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Занятие 8

Фонетические стилистические приёмы: аллитерация, ассонанс, звукоподражание (ономатопея).

Эвфония (euphony) – благозвучие, учение о благозвучии, инструментовка. Требования к эвфонии: The speaker discussed the source of the force of international law.

Аллитерация (alliteration):

1) в заголовках газетных статей и названиях художественных произведений:

Jane Austin’s novels “ Pr ide and Pr ejudice”, “ Sens e and Sens ibility”;

2) в разговорных клише:

Do or die, pay the price, good as gold, Monday morning, sink or swim, right as rain, poor but proud, political policy, hip hop, March madness, French fries, kill the king, baby boomer, green as grass etc;

3) в названиях компаний, их продуктов и торговых марках:

Coca-Cola, World Wide Web etc;

4) в именах литературных и киногероев:

Vincent Vega, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Woody Woodpecker, Beavis and Butt-head etc;

5) в детской поэзии, считалочках и скороговорках:

a) Swim Sam, swim Sam, swim Sam
Show them you're some swimmer
Swim like snow-white swans swim
You know how snow-white swans swim,
Six sharp shivering sharks
Are gonna snap your limbs
So swim Sam, swim Sam, swim Sam, swim Sam,
Swim Sam, swim Sam, swim, Sam.

b) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

c) She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

Аллитерация в художественном дискурсе:

1) Now B eowulf b ode in the b urg of the Scyldings, L eader be l oved, and l ong he ru l ed In f ame with all f olk since his f ather had gone... («Беовульф»);

2) "... here I opened wide the d oor —

D arkness there, and nothing more.

D eep into that d arkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, D oubting, d reaming d reams no mortal ever d ared to d ream before."(E. Poe. The Raven)

3) Now on his homeward way he remembered that Hitler had been educated by the Jesuits, and yet hopelessly he hoped. (G. Greene, Special Duties, p.97)

Ознакомьтесь с ещё несколькими примерами, содержащими аллитерацию, и попробуйте сами завершить серию предложений, используя аллитерацию:

1) Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles.

Finish the following sentences with alliterative words:

1. Doodling daughters __________________________________________.

2. Prickly pears _______________________________________________.

3. Studious students ____________________________________________.

4. Sunny skies ________________________________________________.

Ассонанс (assonance):

1) «...Tell this soul, with sorrow laden, if within the distant Aiden,

I shall clasp a sainted maiden, whom the angels name Lenore —

Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels name Lenore?»

(E. Poe. The Raven)

2) Hear the m e llow w e dding b e lls. — Edgar Allan Poe, "The Bells"

3) And murmur ing of innu mer able bees - Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Princess VII.203

4) The cr u mbling th u nder of seas — Robert Louis Stevenson

5) I'm hunched o ver em o tions just fl o ws o ver these c o ld sh ou lders are b o th fr o zen you d o n't kn ow me. - Eminem

Звукоподражание (ономатопея) onomatopoeia: cuckoo, bow-wow, bang, hiss etc.

Ducks: quack, quack here,

quack, quack there…

Chicks: chuck, chuck here,

Chuck, chuck there …

Dogs: bow-wow here,

Bow-wow there …

Cats: miow-miow here,

miow-miow there …

Hens: tuck-tuck here,

tuck-tuck there …

Turkeys: nobble-gobble here,

nobble-gobble there …

Horses: hee-hee here,

hee-hee there …

Donkeys: hee-haw here,

hee-haw there …

Cows: moo-moo here,

moo-moo there …

Sheep: baa-baa

Pigs: oink-oink

Cock: cock-a-doodle-doo

Foals: neigh-neigh.

Звукоподражание (ономатопея) впоэме “The Bells”: tinkle, chime, toll, moan, groan.

Match the following sentences to the onomatopoeia that describes them.

A plate being dropped on the floor. TINKLE
A balloon being burst. BANG
A gun being shot. SMASH
Someone eating crisps. GROWL
A light being switched on. POP
A fierce dog. CRUNCH
A small bell being rung. CLICK

Задания к занятию 8.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 626 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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