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A) She is too young to come under the corruptive influence of a young Casanova like you. (A. Hailey)

b) We also showed the photo of [Goebbels] at separate times to the youngsters aged ten to fourteen who didn’t know of him. One said…, “A bloodsucker – he’d be a terrible Dracula!” (L. Bellak, S. Baker)

c) And since he’s been home he is a regular Don Giovanni…[ ]. (W. Thackeray)

d) When a man is called Don Juan the image projected is a vastly attractive lady-killer who enters girls’ lives and sweeps them off their humdrum course. (Cosmopolitan)

e) Gable’s ruthless realism made him the first great antihero of American movies, a Don Quixote in reverse, who saw the windmill in every giant and the whore in every lady. (R. Jordan)

f) What desperate transaction lay hidden here? What moral expedient of a bizarre Croesus? What terrible and golden mystery? (F. S. Fitzgerald)

The Leeches, the Smirks, the Ferrets (“The Great Gatsby”). Professor Sprout, professor Dumbledore (“Harry Potter”). Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”: Chillingworth, Dimmesdale, Pearl.

3) a) “the son of Peleus”

b) “the author of Paradise Lost”

c) “the little corporal”

d) “Macedonia’s madman”

e) “Urbe”

f) “The Iron Duke”

g) “The Bard”

h) “The Voice”

i) «a Daniel»

j) “Scarface”

k) «a Benedict Arnold»

Один из источников антономасии – античная мифология:

А) «Дианы грудь, ланиты Флоры прелестны, милые друзья! Однако ножка Терпсихоры прелестней чем-то для меня». (А. С. Пушкин) Б) «Жрец Мельпомены на казенных харчах» (заглавие фельетона); в) «Гермес приказал долго жить» (статья о прекращении деятельности финансовой компании «Гермес»); г) «Гефест на заработках» (о коммерческих делах оборонной промышленности).

Перифраз/перифраза (PERIPHRASIS/ CIRCUMLOCUTION). Periphrasis is of Greek origin [ περίφρασις < peri (περί) “about, around” + phrasis (φράσις) “speech, expression”], while circumlocution is Latin—both meaning “a roundabout manner of speaking”:

a) The beast that bears me (W. Shakespeare. Sonnet L);

b) a gentleman of the long robe;

c) the fair sex;

d) a play of swords;

e) In the TV show “Dinosaurs” the infant dino called his father, “Not-the-Mama. ”

Функции уточнения и намёка:

a) […] Or lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open
To his unmast’red importunity. (W. Shakespeare, “Hamlet”)

b) You must pray to heaven’s guardian for relief.

c) “death’s other self”

d) “fragrant beverage drawn from China’s herb”

Перифраз - ходьба вокруг да около ('beating around the bush'):

The reason that I took your picture was in order to make a dartboard./ I took your picture to make a dartboard.

Эффект предвосхищения (антиципации):

“In the course of the past several days, it has come to my attention that some certain members of the
soon-to-be-graduating class have been behaving in what can only be described as an unseemly manner.”

Образные/без’образные перифразы:

В статье о Пушкине автор называет его гениальным учеником Державина, блестящим преемником Жуковского, создателем русского литературного языка, автором «Евгения Онегина» (без’образные). «Смерть поэта» Лермонтова: невольник чести, дивный гений, наша слава (образные).

Языковые и речевыеперифразы: friends of earth, братья наши меньшие (языковые).

Зевгма ( ZEUGMA):

a) Mr. Stiggins... took his hat and his leave.

b) She was seen washing clothes with industry and a cake of soap.

c) He lost his hat and his temper.

d) The Rich arrived in pairs and also in Rolls Royces.

e) [...] whether she would break her heart, or break the looking glass; Mr Bounderby could not at all foresee. (Ch. Dickens)

Основа зевгмы -семантическая несовместимость (semantic incongruity):

I took her hand and took her home.

· […] and covered themselves with dust and glory. (M. Twain, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”)

· You are free to execute your laws, and your citizens…

· You can leave in a taxi. If you can’t get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that’s too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff.

· By the time we left the bar, I’d bought her story, as well as her three drinks.

· All my friends are getting Firsts and married.

· The farmers in the valley grew potatoes, peanuts, and bored.

Unusual collocations with semantic incompatibility:

Февраль, достать чернил и плакать!

Писать о феврале навзрыд,

Когда грохочущая слякоть

Весною чёрною горит… (Б. Пастернак)

Необычные сочетания с семантической гетерогенностью – характерная черта поэтического стиля: a) A grief ago I saw him there… b) Once below a time … c) All the sun longи стиля художественной литературы:

With enchanting murmurs Daisy admired this aspect or that of the feudal silhouette against the sky, admired the gardens, the sparkling odour of jonquils and the frothy odour of hawthorn and plum blossoms and the pale gold odour of kiss-me-at-the-gate. (F. S. Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby)

Стилевой спад (bathos) от гр. «глубина»:

a) Will you kindly oblige me by keeping your trap shut?

b) “the best ever PVA Glue supplier in Manchester”

c) Breathe deep the gathering gloom

Watch lights fade from every room…

Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,

Lonely man cries for love and has none.

New mother picks up and suckles her son,

Senior citizens wish they were young.

d) Close by those meads forever crowned with flowrs,

Where Thames in pride surveys its rising towrs,

There stands a structure of majestic frame,

Which from the neighboring Hampton takes its name.

Here Britains statesmen oft the fall foredoom

Of foreign tyrants, and of nymphs at home;

Here thou, great Anna! Whom three realms obey

Dost sometimes counsel take and sometimes tea. (A. Pope)

e) "Your eyes spit fire, your cheeks grow red as beef." (Henry Fielding, “Tom Thumb the Great”)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 650 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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