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Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

aridity (n.): dryness

capital charge (adj. + n.): a charge for a crime that is punishable by death

corroborative evidence (adj. + n.): To corroborate is to strengthen and support. Corroborative evidence, in a trial, is evidence that makes a case stronger. Atticus is telling the jury that there is no evidence to strengthen the case against Tom.

corrupting (vb.): To corrupt someone is to bring that person down to a lower moral level. Since it at first appears that Mr. Raymond has given Dill liquor to drink, it would seem that he is corrupting him.

fraud (n.): a lie; a deception

indicted (vb.): formally accused; charged

minute (adj.): exact; precise.

pauper (n.): an extremely poor person

perpetrated (vb.): committed

temerity (n.): foolish or rash boldness

unmitigated (adj.): out-and-out absolute

acquit (vb.): clear of a charge; find not guilty

charged the jury (vb. + n.): When Judge Taylor charges the jury, he gives them instructions in law before they go off to deliberate or decide the case

exhilarated (adj.): cheerful, merry

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

corrupt (v.) run-of-the-mill (adj.)

indict (v.) aridity (n.)

detachment (n.) temerity (n.)

unmitigated (adj.) peeved (adj.)

acquit (v.) to return a verdict

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