous (adj.) chop up (v.)

bust up (v.) choke (v.)

shriveled hand cotton gin (n. + n.)

browbeat (v.) duck (v.)

hoe (n.) hatchet (n.)

hinges (n.) prosecutor (n.)

sneer at (v.) chores (n.)

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