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II. Answer each question in 5-7 complete sentences Include a quote from the text that supports your response

1. Suppose you were a guest at the pageant. Describe the party and Scout's failure.

2. Lee fills the night of the pageant with the elements of foreshadowing. What are they?

3. What does the pageant mean for the population of Maycomb?

4. What happened to the children on their way home? Speak on the accident under the big oak.

5. How does Ewell’s attack on the children characterize him?

6. What injuries did the children get?

7. Why didn’t Scout realize at first that it was Arthur Radley who saved their lives?

8. In what way did Scout get acquainted with Arthur Radley?

9. What did Arthur Radley look like?

III. Translate the paragraph: “He was still leaning against the wall……"Hey, Boo," I said” (Chapter 29).

IV. Give a gist of the chapters.


Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

blandly (adv.): smoothly; without excitement

connived (vb.): secretly cooperated or agreed to

wisteria (n.): twinning woody vines with large clusters of flowers.

railing (adj.): painful

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

stab (v.) connive (v.)

strain (n.), to be under a strain

to bide one’s time tackle (v.)

tug (v.) hover (v.)

woe (n.)

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 205 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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