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Дайте дефиницию эвфонии (благозвучия). Каковы требования к эвфонии в поэзии и прозе?

Дайте определение фонетическим стилистическим приёмам аллитерации и ассонанса. Расскажите о выполняемых ими стилистических функциях. Несут ли данные стилистические средства самостоятельную смысловую нагрузку в высказывании? Приведите свои примеры.

Охарактеризуйте фонетическое стилистическое средство звукоподражания (ономатопеи). Подберите собственные примеры звукоподражательных лексических единиц и проиллюстрируйте их функции в контексте составленных вами предложений.

Подготовьте сообщение на тему «Рифма».

Термины для запоминания: euphony, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia.

Занятие 9.

Графические стилистические средства как приём эмоционального воздействия на читателя и способ передачи особенностей звукового оформления при воспроизведении: пунктуация, заглавная буква, шрифт, микросегментация текста.

Использование восклицательного знака:

1) удивление с оттенком испуга:

“The Blue Mountains!” She held to the canopy rim with one hand, turning swiftly toward him.

2) удивление и испуг:

“Did you call?” he asked irritably. – “No!” she cried. – “I thought I heard you cry out.” – “Did I? I was almost asleep and had a dream!”

3) неодобрение, возмущение, скептицизм:

“Blue eyes! Gods!” cried Mr. K. – … – “Out of the sky; what nonsense!”

4) негодование, гнев:

“Ha!” cried the husband, turning violently away, his jaw working.

“Ridiculous, is it!” he almost screamed. “You should have heard yourself, fawning on him, talking to him, singing with him, oh gods, all night; you should have heard yourself!” – “Yll!”

5) ненависть, презрение, отчаяние:

“At it!” shrieked Poe. “The plan’s changed! Only one chance! Run! At it! At it! Drown them with our bodies! Kill them!” (R. Bradbury)

6) ироническое, отношение к содержанию высказывания:

[…] a truth, a faith, a generation of men goes — and is forgotten, and it does not matter! (J. Conrad. “The Nigger of the Narcissus”)

Использование вопросительного и восклицательного знаков:

— Мы поплывём в твоём зонтике, — сказал Пух.


— Мы поплывём в твоём зонтике, — сказал Пух.


— Мы поплывём в твоём зонтике, — сказал Пух.

—!!! («Винни-Пух и Все-все-все»)

Использование курсива:

a) “Somehow” – she tried the words – “he looked all right. In spite of being tall. And he had – oh, I know you’ll think it silly – he had blue eyes. – “Blue eyes! Gods!” cried Mr. K. “What’ll you dream next? I suppose he had black hair?’ – “How did you guess?” She was excited. – “I picked the most unlikely color,” he replied coldly. – “Well, black it was!” she cried. “And he had a very white skin; oh, he was most unusual!” (R. Bradbury)

b) And a brute beast — whose fellow I had contemptuously destroyed … […] … I started, hourly, from dreams of unutterable fear, to find the hot breath of the thing upon my face … (E. Poe, “The Black Cat”)

c) He glanced at her seriously for a moment, then downed his champagne like a Cossack in a vodka-drinking competition.

Does he know you’re not supposed to drink champagne like that? she wondered. It reminded her of Kate’s mother… […] (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

d) He handed back the paper. ‘ Shukran.’

Shukran. Olivia looked down … trying not to betray any reaction. Shukran was Arabic for thank you. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

Тире (dash) и многоточие (suspension marks):

a) Please — not that!

A) ‘I like people who apologize straight like that, instead of that sort of double-talking, passive-aggressive “I’m sorry that you felt that …” fingers-crossed-behind-the-back non-apology which puts the blame on your own inaccurate understanding of the situation.’ (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

B) ‘Who do you work for?’

‘Freelance. I’m doing a diving story for Elan magazine. What are you doing here …?’

Olivia caught her lower lip in her teeth as Morton slipped his hand onto her knee… […]. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

Тире или многоточие с каким-нибудь заполнителем (time filler) типа er, ugh, well, so:

a) You come here after dark, and you go after dark. It's so — so ignoble. (Gr. Greene. “The Heart of the Matter” )

b) A technician was going through the shots she had taken with her digital camera.

‘What is this one of exactly?’ he asked.

‘Er…’ she said. The picture was of a muscled black male torso and thighs … […]. (H. Fielding, “Olivia Joules”)

Графическая образность: a) Autumn Leaves (Eve Meriam)







Autumn leaves tumble down,

Autumn leaves crumble down,

Autumn leaves bumble down.

Flaking and shaking,

Tumbledown leaves.



Rustle by

Hustle by

Crackle and crunch

In a snappery bunch.

Run and catch

Run and snatch

Butterfly leaves

Sailboat leaves

Windstorm leaves

Can you catch them?



Pile them up

In a stumpy pile and




b) («Винни-Пух и Все-все-все»):

Бывало, возвращаясь домой из дальней прогулки по Лесу, Пятачок мечтал стать птичкой и уметь летать, но теперь, когда он болтался на дне кармана Кенги, в голове у него прыгали такие мысли:

называется это

это летать, на не

то никогда соглашусь!»

«Если я

Микросегментация текста:

a) They were not happy now.

This morning Mrs. K stood between the pillars, listening to the desert sands heat, melt into yellow wax, and seemingly run on the horizon.

Something was going to happen.

She waited.

She watched the blue sky of Mars as if it might at any moment grip in on itself, contract, and expel a shining miracle down upon the sand.

Nothing happened.

b) She lay back in a chair that moved to take her shape even as she moved. She closed her tightly eyes and nervously.

The dream occurred.

Her brown fingers trembled, came up, grasped at the air. A moment later she sat up, startled, gasping.

She glanced about swiftly, as if expecting someone there before her. She seemed disappointed; the space between the pillars was empty.

Заглавная буква:

a) О Music! Friend of Pleasure, Wisdom's aid! (W. Collins)

b) And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all. (E. Poe, “The Masque of the Red Death”)

c) People say sometimes that Beauty is only superficial. That may be so. But at least it is not so superficial as Thought is. (O. Wilde. “The Picture of Dorian Gray”)

d) «AS — I — WAS — SAYING,» said Eyore loudly and sternly, «as I was saying when I was interrupted by various Loud Sounds, I feel that?» (A. Milne, “Winnie-the-Pooh”).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 249 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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